Nokia 6600
- T
- Tehmina 2006
- jJV
- 14 May 2006
No DOubt A Wonderfull set but a little bit typycal set no tenshion use it daily and thanks ALMIGHTY.
- S
- Sohrab
- m25
- 13 May 2006
How can i save an mp3 file into my mmc received by bluetooth in 6600?Can anyone tell me.
- t
- toledo
- NhR
- 12 May 2006
i would like to ask about the audi player
can it play back and forward in the same song or audio file or it is just a simple play/pause player?
- A
- Ash
- Pxx
- 10 May 2006
Hand set is good..but very havy and big in size. the only problem i faced till now that is covarege..i dont get a good cavorage compare to others
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pxs
- 10 May 2006
wat is the codec to set up mp3 as ringtones
- R
- Rakshit
- Pxs
- 10 May 2006
ya jst open messages
go to option and then settings then to other and then select memory in use and mmc now mp3 wod be directly savd on mmc
best phn seriusly
- t
- tarun
- U2e
- 10 May 2006
i like this phone and is using for past 2 years. Nice buy for every one. now i am going to sell it for 6000. is it ok
- K
- 10 May 2006
hi guys, just drop buy to inform if there's anyone who have a doubt wheather to get this model or not please, get it. this is the best ever mobile you can get, aesy to download,to connect inetrnet etc,
- s
- swaps
- U22
- 10 May 2006
hey guys its a cooooooooooooooooooool handset its a new handset for me everyday particularly after buying bluetooth dongle
- N
- Neil
- ijc
- 10 May 2006
Hi everyone,
I just brought nokia 6600 and it rocks.
since it is symbian I installed Ultra MP3 player.My friend gave me an mp3 through his nokia 3230 via bluetooth. Now this mp3 is stored in my inbox and is on the phone memory. Due to this I am running out of space on my phone. Could someone plz tell me how to copy this mp3 to the memory card.
And also I would like to know how to use this mp3 as a ringtone if possible. And also When I open this mp3 in the inbox, ultra mp3 directly opens. Please help me my email id is
Thanks you in advance.
- s
- sanjay
- PS@
- 10 May 2006
Dear all
I have a nokia 6600, i have transfered some mp3 songs with bluetooth. problem is that, when i am going to play song it is asking for personol licence key. any one can help me.
- R
- Pxx
- 09 May 2006
this is very good mobile in its price range ...has all the features one looks for in a affordable price....
- r
- reis
- nwY
- 09 May 2006
i need restart my 6600 because filemanager , mediagallery , camera and mce not open . please help me.
- R
- RedMan
- mAZ
- 08 May 2006
To play a file mp3 format you need a program because this telephone have symbion.
- Y
- YO
- MMt
- 08 May 2006
I belive that you shoud instal a mp3-program ... afterall... is an symbian phone...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 May 2006
mp3 audio files can be opened if u transfer to ur 6600 : ultramp3!
google it, i'm sure u will find it!
or go to forums maybe u shall find it !
- ?
- Anonymous
- PTn
- 08 May 2006
Hey yesterday i brought this phone, i transfer some mp3 files to this phon. but when i tried to play those file it says unknown file format. Is any body pls tell me how to play mp3 files
- u
- used 6600
- TS}
- 08 May 2006
i used nok 6600, sometime my left button & right button not function (this button can be assign to camera or etc) can some body help me, why this happen???
- n
- nok1888
- mXR
- 06 May 2006
ive got this phone, slow menu. besides that it says this phone can have true tones? my phone doesnt recognise any mp3 format and does nothing with it! or am i missing something and true tones aint mp3?