Nokia 6600

Nokia 6600

User opinions and reviews

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  • n
  • nokia6630user
  • PFM
  • 26 Jan 2005

Hi, Unknown 2005-01-26 11:22:08, please talk on nokia 6600. ANyway, u cannot compare the 2 phones as their OS are different, and the time when they comes out are different. Please grow up.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PEn
    • 26 Jan 2005

    my friends just bought sony erricson K700 and it is WoW it is the perfect phone i had never seen before so i have totally regret to buy nokia 6600 coz it performence is the worst!!! so ask your friend not to buy this phone!!!! if you really wanna buy this phone you may consider 7610 or 6670 this phone is OUT.. not worth to buy it in 2005.i know 6600 is good phone but not is in 2004 and the future of symbian is end.
    WHY? because most of the phone like K700 has all the usefull application has already install in the phone they no need to install any useless application software like 6600 and you also have to pay to the trird party if you install additional sofware
    even thought i have over 40 software in my phone but i feel only a few of them is useful other is rubbish and you have to beware of VIRUS.
    CONCLUSION 6600 rubish or you can call him crap phone
    other serious 40 phone like 6230 and k700 is the best phone

      • s
      • salman
      • Pxp
      • 26 Jan 2005

      Nokia should make a new mobile, especially for teen agers, which would look similar to 6600 and would havw features such as Video, radio and mp3 player and it also should be not so expensive.

        • S
        • Salman
        • Pxp
        • 26 Jan 2005

        Nokia 6600 looks cool, but it lacks radio and mp3 player which is very important for teen agers. I would request nokia to make a series 40 mobile with the best video camera,fm radio and a mp3 player

          • K
          • KD
          • PF}
          • 26 Jan 2005

          Want free softwares go to

            • s
            • sara fazackerley
            • myY
            • 26 Jan 2005

            hello, im just wondering how much is the Nokia 6600. I have got a motorola(the new one) and im just wondering if i can upgrade my fone to this one? from Sara Fazackerley

              • l
              • lisa
              • m9}
              • 25 Jan 2005

              great phone, be better with radio and mp3. nice if it didnt lock up as much and be a bit lighter in weight

                • k
                • kelly
                • PRM
                • 25 Jan 2005

                Hi,does anyone know how to get the light more time to get my files?any answer wil be apreciate

                  • a
                  • ayo
                  • N7C
                  • 25 Jan 2005

                  Nokia 6600 is such a lovly phone which i'm intending to buy and use next but i will like to know the price?
                  Pls send the price to my box.

                    • N
                    • N6600
                    • R5v
                    • 24 Jan 2005

                    Nokia 6600 recommended 3rd party applications

                    1. SeleQ
                    2. Ultra MP3
                    3. PVPlayer
                    4. CameraXPro
                    5. Camcoder
                    6. pExtender
                    7. SmartMovie
                    8. Stacker
                    9. JJLkeylock
                    10. PhoneSecurity
                    11. PhotoID
                    12. AvantGo
                    13. Ringtone Studio
                    14. Hair Style
                    15. Mate Finder
                    16. PhotoSMS
                    17. sVCard
                    18. Mumsms
                    19. eBibile
                    20. Handy File
                    21. Handy Shopper
                    22. RS60
                    23. Mp3Player

                    all 3rd party applications that i wrote here are currently installed in my 6600 so i guess its a tried and tested thing.
                    the choice is yours.

                      • N
                      • N6600
                      • R5v
                      • 24 Jan 2005

                      N6600 pros and cons

                      the pros:
                      1. the display is big, bright and sharp.
                      2. u can download tons of 3rd party applications.
                      3. exchangeable front, back and keypads.
                      4. 256mb mmc card capable (must be version 5.27.0)
                      5. very user friendly coz its nokia.
                      6. good battery life.
                      7. good keypad.
                      8. its not big not that small of a cell phone.
                      9. very good looking cell phone.
                      10. camera is good in indoors.
                      11. nice mp3 sounds if you download it without using the 3gpp converter.

                      the cons:
                      1. slow operating system.
                      2. must be very careful in downloading 3rd party applications coz some are not compatible with the 6600 and it may give some trouble for the phone.
                      3. nokia's multimedia converter sucks big time!

                      Overall i think that the 6600 has great potentials and is capable of matching every phone there is at present with a bundle of softwares that are available.
                      from the scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best i would give the 6600 a rating of 8 coz its a cell phone with incredible potentials and anyone who upgrades their firmware version and installs the right softwares for their 6600 would love that unit for years.

                        • j
                        • jas
                        • UeD
                        • 24 Jan 2005

                        hi everyone...we recomend you to buy this fone..and if you want a software..just go to its all free...all you have to do is register..then ask for applications...and that is the most advantage off 6600 for me..

                          • S
                          • Simon
                          • SkE
                          • 23 Jan 2005

                          Cost TOOO much and it not as good as the 7600 apart rom the screen huge thats the only good thin

                            • y
                            • yeah
                            • Rxc
                            • 23 Jan 2005

                            tnxs god u beat the e398 and tie to k700i which is a big miracle!! k700i absolutely have a guts to win the battle!!! for sure 6600 definitely will lose against sx1 and 6670! no other argue why?????? coz the 2 is definitely more great than 6600!!!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Rxn
                              • 23 Jan 2005

                              for sure 6600 definitely no match against 6670 and sx1!! 6670 has a megapixel cam while sx1 have radio,stereo and also have great camera one thing sx1 sucks is the formation of the keypad!!!

                                • C
                                • Coolphone
                                • RJh
                                • 22 Jan 2005

                                Thank god! i beat the motorola E398 already..that phone's color screen and camera resolution is really sucks...i attack from that point plus my convinient points about the powerful difference between a 'smartphone 6600' and normal phones 'E398 and K700i' has made 6600 beat E398 and tie with K700i. Next round will vs Siemens SX1 and 6670. got any detail bout them?

                                  • k
                                  • kalix
                                  • PGi
                                  • 22 Jan 2005

                                  I just want to know how I can put the MP3 files I have in my MMC to my play list of the UltraMP3 Player.

                                  The "rescan" files can not detect the MP3 files

                                    • k
                                    • kk_wk
                                    • PVe
                                    • 22 Jan 2005

                                    i have nokia 6600 and want to play MP3 songs on it. can anybody tell me from where to download the software for it???

                                      • T
                                      • Taz
                                      • mN5
                                      • 21 Jan 2005

                                      Am not impressed with this product.
                                      Bought it. Used it and thank god got rid of it within 5 working days.
                                      Supposse to be a SYMBIAN. But not fully compatible.
                                      One more weakeness. The difficult menu system+ the stupid GO TO folder, where you cannot place all of your favourite short cuts.
                                      Positive point..Huge screen.
                                      But due to bulkiness...NOT RECOMMENDED. unles you are a game lover or want to watch movies on this screen.

                                        • s
                                        • sri
                                        • iwX
                                        • 21 Jan 2005

                                        is anyone facing problem with nokia firmware 5.27