Nokia 7280
- s
- shalina
- M5Z
- 27 Jun 2005
this is such a cruddy phone!! seriously the screen is like the size of my thimbnail what kind of a person buys a phone without a key pad? seriously ppl buy a nice cheap phone! why spend sooooo much money on soemthing that will probably break after 2 mins cuz its soooo delicate?!! give da money to charity and help feed some kids who really need da money i mena come on!
- M
- Margaret
- PQh
- 27 Jun 2005
I think the appearance of the phone is very attractive and unique, but the battery life is too short having to charge it everyday. But the no keypad function, you get used to it, it's not that difficult.
- l
- lyle
- 24 Jun 2005
there is no key pad on the phone
the circular menu boutton spins and changes no# as you spin it
if you go to the nokia website click on the phone and click demo well worth looking @
- k
- kevin davis
- PTn
- 22 Jun 2005
this is a very good fone
- R
- Romeo Crisple
- PTn
- 22 Jun 2005
This is a good phone.But it is ver complicated phone.I dont know where is the keypad in this phone.Could anybody help me out with it.
- v
- vouga,steve
- niZ
- 22 Jun 2005
Nokia7280 is a very nice phone and very cute that many people will like,and it's very fancy.
- a
- alan
- 4w5
- 22 Jun 2005
i use this at work quite often for radio (i take my laptop to the hallway and play the 7280 radio on loud speaker). the trick is to get a cheap headset and cut off nearly the entire thing (leaving enough to tie it to the strap). as long as the phone knows that something is plugged into some audio device, you can turn the loud speaker on.
get a bluetooth wireless headset. it's hard to hold the phone between your ear and your shoulder when you need to use 2 hands for something. -
- d
- delimmabuyer
- PUj
- 22 Jun 2005
Have been using the phone for 2weeks and is still good, everything's fine.
- E
- ElKenany
- iEt
- 18 Jun 2005
The Phone is so good looking and devilishely sexy but when it comes to usage at a public place the wheel bites, the easiest way to dial is using voice commands. But dialing with numbers is nasty.
My advice: buy this phone ONLY as an extra, I have a Nokia 9500 as a main, and this 7280 when I am going out and want to show off, especially here in the USA where they still use BLOCKS as mobile phones.
- s
- sam
- Nxs
- 18 Jun 2005
not user friendly
very irritating to use,is just a fancy looking fone
- d
- delimmabuyer
- PUj
- 17 Jun 2005
been using this phone for 1 week and don't have all the problem u guys say..
i think the reason u cannot go backwards when msging is maybe u off the looping? u need to on the looping..
- a
- ai
- xjw
- 16 Jun 2005
I think this phone is unique, people can have their own opinion, but I think it's cool and different from other phone. so, if u wanna be different buy it. do u guys know how much is it?
- K
- Kaz
- nHC
- 16 Jun 2005
I bought the 7280 about two months ago and have mixed feelings about it. I love the style and the small size but there are problems.. If you like to text don't buy this phone. I don't send that many so the slowness of the wheel doesn't bother me ( and I like gimmicks.) What does bother me is that the wheel lags, the phone freezes and switches off and now, the wheel will only let me scroll to the right on the alphabet.This means I can't jump to the end of it, but have to keep scrolling every time I need a full stop. SO ANNOYING!! It's going back to an engineer tomorrow to have it's software reflashed. If this doesn't solve the problem, no matter how much I love the way it looks, it's going back to Nokia. No way am I paying through the nose for a 'buggy' phone..
- y
- yilly
- np7
- 15 Jun 2005
pls do not buy this phone. it turns off while talking, freezes etc. all my friends are complaining about this problems.
- D
- Delimmabuyer
- PUj
- 13 Jun 2005,
any tips on something that i should know about this nokia 7280?
- g
- gpmc
- P1a
- 12 Jun 2005
hi! i live in mexico city and i want to know when this phone arrive?? i love this nokia!!!!and i was waitting for months. pleas tell me when it arrive and if it is a good phone, the functions are well??.
i think that is the best design of nokia!
- a
- 4w5
- 11 Jun 2005
congrats!!! make sure you learn to pull up the 'number entry' option quickly when calling automated services (where press 1 for this, press 2 for that). program as many voice tags and personal shortcuts voice commands as possible. DWD (dialing while driving) needs extra efforts.
- a
- 4w5
- 11 Jun 2005
i completely agree with you. i generally believe that companies like nokia have higher QA standards and i EXPECT it. you got a lemon.
sorry to hear about your experience. so far so good with me (knock on keyboard). i'm planning on getting another phone just in case this one craps out since no one will be able to repair it where i am.
- D
- Delimmabuyer
- 11 Jun 2005
Hello! i've bought my Nokia 7280 yesterday!! is cool!!! can't wait to show off at public!! while taking buses or trains. =)
- j
- jin
- YHq
- 10 Jun 2005
Dont see any addresses above.
Not looking to spending a couple thousand on a handset.
Thanks for the idea though! ;)