Nokia 6600
- D
- DW2000
- 08 Nov 2003
Can someone please tell me if this phone can hold more than 100 ring tones, 100 diff wallpapers and 100 games If it cant it no good.
I must have lots and lots inside it to make me cool. You lot really p**s me off.
- [
- [v1p]
- 07 Nov 2003
aww...come on..share wif me plsss... my email .. yes.. 6600 can listen to mp3... juz copy and paste using pc suite 6600... it'll automatically convert to .wav ... ^^
- J
- Johnyssss
- 07 Nov 2003
what is going on with nokia batteries?
can anyone explain this to me?
- $
- $@M!
- 07 Nov 2003
this is one of "THE" best mobile phone ever produced by NOKIA.... Keep it up u guys
- D
- Decampong
- 06 Nov 2003
i love my phone!!!!
nobody can beat nokia!!!
i've had almost all phones in this
planet and still, i keep coming back to
n o k i a!!!!!!!
keep it up, guys!!!
- D
- Decampong
- 06 Nov 2003
this is the best phone in the planet to date.
- l
- lewis
- 06 Nov 2003
can you get an 64mb or 128mb card for the nokia 6600 like the n gage
- J
- Johnyssss
- 06 Nov 2003
How small is it?the appearance?the screen???very big?any stucks? much does the battery holds.tell me anything about this phone
- s
- sina
- 06 Nov 2003
is NOKIA 6600 can MP3? whats type of
ringtone?? midi or mp3? ??? it can be or not ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 05 Nov 2003
stinx total business type practically for the hard working n money making people out der
- B
- 05 Nov 2003
explosive news for all nokia die hards! see the link below:
- S
- Shaveen
- 05 Nov 2003
This phone is stunning. I just like to congradulate the guys at NOKIA for an excellent mobile communication device. I will obviously buy it this December
- D
- Devil
- 05 Nov 2003
The colors are wonderful! The camera is slightly better then the 3650, but not too much... Same level as P800 or P900. The 65k color TFT screen is near perfect, the phone is SMALL and very pleasurable to hold, I cannot suggest it enough.
- J
- Johnyssss
- 05 Nov 2003
Has it got nice screen?nice colors.if anyone have this phone cna u desribe it to me?about the resolution??
- R
- Rohit Chadha
- 04 Nov 2003
My good opinion for these fabulous gadgets might be a little undescribable but anywayz they are stunning, mind blowin n wow...well no end to it.I would love to accept n read mails regarding theses n many more to come..I wanted to go on but then therez no end
- a
- anna
- 04 Nov 2003
can u add mp3's through this please
- D
- Devil
- 04 Nov 2003
To the dude asking about the video length:
I get about 9s when I move the camera too much; if it's pretty stable, you can get 11s to 15s... EtiCamcorder works on 7.0s though, so you can get 5mins! :)
- D
- Devil
- 04 Nov 2003
The flaws of Third party software for Symbian 6.1 & Symbian 7.0s OS is huge!
I have my resource website; I can't give it out though, sorry ;P
- [
- [v1p]
- 03 Nov 2003
where to get 3rd party softwares ??
- f
- fernando
- 03 Nov 2003
Great phone.