Nokia 7710

Nokia 7710

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Sharjeel
  • PEZ
  • 05 Nov 2005

Thanx for ur help Riaz...
Do u have 7710 as well ?...if u have go to and u can get lot of other stuff out there ...

    • R
    • Riaz
    • 4Y7
    • 04 Nov 2005

    Hi Sharjeel !!!!
    GO here to download its software and games,,73452,00.html

      • R
      • Riaz
      • 4Y7
      • 04 Nov 2005

      Ijust downloaded that thing and that is not a good GPS thing i thougth i might be real nice as its not FREE. it has 14 days FREE key and after that you have to buy it so i dont recommend anyone to downlaod and isntall that thing in their 7710, it would be just a waste of space

        • S
        • Sharjeel
        • PEZ
        • 03 Nov 2005

        hey do u guyz know about SmartComGPS for Nokia 7710 1.02--not yet---ohh wat r u waiting for go and download from

          • S
          • Sharjeel
          • PEZ
          • 03 Nov 2005

          hi everyone-whooosh dis model rocks-better than the best-just wanna know one thing from where i can download the softwares and games of 7710 ? help me plz

            • a
            • adams
            • iCn
            • 02 Nov 2005

            thanks for your suggestion but no matter how contacts are sorted, it takes 5-6 seconds to open a message, with the messages and contacts programs already running. This seems to me really too much. THis phone should have enough power to manage this way quicker.


              • R
              • Ramana Bhamidipati
              • Mk4
              • 02 Nov 2005

              Adams, The moment the SMS is received it parses and displays the Name of the sender in the alert! Not sure why it would parse wile opening it... One thing you can try out is to sort the contacts in First Name, Last name order.

              Hope this helps.


                • a
                • adams
                • iCn
                • 01 Nov 2005

                Yes, 4.01 is an improvement, but if I receive an SMS, it takes 10 seconds to open it because it has to sort the contacts!!!
                Writing sms is fine but it cannot take so long to parse the addressbook, even with only around 100 contacts. If there were at elast an option to disable to contacts parsing.


                  • R
                  • Ramana Bhamidipati
                  • Mk4
                  • 01 Nov 2005

                  Not sure about 4.5 version, but got my 7710 upgraded to 4.01 at CarPhoneWarehouse in UK. This version is for sure improved one and lot of memory management has gone into and few menus have been re-arranged. The Right Bottom Key held down for 5 sec closes all applications and returns to Desk - no need for switcher - but its handy.

                  I have tried and running following applications:

                  1. Opera Mini
                  2. Worldmate
                  3. SmartComGPS
                  4. Mobile Ticker
                  5. Adobe Acrobat Reader
                  6. Agile Messenger
                  7. TaskSpy
                  8. Powerfile

                  and loads of Java applications that I had while P800 was with me and ofcourse transferred from W800i.

                    • j
                    • jhs
                    • iwr
                    • 01 Nov 2005

                    hows video playback in it?

                      • R
                      • Raghu
                      • PB8
                      • 31 Oct 2005

                      Nokia 7710 v.2.0.8

                      1. Phone hang like anything
                      2. Phone stability is very poor
                      3. Camera quality very poor
                      4. Memory low error message
                      5. Contact limited with some fields
                      6. Sound quality not so impressive
                      7. NO button to close application
                      8. When saving pictures gives error

                      9. Data to expanded as a result it works

                      to slow
                      10. Office applications dont work


                      Nokia 7710 v.3.26
                      1. Stablity fixed to some extent
                      2. No memory low error messages
                      3. Still no button to close applications
                      4. Sound quality improved but while

                      selecting songs its very slow
                      5. Contacts changed and more fileds added
                      6. Camera quality still bad specially in

                      recording video and in night it pathetic

                      NOkia 7710 v4.50
                      1. Phone more customised now
                      2. Camera quality improved and video

                      recording is now much improved
                      3. Pone data compressed and now its speed

                      is good
                      4. It has an application close button so

                      u dont have to use third party softwares
                      5. U have set as ring tone options but

                      stil a bug u can only set ring tone

                      stored in phone memory
                      6. A new dictionary added but doesnt work
                      7. Contact have become slow as compared to v3.26
                      8. Messages have become fast and its more stable now


                        • b
                        • buj131
                        • jY5
                        • 31 Oct 2005

                        Guys join us here


                        For discussion on Nokia 7710 updates, and dowloads

                          • R
                          • Riaz
                          • Q{a
                          • 30 Oct 2005

                          Well thank you for your info i hope it works well

                            • d
                            • dawood zakeri
                            • mjN
                            • 30 Oct 2005

                            7710 is the very best fone.
                            i have w800 &7710.7710 better tahn w800.
                            sond of w800 is treble but 7710 is bass &very real.thank you.!!

                              • S
                              • Sonu
                              • PSd
                              • 30 Oct 2005

                              hey guyz....would u tell me is this phone too slow ?? n wht about da camera result?? coz rite now i have 6630 but thinkin to buy this one now ? tell me is betta n why ppl are sayin w800i is betta?

                                • R
                                • Riaz
                                • 4Y7
                                • 30 Oct 2005

                                Well i just ordered one now so let me see how it will work for me. if it was good then for sure i will order one for my princess fiance also ;)
                                Wish me luck guys with this 7710 ;)
                                Most important that i use it in United States with cingular wireless so hope it works. it is unlocked and triband tough

                                  • b
                                  • blingboy
                                  • jZx
                                  • 30 Oct 2005

                                  hey does this thing has bluetooth right. so that means i can use a wireless headset. cuz i was talkin to this one guy and he said u cant so i was just wondering

                                    • S
                                    • SE supporter big sty
                                    • nDb
                                    • 29 Oct 2005

                                    darkaz, SE w800i is 10000000000000X BETTA than the nokia 7710, have a look at both reviews and u will see that it has betta functions than the nokia 7710, marvin joss, i recommend u wait for a bit coz SE new mobile, the SE w900i is coming out which is an upgraded version of the SE W900i, its coming soon so i recommend u w8 for the SE w900i

                                      • A
                                      • Adams
                                      • iCn
                                      • 29 Oct 2005

                                      could someone tell me what the differencies are between firmaware v. 4.01 and 4.5 or point me to a site where this is described?
                                      I tried to look for this on the net and could not find anything. My Nokia center just upgraded my phone to 4.01, which better definetly better than 3.2 but still (at least for me) very slow in opening SMS. I suppose it is related to the phone parsing the contacts.
                                      I was hoping that 4.5 would improve this too.
                                      Thank you,

                                        • D
                                        • Darkaz...
                                        • Ssn
                                        • 29 Oct 2005

                                        I really cant believe that you guys are considering buying a SonyEricsson W800i over a Nokia 7710. the only edge the w800i has over the 7710 is the 2 mega pixel camera which you wouldnt even notice when comparing at a glance. other than that, the nokia 7710 is in every way better than the w800i. For crying out loud! the external speaker sounds better than that of most Laptops i have seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                        Right now i am using a 7610 and would be switching to a 6630 but i still dream of this phone everyday and would not stop till i have one for my self.