Nokia 6288
- D
- Dannielle
- vCK
- 04 Mar 2008
I recieved a 6288 for my 17th birthday and i had it two months and i had to put it in for repair as the software needed upgrading
- x
- xqter
- 3ch
- 29 Feb 2008
i don't know what i say .is a good phone but for the best is N73
- J
- Jalit
- vCC
- 28 Feb 2008
Excellent phone. Great video quality and sound quality. 3G, Bluetooth and Infrared. What more could you ask?
- G
- George
- nCE
- 27 Feb 2008
Can you watch fluently 320*240 (QVGA) videos at 25 fps on this phone ?
- k
- kya bulrugya congo c
- mJs
- 27 Feb 2008
i tink dis fone is not very good for africa manzem rike congo dis fone is not very papolarr alldoe it is good for some peples
africa salute all the africa manzem
- J
- Jignesh
- PSy
- 26 Feb 2008
One of the best phones. Size does not matter. Beats even N91 in music quality, provided you listen thru original handsfree. Network catch is superb, ringtones are very loud can here in crowded streets. PC compatability is very good. IR and Bluetooth are very handy and easy to use. MMC can be upgraded to 2 GB, so unlimited hours of listening music.
- o
- olasoji samson
- T40
- 26 Feb 2008
actually am somhow now confused about this phone atfter readin peoples opinion about, though i bought mine just 2days ago,but i know either good ar bad, i have no option than to allow the phone to perform what it was made to do, i dnt believe in condeming the phone bc what u say with ur tongue is what u will experience, so, i want to say i will use this phone to the best of how long it wil work for me ( say 12-15yrs) with out any problem, so if u believe this phone will work well for you, why not go out and buy it and if u feel or think otherwise, the choice is ur, but for me, i rather use this chance to tell nokia to pls make some ammendements on this issue bc i know ther r also readdin our opinions on this phone.
- b
- brad
- wgx
- 26 Feb 2008
i wouldnt recomend this phone. i had a lot of problems with it. phone kept freezing and turning off during messaging and phone calls
- c
- cgsts
- 25 Feb 2008
i've been using this phone since april 2007 and now still ok..i don't have any probs wit it..i like the sound, keypad is ok, the camera (the picture,it should be nice if u really know how to operate it according to the situation)..after all, i really like this phone n really satisfied wit it!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- kQZ
- 25 Feb 2008
how do u put the sim card in?0
- A
- Arip X8
- wc6
- 25 Feb 2008
6288 is a sibling from 6280,they upgrade cos got many problem,but now still have problem,beleive me one day u will have some trouble.
- l
- luzna
- 0UU
- 24 Feb 2008
it's not true . I have it for 6 months and i didn't have anyproblems . soo the phone is ok .
but it's not for anyone
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 24 Feb 2008
erm i bought this phone and after 3 months the screen spoil and i went to repair and 3 months later spoil and i went to repair and 3 months later spoil...i repaired it for 3 times le but still cannot work so lousy dun buy this phone...(spoil as in black out but still can function except the screen black out)
- D
- Dan
- i2I
- 24 Feb 2008
Hi there,
Pretty interested in buying this. Just a few questions, any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
1) How many sms messages can you store? Is it like say 300 inbox, 300 outbox etc etc? Because on my old phone (Moto V1050) I could only store 130 messages total (inbox and outbox) and that was annoying.
2) Whats the battery life like? I dont tend to ring anyone, and I really only use a phone to txt someone, the rest of the time its in standby mode.
3) Is it easy to txt on? Are the buttons hard and do they make a clicky noise? Or nice and easy to press, and does it lag on screen or letters appear very fast?
Thanks so MUCH!!!
- t
- tahlia
- vuU
- 24 Feb 2008
i bought this phone in october 07 it went fine for a few months then all of a suddenit wud turn it self off, not save or send messages and wen i turnd it bak on i had to reset all mi settins ie. wallpaper, ringtones, n wudn download off the internet verywell =[ last sat sum one stole it n on thurs im goen to buy yhe same one even tho it was crap lol i jus like the look n sound
- ?
- Anonymous
- p3I
- 22 Feb 2008
i had no problems with this phone.
- j
- jacko
- BCn
- 22 Feb 2008
DO NOT BUY THIS PHONE. it has numerous issues that hae not been solved.a month after owning it the slider became loose and the battery length is crap. the biggest issue is the tendancy of the phone to turn off while txting or calling. and when i turn it back on it has full battery again.
- E
- ixb
- 20 Feb 2008
it sucks its not symbian and it has a lot of software problems
- a
- ann
- 20 Feb 2008
yah right this phone is worth trowing...POOR camera....
- ?
- Anonymous
- RKp
- 17 Feb 2008
..this phone is totally not good..i bought my 6288 2 weeks ago and while im txting it turned off and did'nt turned back so i have to return it to the shop..i dont know if the malfunction was due to factory defect or the phone is simply not me with this..can i returned it back to the shop so that they can change my unit?it malfunctioned twice with the same problem "no display". what am i gonna do?