Nokia 7280

Nokia 7280

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Steven
  • myA
  • 10 Jun 2005


I completely understand where you are coming from. If you have MSN Messenger add me on the above address. It is very frustrating!!!

Regarding phone's 'lasting' - again it is all subject to the technology used. If you want a quality handset buy a Vertu! Nokia 7280 is designed for style not features or quality. It's sad to say but true!

    • j
    • jin
    • YHq
    • 10 Jun 2005


    I'm just bitter that I spent so much money on a phone that doesn't even live pass 6 months! Especially a Nokia! They usually last a couple years! On top of that, no one will fix it for me. You would expect better quality control from such a manufacturer. Like I said, people with some extra cash to spare, go for it! Let's just all pray that they would have addressed all these gliches by then.

      • S
      • Steven
      • myA
      • 10 Jun 2005


      I agree with you in that respect - you must be able to enjoy the handset. I work for a large mobile phone company and we get cases all the time.

      It's the fact that everything is quality controlled before it goes out so it must be good as handset manufacturers have such good Q.C. divisions.

      Unfortunately electronic products do go faulty and in the instance that it does I grit my teeth and bear with it!!! Well it sometimes works ;-)

        • j
        • jin
        • YHq
        • 10 Jun 2005


        I agree with you. There are definitely good sides to the phone. But how do you enjoy the good if your phone doesn't work?

          • S
          • Steven
          • myA
          • 10 Jun 2005


          One thing that everyone must be aware of is that electronics products do encounter problems from time to time.

          People moan and moan about their handsets because they don't work for a few days of the week! Now and again, every electronic product will need a repair - nothing is fullproof.

          The Nokia 7280 is a fantastic stylish phone but everyone focuses on the negatives! Look at the good side...

            • j
            • jin
            • YHq
            • 10 Jun 2005

            I'm a huge fan of nokia phones. I've tried all other brands, my most recent one being the sony ericsson T68. I finally decided to switch back to Nokia. You may think its slick, and its different, but you may want to think twice before spending so much money for a phone. I got one early Jan and after one week, it suddenly wouldn't charge. Had to send it back and get a replacement. After getting it back again, I encountered frequent lags and blank screens, suppose to be normal with this phone. This phone will freeze alot. Then it works normally again for a couple months. I've had this phone for about 6 months now. Suddenly, after turning off the phone one day, I couldn't turn it back on. Aren't phones meant to be turned off and on? Also, the rubber part of the dial is becoming flaky. Have encountered the same problems as everyone else here has shared. Debating if its really worth getting it fixed again or just get a new phone. Any suggestions?

              • D
              • Delimmabuyer
              • PFM
              • 09 Jun 2005


              Thanks for the clear advise. =) will definately get one as i also like phones that do not look like usual phones as usual phones is boring...

                • G
                • Gigi
                • MdM
                • 08 Jun 2005

                This phone is Ugly but all I know is, when my BF is not here, I use that to maturbate myself.

                  • a
                  • 4w5
                  • 08 Jun 2005

                  DelimmaBuyer, absolutely! i highly recommend the phone if you have some spare change. i'll probably end up getting another one for my wife. you should also read the complete review on the phone from this site.

                  here are a couple more things to add...
                  1. i was able to play the radio on the loud speaker w/o the bulky original headset by purchasing a cheap nokia headset ($7.00) and cut off most of the wire except for the plug (i left enough to tie it to the phone...where the leather strap used to attach)

                  2. got my first 'freezing' today while playing the radio, had to turn the phone off and on a again. i don't have access to a nokia store to upgrade the software, but will try next time i am in europe.

                  3. the top (ear part) seems a bit loose, kinda shaky. the plus side is that you don't have to pull the phone open when you want to talk.

                  4. another con: you'll need to carry the sim card removal device if you travel and have multiple sims

                  i still love it! it's (IMHO) the most unique and classy phone out there period. i agree with the previous person that if you don't have the phone, don't knock it. we need objective reviews for people to make intelligent buying decisions, not brainless bashings.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • F4p
                    • 07 Jun 2005

                    i own this phone... i find it very ok... no problem at all.. it is a bit different from other phones but if u are willing to try it is not diffcult at all.. pls dun comment something bad on a thing if u are slow.

                      • D
                      • DelimmaBuyer
                      • PUm
                      • 07 Jun 2005


                      So after reading yr point of view? is it worth to get? i'm thinking to get one.. but need help on whether is it worth it anot..

                      Pls any advise from anyone??

                        • T
                        • The Judge
                        • Rxn
                        • 07 Jun 2005

                        hahahaah is this a phone how can u txt with this. what will you do if you have an emergecy that you need to reply soon??

                          • D
                          • DoD
                          • RKn
                          • 06 Jun 2005

                          Sure the nokia fasion series was great!but this phone was the most difficult to use!Still its very stylish and has some great features..Next time I hope when nokia introduces another fasion series make sure they make all phones easy to use!

                            • N
                            • Nokia downfall
                            • PF2
                            • 03 Jun 2005

                            now wat da hell is it suppose to be!!! no features small screen n numerous other drawbacks. dis phone is way too much expensive for its price. n people who thinks its a headturner.... oh well dey r quite turns head n been pointed n said " dat jackass doesn't have a taste to buy a cell phone".

                              • J
                              • Jillian
                              • j3N
                              • 03 Jun 2005

                              i've had this phone since it first came out . . . i think it's the most awesome phone in the world . . . ppl are always like "is that really a phone?" and it's different . . I like having phones no one else has . . .

                                • b
                                • balush
                                • Px}
                                • 02 Jun 2005

                                Nokia's Ugly Baby

                                  • R
                                  • Ruby
                                  • nEt
                                  • 02 Jun 2005

                                  hi, i got this phone yesterday and think its great - only 1 prob - I cant receive mms?? my network provider (O2 UK) say its nothing to do with them and its the phone that doesnt accept this true?
                                  thanks xx

                                    • m
                                    • mini m
                                    • mx7
                                    • 02 Jun 2005

                                    i have that phone i love it but i think its more of a girls phone

                                      • m
                                      • mikaela
                                      • Ae7
                                      • 31 May 2005

                                      i think the phone looks stylish and all but cmon look at it. it's just a load of plastic!!!
                                      very very complicated its like those old fashoined fones where u have to twirl the dial around to put in ur number
                                      I H8 THIS FONE!!!
                                      if i told u that Nokia has put on dah market 6,500 fones this year wot would u think?
                                      well if i were u id be thinkin WOW!!!!
                                      the real reason the've put this crap on sale is to stay on top!

                                        • v
                                        • voy
                                        • PWg
                                        • 30 May 2005

                                        i have it.and i love design but!!!when you find name in phone are bad .