Nokia 6600
- S
- Shawla
- N9@
- 17 Jan 2010
Franc, 12 Jan 2010Hey Gelasius, this can be a possible answer to your problem... moreHey franc can i perform a software upgrade 4 this phone?
- S
- Shawla
- N9@
- 17 Jan 2010
jenz1, 12 Jan 2010To Franc and Mike: sorry guys, Nokia 6600 doesn't come with... moreHow can one download d pc suit 4 6600 nd can one perform a software upgrade
- R
- Ravikumar
- upY
- 16 Jan 2010
Am using nokia 6600 part 5 years.Wit out problem.:)
- F
- Franc
- vj1
- 15 Jan 2010
jenz1, 12 Jan 2010To Franc and Mike: sorry guys, Nokia 6600 doesn't come with... moreTnx a lot jenz1! =]
- j
- jenz1
- t7G
- 12 Jan 2010
To Franc and Mike: sorry guys, Nokia 6600 doesn't come with USB connectivity. You can only connect to your PC via bluetooth or IR (infrared). There is a special version of Nokia PC Suite for the Nokia 6600 on so you might want to use that if you want to connect it to a PC.
- F
- Franc
- vj1
- 12 Jan 2010
Gelasius, 01 Jan 2010Hi 6600 users. I am experiencing a problem. . .since yester... moreHey Gelasius, this can be a possible answer to your problem. First, carefully take off the front cover of your phone. Next, locate the LCD connector. It is like a small rectangle located at the upper left corner of the device. Then, carefully press it with the use of a small screwdriver or any other things similar to that, like tweezers. That will help. Then, try your phone then.
- F
- Franc
- vj1
- 11 Jan 2010
Hey Mike! That's a very nice concern you got there. Actually, it's one of my problems with the phone too. Its connectivity via PC. So can anyone of you people out there help us? Together with Mike of course. Pleeeease...! We are begging for answers.
- m
- mike
- j01
- 10 Jan 2010
pls. i have been using nokia 6600 for 5 year now, but the problem i have now is how to connect it to my laptop, i have been looking for the usb cord and no where to be found, i tried bluetooth is not connecting. pls my email is for help
- F
- Franc
- vj1
- 10 Jan 2010
Hey everyone! Franc here again! Wooh! This phone really rocks! It's one of a kind. Hey, another thing about this phone. Since I have downloaded Opera Mini 4.2 with my phone, it became an excellent internet browser then. Nice! I love you so much Nokia 6600!
- m
- michael
- ms0
- 08 Jan 2010
Can put the latest software for Symbian on a 6600 or higher capacity cards
- p
- prathmesh
- PVd
- 07 Jan 2010
It is one of the best mobile of all.
It supports all software,
I am using it from 2007, no problems till now.
It was the first bluetooth phone.
Love u 6600.
- A
- Arsh
- vwn
- 05 Jan 2010
Can anyone tell me how to restore the setting!
how to connect internet to pc through 6600!
where to find apps for my mobile!
- s
- slayer
- RpL
- 03 Jan 2010
Tyson, 02 Jan 2010can anyone tell me how to reset this phone?Thank you.just type *#7370# for hard format and *#7780# for soft format.
- T
- Tyson
- uCr
- 02 Jan 2010
can anyone tell me how to reset this phone?Thank you.
- T
- Tyson
- uCr
- 02 Jan 2010
can anyone tell me how to reset this phone?Thank you.
- (
- (,")
- vj1
- 01 Jan 2010
weeping, 31 Dec 2009got a very bad memory card virus!!! in this phone. every ti... moreI dnt knw if this feature is avaible on ur phn model..turn it off b4 pressing the on botton hold call sign+3+* while holding the 3 buttons long press the 0N botton for 7secs..ur phn would be formatted b sure 2 back ur phn first.
- G
- Gelasius
- j{k
- 01 Jan 2010
Hi 6600 users. I am experiencing a problem. . .since yesterday a small line like a dash appeared on my screen just near the middle. Overnight it has grown to transverse the whole screen from left to right. It appeared during charging and formattin doesnt help. Any ideas?
- w
- weeping
- 258
- 31 Dec 2009
got a very bad memory card virus!!! in this phone. every time i format my m.card. some unknown files are created ind folders! and when i try to delete them. message appears, cannot read from the source of the disk!!! please help me this is my 3rd m.card of 2 GB and its the final one! i am not going to buy any more in this life!!!
- s
- shehroz
- 258
- 30 Dec 2009
coolest and handy phone ever made, have this since 2003 and still it is working perfectly alright, got some minor memory card and virus problems, but after fixing them, still rules again!!! love u nokia 6600i black
- h
- hani
- 0FR
- 30 Dec 2009