Nokia 6630

Nokia 6630

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • mohammed
  • mJD
  • 22 Oct 2005

anybody help plz.....
ma phone get slower i donn know why and espicially the gallery....(i have a 256card and it's almost empty and the phone memo is empty 2)

is that phone support playing mpg vedios?? and wat program can convert vedios to the kind that it supports??

    • k
    • kEn
    • PFM
    • 22 Oct 2005

    lolx edward. wat i post was. can tis fone play videos in full screen. u replied wrongg =/

      • S
      • Shafi
      • Pxp
      • 21 Oct 2005

      I heard Nokia6630 can be uesed as a web cam and it requires a certain software for that. If someone know about it plz help me out. Thanx

        • A
        • Adetokunbo
        • TjW
        • 21 Oct 2005

        Can anyone respond to this.

        " How do I upgrade my Firmware Version? My firmware version is " v 2.39.152"

        Thanks everyone.

          • e
          • edward
          • ibc
          • 21 Oct 2005

          er..can i ask does we need nokia pc suit for n6630? because my laptop can't detect any added hardware when i connect the usb

            • N
            • NIX
            • SeE
            • 21 Oct 2005

            KeN you are right it is going to finish because its new music edition is coming soon.everything is same but specifications are little bit better than 6630.6630(music edition)has same shape 0of 6630 and colours are rustic red and aluminium grey.

              • k
              • kEn
              • PFM
              • 21 Oct 2005

              hmm does tis fone play videos in full screen mode ?

                • A
                • Anup
                • PTn
                • 21 Oct 2005

                i heard a news that now 6630 is not in the market .. nokia is planning to stop the production of this phone as it is promoting its new model 6680 and 6681.
                please confirm... I think this model is not in the market anymore

                  • A
                  • Adetokunbo
                  • TjW
                  • 20 Oct 2005

                  I would appreciate a responce to this by anyone in the house.

                  " How do I upgrade my Firmware Version?

                  Thanks everyone.

                    • e
                    • edward
                    • ibH
                    • 20 Oct 2005

                    dear sahil, i'm a proud owner of 6630. same as u, i did need to decide between n3230 and n6630. the price between these 2 baby is not much, i recomend u n6630. simply amazing. powerful and fast plus it is also 3G. well n6630 has faster prosseser, nicer design, stereo speaker. well it just lacks of build-in fm radio, well it's a symbian, juz get a visual radio it's solve. plus it got more advance technology. well it's up to u. just go to ur nearest phone dealer to test those 2 phone urself. because people's view are subjective sometimes

                      • s
                      • sahil
                      • xZs
                      • 19 Oct 2005

                      hi guys
                      i am planning to buy a new phone & i am confused between N3230 & N6630 which one to pick??? coz i really dont want to regret after making my choice. i have heard that the battery back of for N6630 does not last for long probably about 1-2 hrs which is really low & have also heard about N3230 about its bad video & mp3
                      i request u all to reply me through email for which phone should i go i need ur help guys
                      thank you

                        • E
                        • Erujj Abbas
                        • PF2
                        • 19 Oct 2005

                        Hey;It is not the best symbian.U know the 6681 has two gr8 features first is flash and the other is the number of colours.And if u visit Jbenchmark site u will see that 6681 has better 3d support also check it out!

                          • O
                          • Owner
                          • mgG
                          • 18 Oct 2005

                          My opinion is that this is the baest Symbian phone cos of it's quality/price relationship. The new phones 6681,6680,n70 doesnt bring anything new to the tabel, ofcourse there is things that are adjusted a bit better, but as a hole this phone has all that is usually needed.

                            • j
                            • joseph
                            • PHT
                            • 18 Oct 2005

                            check this out guys. I downloaded an antivirus for my 6630 coming for F-Secure, is amasing. I live in cuba and i,ve seen lot's of phones infected with !!!!Cabir!!!, an international known virus that infects Symbien phones 60 series. it kills your battery life in less than an hour and the phones gets really slow. is transmitted via bluetooth, by the time you get it it begans sending .SIS files to other devices in a 10 meters range.!!!!TERRIBLE!!!!. the only problem with the F-Secure antivirus is that is free only for a month, does anyone know one free? another question, does anyone knows a Flash Player for the 60 series? when im browsing on the web i can't see some files. thanks, Joseph

                              • j
                              • joseph
                              • PHT
                              • 18 Oct 2005

                              check this out guys. I downloaded an antivirus for my 6630 coming for F-Secure, is amasing. I live in cuba and i,ve seen lot's of phones infected with !!!!Cabir!!!, an international known virus that infects Symbien phones 60 series. it kills your battery life in less than an hour and the phones gets really slow. is transmitted via bluetooth, by the time you get it it begans sending .SIS files to other devices in a 10 meters range.!!!!TERRIBLE!!!!. the only problem with the F-Secure antivirus is that is free only for a month, does anyone know one free? another question, does anyone knows a Flash Player for the 60 series? when im browsing on the web i can see some files. thanks, Joseph

                                • j
                                • joseph
                                • PHT
                                • 18 Oct 2005

                                ok i should use a dual voltage RS-MMC card to my 6630, but how do I know if it is dual or non dual voltage? The 128MB card i have doesn't say it. So it doesn't matter that my version is too low to use a 128MB card or 256MB card, or it does matter? remember my version is 3.45, so i post my version again, how can I upgrade it. thanks joseph

                                  • d
                                  • dennis torres
                                  • jIK
                                  • 18 Oct 2005

                                  I really like this phone, very interesting and good image capture.., i'm proud to be NOKIA user!

                                    • d
                                    • dr.arif
                                    • PGZ
                                    • 17 Oct 2005

                                    how games can be downloded in 6630.animated wallpaper can not work in 6630 like siemens/samsung

                                      • e
                                      • edgar
                                      • PUM
                                      • 17 Oct 2005

                                      hi this is posibly the best phone i have ever used but could someone tell me how to put in songs to it from my cds or media player my email is thnx

                                        • n
                                        • noodles9368
                                        • TKb
                                        • 17 Oct 2005

                                        I have bought a N6630- made in Finland which have no english/chinese translation. Where do I go to have such software installed ?