Nokia 6630

Nokia 6630

User opinions and reviews

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  • "
  • "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"
  • Fv0
  • 16 Sep 2005


I know how in love with this phone some of you are, but lets face it, there ARE better phones on the market...K750i anyone?

Even other nokia's are better. There are a lot of 6630 'fans' who are still praising this phone, when they know that there are tonnes better ones out already, but they just dont have the...err...funds to upgrade just yet. So they will just continue to rave about this one until they can finally come to terms with the fact that this is...well...not really that great.

I should know, I had one. I now have a nokia is way better and worth the money. My 6630 is a paperweight, gathering dust. that is all its good for compared to my awesome N90 (i also have an 8800 and have an advanced order of the N91 coming in soon, just for those who are interested).

    • a
    • austin
    • TKb
    • 16 Sep 2005

    no infrared......1.3MP not enough.....Poly 48 not enough

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • nyf
      • 15 Sep 2005

      m a s t e r p i e c e

        • U
        • Umair
        • PB2
        • 15 Sep 2005

        I can just say is that this phone rocks...
        excellant sound quality..stereo.

          • m
          • marco
          • 4YP
          • 15 Sep 2005

          hey, i've been using the nokia 6630 for more than 4 months, and actually, it is the best phone i've ever have... i downloaded many software, like dictionaries, push to talk, and games, also pdf reader, that phones, is the best, i know everything about this phone,so, if you have any question , feel free to ask.

            • N
            • NOKIA LOVER
            • 4tC
            • 15 Sep 2005

            hi all
            i just want to inform u about the virus caribe....maybe some of u have heard/gotten in ur cellphone....this is a virus repeat a virus....for any of u havent heard/gotten please do not try to open/download/accept it...this virus come thru we know many of us have this and it will spread to other phone that have bluetooth within 5 meter or so...first of all if u had opened or accepted it will kill ur battery and afterward it will damage the phone itself so it cant turn on....and cause of that you have to buy another cellphone happened to nokia and its dead....

              • s
              • sidsez
              • P$x
              • 14 Sep 2005

              Hi Guys,
              I read the reviews and opinions of this1 & 6681, both have "stereo" MP3 (a must), but "NO" FM... quite a let down though :(

              Just 1 thing I wanted to know is, though 6630 is advanced, still this fone has UMTS (I beleive) for faster data transfer....I mean maybe its got 65k display, NO flash, NO cam cover, but still 3G is not just about 2 cams, its about faster transfer of data from the net, faster downloads, as GPRS/internet downloads are very expensive in India.

              My Question is, can I use any of these fones as a modem for connecting to the internet net from my home computer, if so which U 1 reckon is better...???

              I am asking this coz I wanted to find out about the better data transfer, so I can buy that for use as a modem for net surfing....I know that both the fones have browser inside them, but if we can connect it to the Computer, then maybe internet would be Faster and bigger monitor display and better ease-of-use keypad / mouse facility too. Also as this fone has very less internal memory, does it hamper the download/browsing speed using as a modem than 6681.

              Please suggest me guys if "Any other fone" U ppl believe would be better for internet connectivity would be greatly appreciated. (6681 is expensive here)
              The phones in this price range here are SE k750, N6681 & 6630, RAZR & moto E1000.
              Thanx a lot guys for reading it patiently, if possible pls send in ur valuable suggestions. Hope others would be benefitted "Better Understanding leads to More value for our Money" :)

                • d
                • de
                • mjt
                • 13 Sep 2005

                anyone one know how to get mp3 from pc to phone if running windows
                m.e. thanks

                  • f
                  • farhad
                  • SHq
                  • 13 Sep 2005

                  hi now its 3 days that i have this babe but i have a problem ,i cannot turn my blutooth on when i want to turn it on it says UN ABLE TO PERFORM BLUETOOTH OPERATION can any body help me???

