Nokia 6630

Nokia 6630

User opinions and reviews

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  • p
  • pepponeskie
  • P@Y
  • 24 May 2005

hey guys, i've read your complains about this phone. you'd better switch to 6670, its cheaper and has no problems. they have same features except fo the camera, but still you can have the 1.3MP image by using the photoacute application. and by the way the 3G feature is not applicable here in the philippines becasue we only use GSM networks and not CDMA, if you go to korea and japan, you may exloit the 3G feature. thank you.

    • B
    • Blade
    • Nxs
    • 24 May 2005

    wat is the highest memory cap!! that the nokia 6630 can take!!want to buy the phone today but want to know how mutch memory it can take?

      • Z
      • Zohar
      • ix9
      • 24 May 2005

      Service Manual 6630
      40 MB .
      Need Acrobat Reader to read PDFs

      6630 very good phone. with this one you dont need to spend your money on 6680/1

        • P
        • PDAMaster
        • SvB
        • 24 May 2005

        Hello,I want to buy this phone and I really want to know what is that thing in the upper-right of the phone, a light sensor or something else.I can't find a specification for it, not even in the User Manual I've downloaded from Nokia site.Please if you have some verified info about this thing, send me an email.Thanks.

          • G
          • Goose
          • Sky
          • 24 May 2005


          Having the same problems as alot of you with my 6630 i.e turns off etc. I've loaded the software from symbian freak but can't find where to turn of the 3g, please help this phone is useless to me at the moment!!!!

            • N
            • Nokia6630Owner
            • ixd
            • 23 May 2005

            i bought the 6630 about 2 months ago and it's great,although a bit slow on the menu.i didnt get rid of the 3G thing yet but i will as soon as possible.nice menu,i have downloaded lots of stuff (pics,sounds,etc) and they're all in great quality.the mp3s are amazing too.the cam is alright although not as good as 1,3MP for some reason,the sharpGX30 i used to have with 1MP took better quality photos.however,the cam is not important to me so i dont really care.all in all,its a good purchase,a very nice phone.

              • r
              • robpe
              • ixr
              • 23 May 2005

              I've tried covering the light cell with my finger in a bright room but it makes no difference !

                • U
                • Udkar
                • xhV
                • 23 May 2005

                I'm planing to buy 6630, but little bit confusion in mind which one is the est phone to buy 3230 or 6630. I'm very much intersted in FM and MP3. 6630 desn't have the FM i guess and MP3 is gud, where as 3230 has FM and mp3 but mono and also i heard that sound quality is bad. Please sugest me on this.Udkar

                  • J
                  • Jared
                  • TST
                  • 23 May 2005

                  To Ted,
                  Sory, i just saw ur msg today...
                  about da keypad-light, there is a light censor at the right top of ur hp...when u r in a dark place, da censor detects it n it will switch on ur keypad-light automatically...but when u r in a bright place,the censor detects da brightness n switch off the keypad-light...this makes u save the battery...if u dun believe me,try to go to a bright place n type msg..then,cover the censor,da light will on...

                    • J
                    • Jared
                    • TS$
                    • 23 May 2005

                    i've bought my 6630 since a week's takes just half day to finish a full bar there any ways to settle this problem?and then,about da cable,my pc jz couldnt detect da hp...i've installed the latest XP,service pack 2,but still couldnt...and...sumtimes,when i was saving da pic or song dat my frenz sent me,it took me too long time to save n i had to restart it...i juz hope u guyz can settle my prob...and some of da programs i installed into it r not functioning...plz help..jared needs ur help...

                      • r
                      • robpe
                      • m9F
                      • 22 May 2005

                      hasan tunc basaran
                      "You will never regret buying this phone"... No, not unless you are stuck with crappy Vodaphone 3G coverage & 2.39 firmware !

                        • c
                        • confused
                        • iEt
                        • 21 May 2005

                        hey all plz help me 2 choose between samsung d 500 or sagem myx8 or 6630 . and does d 500 supports avi movies ---> can i download movies from my pc to the phone and does it have the same size on the pc plz answer. thx in adv :))

                          • h
                          • hasan tunc basaran
                          • npa
                          • 21 May 2005

                          this the best phone I have used so far the menu is very fast I definitly recommend this phone even the price is quite high. You will never regret of buying this phone.

                            • j
                            • jma
                            • Rxc
                            • 21 May 2005

                            to Angela L.: The cheapest N6630 I've seen at malls was in cyberzone at mega-exchange, its around P23,000...but I saw one store in cyberzone that sells it at P22,000...

                              • r
                              • robpe
                              • m9F
                              • 21 May 2005

                              Fonts here....

                                • P
                                • Papichulo6630
                                • PEH
                                • 21 May 2005

                                How do you change the size or style of the fonts in the display? The fonts in my display are so small its hard to read. When I went around the stores, most models have large fonts. Although the small fonts make the screen appear larger, I hope it can be configured to change with the profile or theme.

                                  • A
                                  • AdwIiser
                                  • Mvv
                                  • 21 May 2005

                                  forgot to mention: on mine you don't need Net Monitor, it allows switching off 3G from tools/settings/network/network mode. Options are: dual mode/gsm
                                  take care with NET Monitor though!

                                    • A
                                    • AdWiser
                                    • Mvv
                                    • 21 May 2005

                                    hi, i got one yesterday. firmware v 3.45.110 02-12-04 RM-1
                                    Is this the latest? The phone it's still not perfect (as everything with a f00ckin' OS) sometimes reboots. Battery is quite pathetic: the phone is full of goodies but if you're using those you can simply carry a damn' generator with you!

                                      • r
                                      • robpe
                                      • m9F
                                      • 20 May 2005

                                      In more detail..
                                      Menu-Tools-Manager and look in the Options-Settings, scroll to 'Ftd', make sure you got software installation set for 'On' and not 'Signed only'.

                                        • r
                                        • robpe
                                        • m9F
                                        • 20 May 2005

                                        I had exactly same security problem with Net Monitor. Here is the solution... go to the Menu-Tools-Manager and look in the Options-Settings, make sure you got it set for On and not Signed only.

                                        More here...

                                        Vodaphone are behaving disgracefully over 3G/2G handover problem. They shouldn't sell any more 6630's on their network until prob sorted becuase they are causing people such headaches with this issue.