Nokia 5610 XpressMusic

Nokia 5610 XpressMusic

User opinions and reviews

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  • E
  • Ella
  • TIE
  • 10 Jan 2009

I've been using this phone for over a year now, and it never fails me...
I had the navi slides cracked and blank screen problem once after I dropped the phone, Nokia replaced the slider and fixed the screen and there has been no other problems so far..
This is the first time I use Nokia phone and it has been satisfactory so far! It's time for me to move on to a business phone now, but my next phone will be Nokia still...

    • R
    • Ricky Ong
    • tVX
    • 10 Jan 2009

    For having hangs and restart problem, you may try to restore to factory setting or formatting it. After that updating to the latest firmware with the provided data cable and nokia software.
    This should correct the problem.

      • R
      • Ricky Ong
      • tVX
      • 10 Jan 2009

      I like this phone with the function i needed. This phone giving problem on the next day after i started to use it. The phone hang, when open music player it will updating it self untill it hangs, but i formatting it and updating it with the latest firmware and the problem are gone untill now.

      I can said there was no perfect and problemless phone in the world.
      B4 this i using n80 also giving me problem such as keypad and software problem. Sony ericsson phone also got problem when using it. With the price sold today, it is affordable to many people.

        • g
        • gka3000
        • w9L
        • 10 Jan 2009

        Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970it seems that many people are having problems with this model so they are trying to sell those to others for low prizes ... i dont recommend u buying a second hand set for the nokia 5610 instead i recommend u buying a brand new with the warrenty period of at least for one year ... otherwise if u really wanna go for second hand stuff go for some other model .

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Pt$
          • 09 Jan 2009

          I have had around 5 different nokia phones up to date and I have experienced that too...sometimes names don't appear on text messsages. And mostly it is because i have numbers duplicated in the Contacts list, or it is store in the phone memory AND also stored in the SIM card. So make sure you either erase one out of the two or use only phone memory for contacts...that could be the issue

            • M
            • Mil
            • j{$
            • 09 Jan 2009

            I have been reading all your comments & it seems that the majority have problems with this phone. I recently fell victim to this model. Three days ago I upgraded from an old Nokia to the Nokia 5610, I have had to exchange it three times! What's the problem? I strongly believe that this phone, with all its modern technological displays, it is so sensative that it seems to conflic to radio frequencies/waves disabling it from receiving the network coverage...I lose signal strength and coverage in my home an surrounding neighborhood. T-Mobile is my provider and it is also a factor that its signal is just too weak for this all powerful and pretty phone. Yes, its been a headache and I am extremely annoyed and have lost all trust in Nokia and T-Mobile. If anyone has had a similar experience I urge you to please let comment asap. thx.

              • D
              • Dr. 90210
              • Lnf
              • 09 Jan 2009

              This phone is beaaaaaautiful! I didnt experienced any of the problems these people below are talking about! Mine is the blue one, simple beaaaaaautiful!

                • s
                • stvn7
                • vj1
                • 08 Jan 2009

                I used to own a 5610. I was so excited when i bought it, but when i tried texting and received a message only fone number appeared. I thought it was just the settings but whatever i do only the number appears no contact name. Its like i bought it today and the next it was in a nokia service center. But they solved the problem just upgraded my fone's firmware. I thought that was it problem solved but later that night i experienced my fones 1st hang of many to come. Unfortunately after 6months of usage bad thing happened, it slipped right out of my pocket and lost it. But the good thing is i had a reason to buy a new one and happy to say i'm a proud owner of an n82. N82 rocks!

                  • C
                  • Cuplist
                  • ji{
                  • 08 Jan 2009

                  jerry, 07 Jan 2009this phone is a waste of money, it hangs and sometimes rese... moreI felt dispointed whit this phone, 1 week i bough got problem same like you said. Please help me when you have solve the problem. Would you like to explaind to me what is firmware? Please replay on Thanks 4 ur appreciate

                    • C
                    • Cuplist
                    • ji{
                    • 08 Jan 2009

                    jerry, 07 Jan 2009this phone is a waste of money, it hangs and sometimes rese... moreI felt dispointed whit this phone, 1 week i bough got problem same like you said. Please help me when you have solve the problem. Would you like to explaind to me what is firmware? Thanks 4 ur appreciate

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 4EI
                      • 08 Jan 2009

                      There was a temporary recall on this phone. Due to it getting "hung up" on certain applications on certain parts of the phone (i.e. screen, etc.) They have since fixed the issue. If you have a problem with this phone, perhaps contact Nokia and see if they will send you a replacement that doesn't have a problem.

                        • r
                        • rokks
                        • mAD
                        • 08 Jan 2009

                        when resetted, your ringtone will maintain when
                        melody is saved on mobile memory. if saved on memory
                        card, it will be lost everytime it resets itself

                          • j
                          • jerry
                          • j{k
                          • 07 Jan 2009

                          this phone is a waste of money, it hangs and sometimes resets itself, and i only had mine two weeks. if you do have it you should upgrade the firmware on this as soon as possible

                            • l
                            • lisa
                            • j{k
                            • 07 Jan 2009

                            had this phone for about a month and it began to give me problems. It resets itself and i have to reset the ringtone volume, can anyone help with this problem?

                              • V
                              • Vans
                              • mn3
                              • 07 Jan 2009

                              I know that this phone is wonderfull I have this phone for almost a year and it no thing of what you saying happened never block never tilt but im bored so I sold it and baught a 6220 its awsome also

                                • c
                                • che
                                • v0q
                                • 07 Jan 2009

                                my phone didn't last a year... it always blocks out... useless

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mtH
                                  • 06 Jan 2009

                                  good good good camera bad bad bad sound

                                    • j
                                    • jk
                                    • fut
                                    • 06 Jan 2009

                                    This phone sucks despite nice camera it goes off amid conversation for few seconds before coming back on

                                      • S
                                      • Santodip
                                      • t@J
                                      • 05 Jan 2009

                                      I am using this mobile for an year. It's really a very good set. I have no complaint. Anyone buying the set must update the software as soon as possible. The hang problem will go. Also, as soon as you add any music/video file, please update the library manually. The camera is best in the lot. Donot depend on the Nokia headset, get one from sony-erricson, experience some really good sound. Battery backup is good. **************** Donot forget that this is just a mobile phone, not a weapon to fight with. So, use it like a darling.

                                        • k
                                        • kiran
                                        • M@T
                                        • 05 Jan 2009

                                        This set has many problems...problem1- it 'll hang when ur hearing song through headphone at that time if msg comes... 2-display problem...