                    • N
                    • NiEZaM
                    • TC}
                    • 13 Sep 2005

                    hie all.. i have been used this phone for almost 2 month and the function and camera was superb.. the sound for mp3 music was so good.. i have been change to 512Mb DV MMC.. at my country (Malaysia), the maximum storage for this DV MMC is 512Mb and this can support more than that storage. Depends on that capacity of the memory.. no problem at all.. Less price for the great phone..

                      • C
                      • Cereal Killer
                      • TS}
                      • 13 Sep 2005

                      The Spoon-Shape-Like is UNIQUE ^_^ its an art, an unique art full with variety of features & specs. Best smartphone ever! \m/ 6630 ROCKS MY WORLD!

                        • A
                        • A_L_I_N
                        • mAT
                        • 12 Sep 2005

                        GREAT PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          • S
                          • Shedidills
                          • mtt
                          • 12 Sep 2005

                          I have recentlky got a 6630. Came wiyth a 64MBrsmmc. tried to upgrade to a 256 but it wouldn't read it. Even my old 6600 doesn't read it. can any phone read it??

                            • S
                            • SWAMINATHAN
                            • TR9
                            • 12 Sep 2005

                            maximum storage mb of 6630 model?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Rxc
                              • 12 Sep 2005

                              why can't they do away with a spoon shape? it's a funny funny ugly phone.

                                • s
                                • sidsez
                                • P$x
                                • 11 Sep 2005

                                Hi Guys,
                                I read the reviews and opinions of this1 & 6681, both have "stereo" MP3 (a must), but "NO" FM... quite a let down though :(

                                Just 1 thing I wanted to know is, though 6630 is advanced, still this fone has UMTS (I beleive) for faster data transfer....I mean maybe its got 65k display, NO flash, NO cam cover, but still 3G is not just about 2 cams, its about faster transfer of data from the net, faster downloads, as GPRS/internet downloads are very expensive in India.

                                My Question is, can I use any of these fones as a modem for connecting to the internet net from my home computer, if so which U 1 reckon is better...???

                                I am asking this coz I wanted to find out about the better data transfer, so I can buy that for use as a modem for net surfing....I know that both the fones have browser inside them, but if we can connect it to the Computer, then maybe internet would be Faster and bigger monitor display and better ease-of-use keypad / mouse facility too. Also as this fone has very less internal memory, does it hamper the download/browsing speed using as a modem than 6681.

                                Please suggest me guys if "Any other fone" U ppl believe would be better for internet connectivity would be greatly appreciated. (6681 is expensive here)
                                The phones in this price range here are SE k750, N6681 & 6630, RAZR & moto E1000.
                                Thanx a lot guys for reading it patiently, if possible pls send in ur valuable suggestions. Hope others would be benefitted "Better Understanding leads to More value for our Money" :)

                                  • A
                                  • Antigone
                                  • TqL
                                  • 11 Sep 2005

                                  Guys , I have a question , this phoneis more then beautiful , but i need a more size mmc , now i tried the usual lne but it doesnt fit and some sailsman told me that havent made tha RSc for it yet !! i bout it form Dubai , and i cant find a fitting Rsc for it does any one have any idea about this i need it 1G at least . thanx

                                    • -
                                    • - j y -
                                    • PFM
                                    • 10 Sep 2005

                                    can anyone please tell me how big the mmc does 6630 can support up to?? in the sense the memory of the mmc.. quick replies pls..

                                      • m
                                      • m
                                      • Cfh
                                      • 10 Sep 2005

                                      hi can anybody tell me thats does this phone have a func in which u can record songs and set them as ur ringtones....coz i have moto razr it doesnt support this func..think of changing my phone if anybody knows plz let me know

                                        • m
                                        • memphis
                                        • SsB
                                        • 09 Sep 2005

                                        This is the ultimate phone and nokia for now!!Just check the pictures it takes and compare with others(apart from the Carl Zeiss cam fones)