Nokia 6680

Nokia 6680

User opinions and reviews

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  • g
  • gwapz
  • 4t8
  • 01 Feb 2006

Well said b2rete. Well said..

This people are lazy!! They don't wanna read!

    • b
    • b2rete
    • RxV
    • 01 Feb 2006

    all nokia users:

    when you can't open the create message or SYSTEM ERROR appears while using the camera, try to decongest your phone memory by deleting or transferring your files from the internal/main unit to the mmc or go to LOG (by pressing the GREEN keypad for 2 seconds))and delete all missed,received or dialled numbers.


    of course you can change the fonts...i'm changing my fonts anytime i want without the use of a pc.i have 9 fonts to choose from,saved in 512mmc.


    the front camera is being used for 3G services...try reading some sites about it to update yourself.


    try transferring files with the use of a mmc reader, it's much faster and safer. doing it by using bluetooth or nokia pc suite would easily damage your mmc...that is for large files only.

    Read before you post. Search before you post. There is a big chance that your question is already answered

    hope that helps!

      • r
      • razvan
      • mAM
      • 31 Jan 2006

      i've bought one just recently and i would like to know where to get some games and software for it...for free i mean..i never pay for this kind of services..who can help me please just send an e-mail with the links...thanks...oh..and another thing...what is the largest card i can buy for my phone.

        • M
        • Mmmm
        • iTU
        • 31 Jan 2006

        Hi Guys

        It will be really awsome if you guys can tell me few very good websites from where I can download the software (applications + games + tunes + etc).

        Since I have no previous experience related to such websites and cellphone software so I really dont want to endup on websites that got bugged software full of viruses.

        By the way are there any free radio software for 6680? I am asking this question because 6680 dont have a radio application.

        Thanks All.


          • B
          • Brian
          • Qq%
          • 31 Jan 2006

          Blind user and find NK6680 fine to use with Nuance Talks app loaded. Any one tell me why the Nokia Browser from my PC over USB cable or blue tooth crashes when I try exploring the MMC card in the NK? It checks fine in a card reader and the unit works fine. The browser crash hangs my PC and I'm using IE 6.

            • g
            • gwapz
            • jxu
            • 31 Jan 2006

            This is for valy

            What the hell are talkin about? Are you high? or in medication while typing this question?

            Because your not making any sense..

            The phone is Symbian OS, and it takes RS DV MMC! up to 1GB i think.

              • d
              • digimon
              • P@L
              • 31 Jan 2006

              The phone is not worth the price..It does not even look good and it is so expensive..shee..dont know why people buy it..and who uses a camera on the front as well as back..yuk!

                • v
                • valy
                • nCJ
                • 31 Jan 2006

                hello please help i want to bye a 6680 whit a 512 memory card . i hard that you cant do that because it hasent got symbian on it and the phone system will be breacked.. whow can i put symbyan on the new card.. or.. the phone has symbian on it and i simply have to replace the card ?? please help

                  • r
                  • rnmalik
                  • mF4
                  • 31 Jan 2006

                  font size is very small .you even do not have option to change it.

                    • b
                    • b2rete
                    • RxV
                    • 31 Jan 2006

                    PHIL JUNG,

                    i can't get through to your e-mail ad ( use or create a yahoo account for my reply.

                      • b
                      • b2rete
                      • RxV
                      • 31 Jan 2006

                      i'm using my 6680 for 7 months and 6 days and still working great with kingston 512 mmc on board.

                      to avoid the bugs, go to the nearest phone technician or nokia service center and ask for free firmware upgrade...the latest is version 4.04.07. you may check the version of your unit by pressing *#0000#

                      for the FREE DOWNLOADABLE tons of softwares, just follow the links previously posted here...somewhere on page....just search,ok?

                        • a
                        • alex
                        • mm%
                        • 30 Jan 2006

                        Hi I was wondeing if anyone could help me?

                        I just got this fone and i was wondering where on the memory card do you store games and applications when getting the off your computer?

                        Any help could you email to me at

                          • g
                          • gwapz
                          • jxu
                          • 30 Jan 2006

                          No drmunk!!

                          Regualr MMC its a No No for this phone.

                          It has to be reduce size and dual voltage..

                            • d
                            • drmunk
                            • MAg
                            • 30 Jan 2006

                            Can normal MMC card be used in this phone?

                              • R
                              • RD
                              • 2SR
                              • 30 Jan 2006

                              hiii guys.... i gonna buy tis 6680...wats ur opinion???

                                • g
                                • gwapz
                                • 4t8
                                • 30 Jan 2006

                                I don't think so jp..

                                Ive heard alot of people enjoyed the Kingston RS DV MMC card in their phone..

                                It work perfectly.. So i guess it should work perfectly on your phone too..

                                  • j
                                  • jp
                                  • Yc1
                                  • 30 Jan 2006

                                  Can anybody tell me if the Kingston 1GB rs-dv mmc card causes any problems for the 6680? Any help is appreciated.

                                    • r
                                    • rjk
                                    • SeE
                                    • 29 Jan 2006

                                    i have the 6680 its nice phone but the memory card is not enogh,i would lieke to upgrade for 128 Mb but i heared that this will cause a problems in the phone,is there any bodey with experience in this issue? please advise?

                                      • t
                                      • the god
                                      • mAT
                                      • 29 Jan 2006

                                      is a very interestig telephone...6680 is the best..

                                        • m
                                        • mike w
                                        • nEB
                                        • 29 Jan 2006

                                        the 6680 is the worst phone I've ever had, It reboots it's self ,disconnects from the blue tooth headset Iam on my forth one can't wait for my contract to end to get rid of it