Nokia 6600
- K
- KB
- 10 Dec 2004
hi ash. hope u r fine u can come to me will make u understand this lang. hope u r fine.
- A
- Adnan Iqbal Sheikh
- 09 Dec 2004
THE EVER Ever good phone that nokia give us. i am using mobile form last 7 years and i am used to change hand set after every 4 or 5 month but now i am using nokia 6600 form last 9 month so you all can easily guess that how the nokia is BEST. i know its tooooooo slow but you have also every thing which is you have in a computer.
- A
- Ash
- 09 Dec 2004
Can u bloody people talk in proper english.. damn it.. i have diffculty understanding what the hell are some of you here talking...
- S
- 08 Dec 2004
dear sir
kindly send me retail price of nokia 6600 and sony ericsson k700i.
- A
- Adas
- 07 Dec 2004
Can 6600 play MP3 melodies? And could MP3 tones be set as a ringtone? What is the difference between true tones and MP3?
- N
- Nasir
- 07 Dec 2004
1st of all i have a complain, why the Pakistan in not on NOKIA web site. 6600 is the best cell i ever had. I personally like it because of its feachers. sometimes it slow to precessing but the best phone. thanks NOKIA for providing 6600. wish u all the best
- c
- chinese user
- 07 Dec 2004
hi i am 6600 user and my friend is using 6230
the difference between 6600 and 6230 is:
6600 has bigger and brighter screen compare to 6230
6600 and 6230 has the same VGA camera but 6230 has better camera quality than 6600 (viewing image in computer)
6600 video is SUCK and 6230 has better 3GP video quality.
the 6230 is handly than 6600
the 6600 has os symbian operating system serious 60 but 6230 is only serious 40
the 6230 is faster than 6600 in opening an application and easy to use compare to 6600
6600 is SUCK mono speaker 6230 has STEREO speaker
6230 has better bluetooth device
6230 has radio
my conclusion is 6600 and 7610 is useless phone compare to 6230
ALthought they can install additional SYS to their phone but the more SYS you install the more problem you will encounter and the system will became slower because of insufficient RAM 6600 only got 10.49MB ram and the processer is too slow
so to those who are still confuse wanna buy 6600 or 6230 i prefer to buy 6230 phone if you wanna buy OS symbian operating phone you better buy PDA not 6600 the
6600 speaker is crap sometimes you cant even hear the sound while you are in noisy place 6230 has 6X times louder and clearer than 6600
the 6230 can use 44100HZ frequency digital sound but 6600 onlly can use 16000HZ so you can imagine how worse the 6600 speaker are ...
actualy only a few of os symbian software is useful other are rubish...
6230 come with full package no need to upgarde and no need to waste money handly and has eaged 6600 has dam slow internet
- B
- Bogdan
- 07 Dec 2004
Best phone
- E
- Eric
- 07 Dec 2004
I wish to buy 6600 or 6230, but still can't decide which phone is better? From the spec, 6600 has true tone but 6230 no true tone, what different between true tone and MP3? I hope someone can give me the answer. thanks
- f
- farman ali mian of p
- 06 Dec 2004
i have bought nokia6600 this set i used 2 month and screen damaged otherwise i bought 7210 nokia i used this set 5 month the screen damaged also plez tell me that what sould i do 4 protectble care.i waill wait ofr ur response.
- j
- jay
- 06 Dec 2004
real good good good
- T
- The Sentinel
- 06 Dec 2004
Q. I'm interested in getting a cell phone and after checking out the phones available in my area, I've zeroed in on two possible ones- the 6600 and the Motorola E-398...Which phone would be a better buy in terms of cost-to-benefit...Feedback greatly appreciated...
- G
- Guru
- 05 Dec 2004
I want to buy this set, i am in india it costs around 15800/- Rs INR. i would visit dubai for this festival in Feb, so what will be the cost of the cell in Dubai UAE. Dose the cell Really Hangs? Can we play Mp3 music on the Cell
Plz Reply
- m
- milen
- 05 Dec 2004
The KING of Nokia phones!people that dont havin it ,doesnt know what they missed...
- P
- Prashanth Nair
- 05 Dec 2004
Good phone with great features. Call Log times are showing 30 min slower than actual. This problem is there in 2 of my friends 6600s too. If any one knows how to solve this, please let us know.
Otherwise the phone is a good one.
- b
- barrywhite
- 04 Dec 2004
its kool.................. thankxz
- f
- farman ali mian of p
- 04 Dec 2004
hi my question is that 6600 the screen has demaged then i bought a 7250 this screen demaged also what is the reason demage of the screen without any reason. please inform me about the protectable care.ok i will wait for ur response anxiouly.
- A
- Ankit Rana
- 04 Dec 2004
A nice phone........but i dnt seem to understand that why dont i like it
- k
- kavita joshi
- 04 Dec 2004
I think Nok 6600 is da best...In budget n awesome features...only thing i miss in it is fm radio..thats is great....i lov nokia.... :)
- K
- Kizo
- 03 Dec 2004
This is very,very,very good phone!!!
ja sam prezadovoljan !