Nokia 6600
- m
- mrs. pradeep
- PTn
- 26 Mar 2005
my husband has this phone. its just great coz i can capture all my sweet memories through video recordings in it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mx7
- 25 Mar 2005
well, i have heard. that ur most likely to get a virus, if u send and recieve loads of mms mesages! so i think its alrite if u wanna buy this phone for games and fun stuff! not for cummunication!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 24 Mar 2005
Stay away from has way too many viruses .. Nokia is becoming the microsoft of mobile world...!
Malware authors have created a Trojan that targets Symbian series 60 smart phones from Nokia and attempts to remove any anti-virus protection it finds. The Drever-C Trojan attacks mobile anti-virus packages from F-Secure, Kaspersky and Simworks running on Symbian devices. Targeting security protection is common in mainstream Windows PC malware but this is a recent innovation for mobile viruses.
- p
- previous nokia fans
- PEn
- 24 Mar 2005
6600 speaker is a crap not like K700
- l
- loy
- 23 Mar 2005
i jus wana ask does 6600 support stereo speaker???
how the quality of the 6600 speaker if compare to 6260,i heard 6260 is a mono speaker
how bout 6600??
- j
- jk
- PyD
- 23 Mar 2005
how do I browse internet on my comp thru bluetooth...I have gprs on my 6600 and also a bluetooth adapter(dongle)
- J
- Justas
- mju
- 22 Mar 2005
FM is possible just via GPRS ;]
- d
- devendra
- 22 Mar 2005
I wanted to ask you something about N6600! Is it possible to install FM Radio in Nokia 6600?Plz reply on
- p
- previous nokia fans
- PEn
- 22 Mar 2005
i am using this phone about five month i am planning to sell it !!!
in my opinion this phone is benefit to install software only like mp3 plyer oggplay(same like mp3 but its size smaller and have almost same quality as like mp3) unlimited camcorder and etc....
i have over 10 useful software in my phone
but this all software are available in K700i
but the only things that the 6600 have and the k700 dont have is the software and games availability i found thats i usually use this phone to play games while i am boring the games sure will more nice than K700 because it is using blz. or sis. form and u can see movie in avi form movie or mtv using smartmovie software is clear and nicer than k700I using 3gp.
but K700 have radio!!!!
so overall if u are a person like to playing sofware games or application then u buy 6600 because u will never boring to the feature of 6600 there are over 100 application and games available for symbian phone
if u are a person just like want to hear radio and lazy to seach internet to extending phone software and more compact and more handly phone than go for K700i
i give 6600 5.5 out of ten and k700 7.5 out of ten
so i will consider K700 is a great phone and the price is less than 6600...
- j
- jack
- PS8
- 22 Mar 2005
nokia 6600 is my dream set. but i m from a poor family.i m unable to buy this set.i want to touch this set for just one time.
- b
- blah blah
- mx7
- 21 Mar 2005
hi, (6600 can support MP3 using ultra Mp3 software, [search it], it can have customisable fonts, {found on}) !
- t
- tmz
- Uiw
- 21 Mar 2005
Can support mp3 ?
- l
- labalbi
- CcM
- 21 Mar 2005
Bought in Mar.2005 . In Brazil - special sale . Cust less than U$ 200.
screen /voice quality/hansfree mode speaker /keybord very tactile/symbian 60 and hundreds of apps/agenda/excelent VGA camera
Not ok :
monoaural/speaker not so loud with wav ringtones/ menus do not have infinit loop acess /fonts not customizable / batery dont last long/task manager is poor /sluggish when log is set to more than 1 day.
Overall : I´ve upgrade from a SE T610 and do not regreat at all ! Great mobile ! Recommended, indeed !
- o
- omair
- mx7
- 21 Mar 2005
I am so sorry, i had too many emails on my account, i was rapidly deleting all of them, and i think your mail, might have been one of them, and now i cant find ur email, ! tell me ur mail, and I will send some great softwares! including, Super Goboy (game boy advance emulator!), and has all of the games for GBA! and other platforms including pc emulator, etc!
- H
- H
- RI8
- 21 Mar 2005
well this 6600 can only read up to 512mb.There is no 6600 in this world that can support 1G card except if u change the processor!It would cost u more than 1000USD! remember when u change the processor u need a new phone and what i heard from my friend is u need an N-gage,7610 and ur 6600 processor.They take only the selected parts for modification.Dont go for that cuz it might get spoilt after a few months cuz its not its original parts.
i'm using a 256 RS-MMC card for my 6600 and it works great just that sometimes it's a bit slow when processing something.Other than that it's ok.Omair, have u got ur phone?Some of the software u gave me cant work!Email me ya...
- C
- my1
- 20 Mar 2005
you can use any size memory card with it i got a 1gb mmc card in mine it great
- t
- tano
- msm
- 20 Mar 2005
this phone is the great phone on the earth!
- s
- saif
- mK2
- 20 Mar 2005
there's a 12sec limitaion of vedio. is it possible to increase? i have already downloaded Ultra Mp3 player for the phone to listen mp3's in my Nokia6600. but its a demo version. can any one plz send me the full version or any other software to listen mp3 in my nokia6600. any link to download such software? thx
- ?
- Anonymous
- M{j
- 20 Mar 2005
Hi everybody!
I'd like to buy a 6600,and i've got a question.Can it use 512mb MMc?
- o
- omair
- mx7
- 20 Mar 2005
I have been hearing ppl say that this phone is over weigth! that is a bit dumb! i mean, the nokia 6170 wieghs 1gram less than 6600, and has hardly got any features init! my old motorolla A835 weighed 164 grams! now thats heavy! this phone is gr8! i cant wait to get it myself!