Nokia 6600
- s
- sasank from india
- ijY
- 12 Sep 2005
mr saravanan go to register ur self. go to app. part and download ultra mp3 player from there.send it to ur phone it will install by seeking ur permission. a gentelman asked for 512 mmc speed dear it just slow down the rate when u go in mmc memory is fine. here are some free site,,,,
- a
- ali
- P$n
- 11 Sep 2005
amazn phone ....just bring the price down
- S
- Saravanan
- iwX
- 09 Sep 2005
I have recently purchased a 6600. just after seeing the info in this site i opted for this model.(with 64 mb mmc card)
i connected mobile to my computer with a blue tooth. but it is not showing the phone book.
apart from that i need the following video
& mp3 playersoftware to be loaded. where it will be available and how to load it.
can some guide me in this matter.
- I
- Irish
- U22
- 09 Sep 2005
Thanks Mr.Vinay For ur information of Mobile Fax .
I further like to know has you ever be able to use this software? Is this working perfectly on Nokia 6600. Do we require to have a better mb MMC card to work with this software?.How best the capacity of the card should be so that 6600 doesn't slow down.
Thanks once again
Await your earlier reply
Best regards
- ?
- Anonymous
- P$6
- 08 Sep 2005
hi.. can anybody who's used 512 mb card on 6600 please tell me whether it slows down the phone..
- v
- vinay
- P$6
- 08 Sep 2005
hi.. u can download fax s/w MOBILE FAX from any of the foll sites:
u cannot install fm on this phone..the only way out is to get a gprs connection and install AVECRADIO..
I prefer ogg files more than mp3.. convert an mp3 to ogg format at 64 kpbs.. an ogg of 64 kbps wud approx equate to the quality of a 128 kpbs mp3.. and it takes less than half size of an mp3 if converted at 64 kbps.. u can use DBPowerAmp for conversion and OggPlay to play the ogg file on ur cell..
One can connect to pcsuite thru infrared.. install the pcsuite on the laptop/computer and activate infrared on the cell..and place the cell within the range..
- i
- irish
- U22
- 08 Sep 2005
PLease can any one tell me any FAX software for this 6600. I want to receive fax on my Mobile phone.Its very URGENT>>>
- p
- previous nokia fans
- TS$
- 08 Sep 2005
ya i am also a nokia 6600 normal user i have card reader, bluetooth and infrared port
for me
1)infrared and bluetooth is to store my phone memory into computer incase if i wanna format my phone i can restore those games save file, contact, massage, and others
2)i normally back up my mmc in to card reader every week if i got install many sis file in my phone or i gona try to install a new software in my phone
3) a bluetooth port also can alowed me to use pc software together to my phone such as control freak and others application
but nothing is special in the symbian believe me as u can see so many things u have to do to your phone
- s
- saad
- PF2
- 08 Sep 2005
if u want MP3 player to play MP3 songs so this is the website for mp3 player:-
download mp3 player from this web site
- s
- saad
- PF2
- 08 Sep 2005
Hi 6600 users im a professional user of 6600. i think some people wants to connect 6600 with PC so the best way to connect is card reader. U should buy a MMC memory card of atleast 128 mb. 256 mb card is the best for 6600. Do not use 512mb card coz it will slow down the speed coz it takes a much time to read the whole card.
- d
- duggu
- PS@
- 07 Sep 2005
i bot dis handset a week ago and am quite impressed.
the cameras image quality is dreadful.
can we increase video recording time beyond 9 secs.
please reply
- R
- Rahul
- PS@
- 07 Sep 2005
Hi Friendz,
I bought this new Nokia 6600 in black colour for rs.10,000 and am very happy.i got a 64 mb card with it!!!!awesome. I wish it had fm.I have the following queries:- it possible to install fm on this phone if yes,how?
2.does installing mp3 need 256mb card or 64 is ok?? there any way i can connect with pc thru pc-suite?please send bluetooth software.
i would be happy if any one answer to my queries.bye have a good day
- j
- jenifer
- P$n
- 06 Sep 2005
its a beautifull phone with all the features
- v
- vinay
- P$6
- 04 Sep 2005
my phone has ver 5.53 .. dunno what the enhancements are.. I have formatted my phone memory and now it runs faster than before..
Which mmc is the best for 6600?.. I am plannng to zoom in on NCP MMC 512 mb.. any clues whether 1 GB mmc slows down the phone or not..
- v
- vinay maharishi
- S9k
- 04 Sep 2005
this is an amazing phone ..the new version with a deadly black panel is irresistable... i like it a lot with 256mb it rocks with 47 mp3 songs... IM LOVING IT
- N
- Nokia 6600
- 04 Sep 2005
the 512mb or 512mb rs-mmc does not slows down the 6600 for as long as you don't use the phone memory. my advice is that u must first reformat ur phone before using a 512mb card just to make sure that everything runs normally. i am currently using a 512mb rs-mmc transcend brand and it is nearly filled but so far after a couple of months using it there is no problem.
stereo headsets can be used in a 6600 for good mono mp3 sound playing. first slowly connect ur stereo headset to the 6600 then the message will show that it is not compatible then unplug it then slowly plug it in again and keep on trying until u only hear a sound on the headsets.
version 5.27 does not give any errors on a 512mb card. a new version 5.53 is out but me don't know what the added enhancements are.
does anyone here knows what are the added improvements from version 5.27 to 5.53 in nokia 6600?
- v
- vinay
- P$6
- 04 Sep 2005
can any1 please tell me if 512 mb slows down the 6600?.. How much does the stereo headset cost? Is it a branded one?
- p
- pce9113
- SXp
- 02 Sep 2005
it was a great phone...i changed it yesterday for a SE w800i...this phone rocks...i installed many firmwares on it...and they are still some on my pc uninstalled...i had it for 1 year and 8 months...i loved it...i made some damage to fall from 20 stairs...i broke the sim slot...but the damage was repaired..i love it but i had to change it...goodbye nokia 6600
- s
- sary
- 02 Sep 2005
Can a 6600 user tell me which is the latest Firmware?? and whether the phone can be connected to pc for using GPRS on the PC(Phone as a Modem) plz Reply.
- s
- shahid dayo
- Mw8
- 01 Sep 2005
hello dear,,,,,, I want to buy nokia 6600 because someone told me that in nokia 6600 we can upload dictionary ( english to english..... but in my city there is no software avaiable.. plzzzzzzzzz help me any one have any link or information about dictionary... pppppppppplllllllzzzzzzzzzz help me just fire me e mail
bye have a good day