Nokia 6700 slide
- A
- Ajit
- s8H
- 08 Jun 2010
Vin, 04 Jun 2010Just bought this phone.. mind blowing.. awesome phone.. nic... moreIt is a very nice phone.
- a
- aditya
- vG7
- 08 Jun 2010
is this phone good for college use?
- a
- arts
- Kx9
- 08 Jun 2010
confused between W705 and nokia 6700 slide..which one is better?
- D
- Dynes
- b9J
- 08 Jun 2010
I just bought this phone, lime green. Its a perfect phone for me.. Nokia made an outstanding job.
- a
- ava-uae
- 3xC
- 08 Jun 2010
hi, any different between 6700 & n86 8mp i think its same option ..?
- ?
- Anonymous
- P$u
- 07 Jun 2010
can i sent 1 msg to 700 ppl at a time, with this phone???????
- s
- shams adnan
- K2G
- 07 Jun 2010
i think it a very decent and cost effective symbian phone.the camera is pretty good.Nokia have done a good job in my book!
- A
- ut0
- 05 Jun 2010
sachin, 05 Jun 2010please you dont buy thise mobileWHY
- r
- rohit
- Y}5
- 05 Jun 2010
sachin, 05 Jun 2010please you dont buy thise mobilewhy i shud not uy this phone?????????????????????
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG4
- 05 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 05 Jun 2010Please tell me, if I change the SIM card, I need to remove ... moreYes you need to remove the battery, but need not have to reenter the time....nice phone man.. I have hated slide but after using this i love it
- ?
- Anonymous
- vbf
- 05 Jun 2010
sachin, 05 Jun 2010please you dont buy thise mobilewhy????????
- ?
- Anonymous
- U3%
- 05 Jun 2010
Please tell me, if I change the SIM card, I need to remove battery...
Do I need to re-input the time everytime I change SIM?
- s
- sachin
- uwd
- 05 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 05 Jun 2010am plannin to buy dis phone...can any1 plz tel the disadvan... moreplease you dont buy thise mobile
- ?
- Anonymous
- t@x
- 05 Jun 2010
am plannin to buy dis phone...can any1 plz tel the disadvantages of dis model ???
- M
- Max
- j{k
- 05 Jun 2010
Can any1 tel me .....Does this phone support .Avi file (smartmovie)
- V
- Vin
- vG4
- 04 Jun 2010
Just bought this phone.. mind blowing.. awesome phone.. nice look. worth the price...
- v
- vivek
- utA
- 04 Jun 2010
pls give me details about
battery life and if its poor can we replace the given battery with any other powerful one?
- ?
- Anonymous
- wdQ
- 04 Jun 2010
i ve bought nokia 6700 slide just 2 days back.
its nice.mine is red one & it costs Rs.9600 only.
camera quality is too good & night shots are nice.
if you want a good camera phone with a stylish look go for this model.the only disadvantage is it has no wifi.
& colors are really suitable for girls i think.
specially red & blue are cool.battery life is just like other models of nokia.
if ur budget is within 10000 go for this one.
- H
- Hirantha (Sri Lanka
- tev
- 04 Jun 2010
Very good phone, sleek and handy, Good camera with lot of options, battery very good,very easy to syncronize with pc (OVI) overall i think a very good phone
- z
- zack
- 0m3
- 03 Jun 2010
earlier i mentioned that the phone is awesome and it is!!! but there is just a tiny problem when it comes to listening music through the loudspeaker...... since its on the back u may feel that the sound is really feeble(especially if its in the pocket of ur jeans)!! if u have a pouch and if the phone is ringing in another room its kinda hard to hear(unless u have a small hole punched in the pouch where the loud speaker is). but if its not inside a pouch or in ur jeans (whatsoever)its pretty loud !!! the vibration is also strong... :) music through the loud speaker is loud!!!