Nokia 6133

Nokia 6133

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • JR
  • Q$5
  • 31 May 2007

to vk, I don't know what kind of files you'r using. My music player works great. I use ripped windows media player files (WMA). I download them to my micro card. Then activate the music player by going to (menu > fun & Apps > media > music player). The radio should work, I use it a lot, again it's in the media folder. ALWAYS CHECK THE OPTIONS when you are in the folder. You have to use the headphones that comes with the phone. (Actually there is a way to activate the radio without headphones and listen through the loudspeaker). Also you can program shorcut keys to activate the radio or music player with one touch. I'm very pleased with this phone.

    • v
    • vk
    • BC3
    • 31 May 2007

    JR I've got the same problem with radio and Music player saying "Not alowed" any ideas anyone?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 4Qx
      • 30 May 2007

      I've had this phone for about 6 months. Overall it's an ok phone. I'm having problems with closing the phone. It seems like the latch is warn out, already? Not happy with that because it's spring loaded and I can't shut the phone. I would not recommend this phone just for that reason. Also having problems with charging.

        • c
        • carlos
        • PYF
        • 29 May 2007

        Thanks very much angela, i'm buying a new 2gb memory card the next week.

          • S
          • Switch
          • ki3
          • 25 May 2007

          I upgraded to a 6133 Back in August 06, after allot of comparison and carefull concederation, looking at the phones avalable along with what was going to be released in the coming months. Even different carriers. I wanted to be able to listen to music, Take a decent photo and have a phone that worked well. I was and still am very happy with my decision to stay with t-moble and to go witht the 6133. The phone has lived up to all my expectations as well as some things I never expected. like the ability to dial any number in my phone book, and I m'm talken any number without me programing it. I just press the hands free button on the headphones that came with the phone and in a computerized type voice the name is repeated and i am connected with the one I called. It will even read off names if they are similar one in my phone book and allow me to chose the one i want. The features are great and i could go on but I won't. my only compaint is the battery life its too short and i havent yet seen a longer running battery avalible for this unit. Witht hte battery asside this is a sturdy easy to use feature packed little unit that filps open on it own with the touch of a button like a switchblade enjoy


            • F
            • Fast Franky
            • Yag
            • 24 May 2007

            I've been using this for about 6 months and am fairly satisfied with it. It will take a 2 gig micro sd card so lots of space. T-mobile will not let you use your mp3s as ringtones but you can easily convert to wma and use what you want. I would like to find a slideshow application for it - anyone know of one?

              • A
              • Angela
              • jKp
              • 22 May 2007

              I love this phone! Went from nokia 6101 to the 6103 and finally to the 6133. I must be lucky that i haven't had the problems other people have had. The camera came on easily when i wasn't using phones on both the 6101 and 6103 so this isn't really a problem for me. You can always lock keypad so this doesn't happen. I actually like the button that you have to use to open. The only two things that i don't like about phone are that you either have the option of setting videos for 4 seconds or up to about four and a half minutes, but can't send a video that is over 18 seconds and the battery life stinks. I have a couple extra so isn't really a problem. Most assessories are also compatible with the 6101 and 6103. Would highly recommend this phone!

                • A
                • Angela
                • jKp
                • 22 May 2007

                This is in regards to Carlos question about memory. Bought a nokia 6133 about two months ago and purchased a generic 2gb memory card for it. Lots of storage.

                  • M
                  • Mike
                  • 4sb
                  • 20 May 2007

                  This one is the Best Nokia Phone today!
                  And thanks God, not another "Smart Phone" from Nokia (All Nokia Smart Phones are for Stupid people!)

                  -The only Nokia phone on American market with normally large mature design!
                  -Sound quality (well-it's Normal Nokia)
                  -High quality color display (easy to see in a bright sun)
                  -Not ovepriced ($200-$220 without a plan)
                  -Not a bad music player

                  Battery life (well that's what you get from stupidly thin phones!) , but I would buy a spare battery and a spare desktop charger (extra $100 all together!!!) so I can enjoy bluetooth and listening music.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • nUc
                    • 17 May 2007

                    I had a 6131 with the same problem. A different charger was used with no effect so the phone went back to Nokia for warranty repair. Other then that I can't help as the phone is still there after 11 weeks.

                      • S
                      • Sedge
                      • Nxs
                      • 15 May 2007

                      Hi, i am about to buy the 6131 and want to know whether it will Bluetooth with a Sony Ericsson car kit?

                        • c
                        • carlos
                        • PYF
                        • 13 May 2007

                        does anyone knows if this phone supports 2gb of external memory?. In my case my phone's got 1gb (microSd)but it´s not enough for me, that's why i wanna by a 2gb memory but i'm not sure if n6133 supports 2gb of memory.HELP ME PLEASE!!!!. THANKSSSSS

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • jAQ
                          • 11 May 2007

                          This phone sucks. The click button sticks, the phone has a protection so that it doesn't allow you to blue tooth a song and use as a ringtone,you can get it just cant use it then what is the purpose, the battery life is awful. Get ready to charge it daily or every day depending on usage. I have had alot of phones. This is my least fav.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 4hL
                            • 11 May 2007

                            there is a tiny button on the upper right side of the phone, if you press it, the spring-loaded phone flips open.

                            At first I didn't know about the button, and opened it up manually, but ever since I found the button, I have fallen in love with it. Pop!

                              • c
                              • cj
                              • key
                              • 09 May 2007

                              hi what push buttom thingy are people talking about someone explain do you really have to push a stupid button to open this phone. Why would they ad a dumb feature like that if it breaks what then how can you open your phone? Always one little thing that ruins a phone that a company ads that makes or breaks the cell phone when it comes to consumers purchaseing them

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • RNZ
                                • 03 May 2007

                                i am thinking of getting this phone for my birthday and was wonderings if this phone has free programable ringtones and help will be aprreiciated.


                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 0gL
                                  • 01 May 2007

                                  This is a very good phone.
                                  People you can lock the key pad or set it to automatic lock so that the camera is not accidentally turned on.

                                    • Y
                                    • Yen
                                    • k10
                                    • 30 Apr 2007

                                    This is a great phone. it may not be the nicest but it is great. the battery life is very good. the phone is also very slim. the push button open is great.

                                      • J
                                      • JR
                                      • Q$5
                                      • 29 Apr 2007

                                      To michelle, I don't think it's your phone. I'm wondering that your problem is between the wall outlet, charger and battery. Did you try a different wall outlet? How about different battery? It also could be the charger is faulty.

                                      I hope this helps.


                                        • J
                                        • JR
                                        • Q$5
                                        • 27 Apr 2007

                                        I don't know about mp3 but it plays WMA music files beautifully with no problem. and u can listen with the phone closed. The trick is not to go to music files folder. Play it through MUSIC PLAYER folder. (Go to menu/fun & apps/media/music player). When you're there go to options and choose the (music source)where your music files are located. I got a 2 gig micro sd card (with the adapter) from Fry's on sale for $29.99 plus $10.00 rebate. and I can download WMA music files & graphic files from my pc to the card, and I'm having a great time.
                                        This phone rocks.
