Nokia 5140

Nokia 5140

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • simmo
  • 13 Jul 2004

Im with Joe.....put up or shut up!
Now we have a name...its more beleivable.
Gee it would be much easier if details were given in the original post(derrr!)
Bam, Joe undestand? (back up your claims)
As for the Belgium price...well it aint going to be the aussie price!!
Gladiator seems to be with the info that has a link to back his claim...good work
Lesson 1 is over for today...hehe question
I want the GPS shell...not the GPRS info!
The shell will enable the phone to be a map based GPS system...Im looking for info on when it will be avaliable in Australia and a approx price...
The GPS function is an awesome feature...anyone able to provide more info on this accessory?


    • G
    • Gladiator
    • 12 Jul 2004

    Buy the phone in UK now on Orange prepay for £139.99=$261=210EUR

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 11 Jul 2004

      For the people who have the phone, how well does the Keypad lightup at night time are the numbers and letters easy to read?


        • s
        • swiftie
        • 10 Jul 2004

        the guy with the 290 could be rights as that is the price in belgium aprox.

          • r
          • rob
          • 10 Jul 2004

          yeah joe champ the shop is called 'alien mobile' as i said mate it is a dodgy shoprun by a bunch of lebos so thats prob why its that price mate!!

            • j
            • joe
            • 09 Jul 2004

            if you are certain rob,put up this places name & phone number,if they are selling at $290,it will sure boost there business,as everyone in australia will contact them.if you can't provide those details,we'll presume you are full of shit.if you do the place selling would be more than pleased for you to publicise them.rob, it's time to put up or shut up

              • r
              • rob
              • 09 Jul 2004

              hey joe im no full of crap i seriously know that phone is $290 at this phone shop in parramatta and there is an advertisment saying it is $290 its currently sold out but have have my name on the waiting list for the next load and they are not with wirgin or any other company, dont where you got that rubbish form?

                • W
                • Woo Jia Qi
                • 09 Jul 2004

                Hi...i am a handphones collecter and that why i ahve my own opinion of this handphone 5140...i fing that it is a nice handphone...i quite like the appearence oh this handphone and it is so nice for girls like me!!!

                  • j
                  • joe
                  • 09 Jul 2004

                  as a virgin dealer, i can assure you this phone is currently not available through us, but we are trying to get it.price will be a lot more than $250aus,anyone who says or believes otherwise is full of crap.

                    • r
                    • rob
                    • 09 Jul 2004

                    seriously this dodgy phone shop in parramatta is elling them for $290 no lie i didnt get one as they were sold out but so many people got one from there it is no lie that they were being bought for that price

                      • c
                      • come on!
                      • 08 Jul 2004

                      Seriously, come on! where did u guyz buy this fone at that cheap price in AUS???
                      In retail rite now they r sellin it for at least $560 AUS, so plz stop pullin our legz! And virgin is shit! i doubt virgin will sell a mouth watering deal like that!!!!!!!

                        • j
                        • jimbo
                        • 08 Jul 2004

                        so much for the $290 guys!
                        hey I'll just post I got one for $150 (complete rubbish but hey as long as it sounds cool!)

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 06 Jul 2004

                          Only phone that could be better is Siemens M65, and it has far too little buttons at the sides, no thermometer nor digit. compass or anything.... though 65k screen. But 5140 looks nicer.

                            • F
                            • Finland
                            • 06 Jul 2004

                            IMO nokia beats all other manufacturers.

                              • s
                              • simmo
                              • 06 Jul 2004

                              point taken
                              I actually have an Siemens SX1's...The Observeur could you suggest a better phone for my business than the nokia 5140..(Adventure Tours)Ok the phone needs to handle moisture, dust, impacts, have push to talk function, GPS and GSM....any models come to mind?

                                • s
                                • simmo
                                • 06 Jul 2004

                                not saying anyone couldnt buy it for $290 AUS (read my posts again buddy!)...question was where from???
                                They said I checked it out!
                                As u said no way!
                                Now, shopping around is what Ive been clever chappy r u going to share where u got the 5140 from for that price...or continue to post saying u can get it for $290 and not provide any evidence
                                so once again for the people who have trouble understanding basic english.....I dont doubt the price anyone has paid...but do everyone a favour & tell us where u got it from for the price...
                                otherwise u sound like a kid in the school yard telling ya mates porky pies (lies)
                                Once upon a time Australians helped each other out..purchase info isnt top secret stuff guys...share your findings

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 05 Jul 2004

                                  stn screen ?now almost all manufacturers are using 65k colour display or more

                                    • F
                                    • Farooq umrani
                                    • 05 Jul 2004

                                    it Adventure Nokia 5140 vote 100%

                                      • b
                                      • bam
                                      • 05 Jul 2004

                                      really simmo how come i bought my 5140 for $290 but i wasnt from any phone company!!!!! you need to shop round more buddy!!

                                        • s
                                        • simmo
                                        • 05 Jul 2004

                                        Hi Ronald,
                                        have contacted Virgin mobile...they have searched high and low for the phone & tell me its not availiable at Virgin!
                                        I mentioned that people claim to be able to purchase them for $290 from virgin...they said thats not possible!
                                        Could you tell me exactly where you got the 5140 for that details would be appreciated so I can checkout this offer...have already tried the virgin 13 33 23 mentioned they reackon that the phone isnt and hasnt been availiable