Nokia 3310
- ?
- Anonymous
- mIn
- 08 Dec 2007
This is the phone of all time.the phone fell in to the water I didn't take it for reply but after six months I was shocked to see it work again. best ever now am using N6110 but still some time i find maself going back to 3310.
- Z
- Zaid2410
- iba
- 07 Dec 2007
My first and only.The best i think.I'm thinking of getting 6300...think its ok?
- S
- Sachin
- 05 Dec 2007
I can use new type of battery in my nokia 3310..?
please replay if u know..
- K
- Kelly
- 2Gn
- 03 Dec 2007
one of the best phone i ever had the nokia 3310, I miss the phones like this, but technology these days GOSH cant keep up with it. But yeah it done the job for me, and it lasted a long time, I ended up losing it, but i had the phone for a good 5 years and I had dropped it in water, dropped it on cement, left it on the roof of the car and never had one problem with it. Wish they could bring them back but a little updated, and all those covers and buttons you could choose from there were so many and they always looked good... I gave it a high rating to the votes on the left..
- C
- CDawgg.
- RJd
- 03 Dec 2007
I had this phone when I was 12.. lol.
- D
- Diis
- p@8
- 02 Dec 2007
the first mobile i had...
- a
- acva
- Ttv
- 01 Dec 2007
Great Phone, my sister had it about four years ago, it was trendy designed with cool functions (in that time) - picture messeges, sms chat, ringtone composer etc...
- K
- Karan
- N7a
- 28 Nov 2007
Well i think that the 3310 is the best nokia fone of all times.....the main reason behind my choice is because its a really good fone, its shock resistant, and very basic, and damn good....most of today's fones, be it nokia, samsung or any other shit....once it falls, it gets scratches and sometimes cracks which is very costly to repair.....but the 3310 is one of the best fones i have used till now, even if i own a Nokia 5700 XpressMusic....:)
- K
- Karl
- 057
- 24 Nov 2007
i want one of these it is the best phone ive ever had bu i managed to break it somehow they dont work after u bounce them off the ground from a two story window lol
- a
- antistrikeforce
- PG}
- 23 Nov 2007
its amazing that i still have this cel till now and using it for 7 years and still was a great cellular phone and am proud of it..... go 3310 more power..
- J
- Jacky
- TS{
- 21 Nov 2007
You can still find people using it around.
The CLASSIC Nokia phone of ALL TIME.
- u
- usamabinladdin
- 20 Nov 2007
still in market he he haaa not out until now
- s
- shahril
- P%{
- 20 Nov 2007
Like the others said, ultime of strong phone. I use it as my third phone. It's hard to trade in 3310, but i won't my pocket look fat. really miss u 3310
- k
- kunal
- w4e
- 18 Nov 2007
I am using this phone from several years. i had thrown this phone several times out of frustation. but till date it works as fine as new one. Truely a best friend....
Thanks nokia 3310 ........
- r
- rita
- wph
- 13 Nov 2007
i had this phone for almost 7 yrs and i miss it terribly. like everyone said, it's a virtual goliath... i've dropped it in the pot =( n it still managed to survive. i dont think the phones manufactured after 3310 can, and ever will, match up to this legendary make. 3310......... we miss u =(
- T
- Tehnician
- n3h
- 09 Nov 2007
In my opinion Nokia's most famous phone. Some years ago everyone used the 3310 or some of it's modifications. In my opinion only drawback is relatively fragile cover.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCN
- 06 Nov 2007
Nokia's all times hit phone
- D
- David
- 04 Nov 2007
At the end of 2007, I still have nokia-3310, its really wonderful. Although it has not much features but enough for calls and sms, means basic phone features.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0x6
- 28 Oct 2007
This was my very first cell phone, i bought it in september of 1999, it was simple to use, strong build and, in one word, perfect, and although i own now a Samsung and, frankly speaking, i think i will never change Samsung till the end of my life coz they are simply... too fancy, i confess that Nokia's are perhaps still the best phones around....perhaps....;D I miss my 3310...:(
- p
- pantagana
- 0vS
- 25 Oct 2007
this phone is legenedary phone =)