Nokia 6630

Nokia 6630

User opinions and reviews

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  • C
  • Cube
  • Nxs
  • 02 Jun 2005


Some of the models have the option to limit the video length (10 secs or so) for the purpose of sending it via mms. Check if yours has it enabled.

    • r
    • rahul
    • P%0
    • 01 Jun 2005

    hey mann...
    jus go to ur settings->network->...
    if ur 3G is on the network must on 'dual' mode...
    to switch off ur 3G, jus change the network to GSM...
    as easy as that...

    jus check if the memory that is being used for storin the video...
    if the memory is too full u wont get much of recordin time..
    however, a 64 Mb card provided by nokia in first use provides 1 (good) hour of video recordin...

    hey, please help me with any of the theme sites...
    i would also do the same to u... :)

    can u please help me with wat all good softwares i can put into my short ,'the must have' ones...
    also do tell me how can i get them... :)

      • P
      • PDAMaster
      • SvB
      • 01 Jun 2005

      I have this phone for about 5 days and i can tell you it's a great phone.After I installed some applications it has now almost all the functions as my HP Pocket PC.I can say now that the best way to connect this phone with the pc is by using the EPoX DG-05A USB Bluetooth Adaptor(about $14-17 in my country).

        • C
        • Cube
        • Nxs
        • 01 Jun 2005

        Hi all

        I have this phone for about a week now. And I am impressed depsite the bugs in software. Anyway there is a site with really cool themes on:
        They are all free though you are limited to 20 per day. And the site is a bit slow.
        They really enhance the phone. Let me know via e-mail which ones you find interresting.

          • S
          • Salim
          • SeF
          • 31 May 2005

          Please give some idea about why the radio button in PC suite is hidden while syncing my inbox (Outlook 2003). Contacts and calendar syncs fine. Please help...

            • h
            • han
            • RJ2
            • 31 May 2005

            i'd bought a hs850 motorola bluetooth earpiece, can somebody teach me how to pair it to my 6630? thank you

              • s
              • suki
              • RKp
              • 31 May 2005

              H E L P please someone answer me
              how come the video clips lasts only 10seconds??? I thought it's supposed to be 1hour?

                • H
                • Hakan
                • St6
                • 31 May 2005

                Another question: my firmware version is V3.45.114 04-01-05 RM1 But in the menu there is no 3G switch off possibilty? How this is possible

                  • R
                  • Ru$e
                  • Mvv
                  • 31 May 2005

                  This fone rocks!!!Is inteligent,is beauty and you can do what you want with it!!!I have a 7610 but in the futur i vill buy one of this!!!Great phone

                    • H
                    • Hakan
                    • St6
                    • 31 May 2005

                    Hi guys, I want to ask you something. I already bought this phone, and I'm actually happy with it. I want to upgrade mem. card, but the one and only that I find here in Istanbul is ATP 256MB DV RS-MMC. Is there anybody who knows if this type of memory is Ok with this phone? Another question is: how can I can get updated firmware to quit 3G (there is no 3G line in TR)
                    Thank you all in advance... Hakan

                      • O
                      • OnLy-ThE-BrAvE
                      • Nxs
                      • 31 May 2005

                      Hi everyone,
                      could someone please let me know how you turn of 3G on this handset??
                      Thanks so much!
                      Have a nice day..

                        • L
                        • Love
                        • mYd
                        • 30 May 2005

                        Hello,i have a 6630 to,and i'm untill now still wery happy with it ..
                        Can You give me pls,some links from were can i download games&apps for free ..
                        And Some "secrets codes" if you have ..

                          • S
                          • Shahnoor
                          • PBx
                          • 30 May 2005

                          i would like to ask that since it has an html browser, could we use the internet just like we use it on our pc!....and could we use that internet service, on the pc thru the phone?

                            • s
                            • suki
                            • RKp
                            • 30 May 2005

                            how long is the initial charging time??? pls reply asap :)

                              • J
                              • Jeka from Israel
                              • muF
                              • 30 May 2005

                              Hi guys,
                              if you want to save the Phone Memory toy should backup it on your memory card and then to recover it.
                              get into the momory tool in phones menu and backup it.
                              after you restarting the phone get into the memory option on phones menu and recover the memory from the card.

                                • M
                                • Meester
                                • NHU
                                • 30 May 2005


                                I got my 6630 on Friday, but I would like to add shortcuts to things like "outbox", "gallery", "settings" and so on. It seems that there are only 3 default shortcuts, "inbox", "calendar" and "notes". It looks as if I can only add shortcuts to things like a specific song, or picture. But not to the applications.

                                Could anybody help please?


                                  • C
                                  • Chris Lee
                                  • PGH
                                  • 29 May 2005

                                  To Jekrafom Israel,

                                  Wat do u mean it will erase the phone memory? Do u mean it will erase everything stored in the phone memory? My phone memory has nothing stored in it and yet it has onli 7MB left. I wonder why. You guys have any idea how I erase everything in the phone memory cause I can't find out where the 3MB is used. Btw is it worth it to change from 6630 to the new N70? Is it just a minor upgrade?

                                    • t
                                    • tazo22
                                    • mm}
                                    • 29 May 2005

                                    hi! its my birthday commin up soon and he said i could have any phone in the uk so i got thinking and i narrowed it down to this phone and thae new samsung e720. please reply

                                      • b
                                      • brynn
                                      • nE2
                                      • 29 May 2005

                                      to x boy it shud support the 512 mb card but ive not seen one yet.I usually get mine from jeesops (uk)but they dont stock any dual voltage types yet.,i get them from here as i have an outlet where i live so can easy take it back if faulty.about hanging phone said earlier go slow with it and hold down menu key for 2 secs and cancel any running apps you are not using,,have had bits of hanging and switching on and off at first week but all has settled now and is a super fone.It plays back my vids without buffering as my 7610 did this a lot and 6630 has a 220mhz processor which helps but does not mean phone is lightening fast.Until the above shop stocks memory cards im stuck really as phone is full of downloaded themes and apps and 4 games and 4 mp3s,there is space available but not for anymore apps for some reason?there is enough memory for the app but having it running on the phone is no go so apps must need extra memory to drive the app,i dont know im no expert.Asked the other day if i would get 6680 to get telly +big bro onit i declined as reading thru endless forums,reviews,mags and other sources its not as good for a lot of reasons ,a lot being its 260k screen having to hav new stuff written for it. Im sim free running 2g on orange,when things get going and improve ill go 3g.just think that by the time 3g arrived the 2g phone could do most of the features anyway byebye.

                                        • g
                                        • gieyah
                                        • PGi
                                        • 28 May 2005

                                        i bought mine yesterday, brand new from a respectable telecom and i found the picture quality as so far, good, no squarey thing. my problem is, it hangs and i have to shut it off and turn it up again to make it work or move to next, whatever.. i am hoping that the battery is the only cause and eventually it will go on fine, many chargings after.. did u guys encountered such problem or i really have to hand it back to the telecom for replacement?.. tnx a lot..