Nokia 7 plus

Nokia 7 plus

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Asif
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  • 07 Jan 2020

bharat, 05 Jan 2020it seems phone speaker has gone to the worst in full volume... moreI am facing the same problem from today only. I've been using this mobile phone for about 16 months.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • B0@
    • 07 Jan 2020

    Cupcakes, 29 Dec 2019I'm really sad to see these threads on Reddit and Gsmarena.... moreMy Nokia 7 Plus has the unresponsive problem but after locking and unlocking the phone it fix itself, its annoying for sure dunno if its a software issue

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • B0@
      • 07 Jan 2020

      cant decide, 07 Jan 2020Need help deciding whether to get Nokia 7 Plus or Nokia 8.1... moreYou need sufficient RAM then the 20% CPU difference should be not visible enough to justify the 200$ IMO. Tho if you're getting it as your only phone to use I would recommend taking the latest one, after all 7 Plus is almost 2 year old phone at this point

        • c
        • cant decide
        • u{a
        • 07 Jan 2020

        Need help deciding whether to get Nokia 7 Plus or Nokia 8.1 .

        I have read several reviews in regards to the SD660 and SD710 chip . Apparently SD710 on Nokia 8.1 has around 20% better performance on the SD660 .

        I need the phone to run 3 uber apps simultaneously and on the background so thats is why i am buying one of these . If Nokia 7 Plus is sufficient then i would get it because it is $200 cheaper than Nokia 8.1 . However i am not sure whether Nokia 7 Plus will be able to suit my needs and not lag when i use .

        Is 20% performance in CPU justify the extra $200 ?

          Lovrata, 29 Dec 2019I have this phone for around 10 months. It is a working pho... moreHow you set face unlock, I don't have this option?

            • b
            • bharat
            • Kxb
            • 05 Jan 2020

            it seems phone speaker has gone to the worst in full volume i cant hear anything. is someone facing same issue like i am facing hope nokia fix the isusse in android 10

              I have this phone for around 10 months. It is a working phone, by that I mean is that I use it for my work every day. I'm QA software tester and this phone has gone through around 300 + apps till now. And God knows how many hours of work on mobile browsers. This phone has never failed me. It is quick, the sound is great, the display is super, very fast responsive (compared to the iPhone XR that I have). It does not have any lag when I'm working on this phone. The battery in normal use for me lasts two days. But when I work it lasts 1 day, because then I use more features at the same time for a longer period of time. The camera from my point of view on daylight works really great. But at night, it is not so good.
              I get Android updates regularly.
              I would recommend this phone for every average user because it is fast, stable, long Android updates, Zeiss camera, great battery life, sturdy body, you can put SD card if needed.

              Also, this phone has a Face Unlock feature, I'm using it with the other two, fingerprint scan and PIN unlock.

                I'm really sad to see these threads on Reddit and Gsmarena.


                Seems like HMD global is using sub-par quality stuff in their phones.

                My first phone was a Nokia C7 which still works despite being dropped about a thousand times.

                But after seeing these comments made on Nokia 8 and 7 plus, I really feel HMD Global isn't doing any justice to the Legendary Nokia name.

                Seems like 7 plus has a fragile port selection while the Nokia 8 has some low quality battery issue. And both devices has some display issues as well. (Image retention on Nokia 8 and unresponsive screens on 7 plus)

                Personally my Nokia 8 is fine without any issues yet (has image retention issue, but after keeping the night light turned on always 'kinda' solved the problem)

                You're welcome to add your thoughts on the quality of life with the new Nokia. Will they improve on future devices? Or are they on a temporary mission to make the most out of Nokia name within their licensed period?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 6PH
                  • 21 Dec 2019

                  Anonymous, 17 Dec 2019I really don't know what these Indians are talking about be... moreFor camera, try installing the following Gcam on it. You will definitely love it.


                  Nokia 7 Plus is one of the very few phones in the world with Level 3 (maximum) Gcam support. In its price range ($193), I highly recommend Nokia 7 Plus for its camera.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 6PH
                    • 21 Dec 2019

                    Juwel, 16 Dec 2019It's a good phone but has 3 big downside to me: 1) The mini... moreFor brightness, download Twilight app from play store and turn off its intensity. It'll let you dim the display further.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 6PH
                      • 21 Dec 2019

                      noturavgconsumer, 21 Dec 2019The phone is overpriced and has a lot of issues. A lot of ... moreIt's priced $193 here.
                      The earphone thing is not a phone problem. You're just trying to use earphones that aren't compatible with it. That's why they don't connect properly and sound may start coming from speaker.
                      Change the shop where you buy your earphones. Most earphones should work fine.

                      I have never heard of display issues in this phone. There was a bug in launcher a while back which made buttons on lower end unresponsive, but it's resolved. If you still have it, just download another launcher like Evie Launcher or Nova Launcher.

                        • A
                        • Arun
                        • U@s
                        • 21 Dec 2019

                        I got it when this model was released , even now it is very good in everything, no complaints, different look white with copper edge , solid grip , good processing, worth the price

                          • n
                          • noturavgconsumer
                          • 7tV
                          • 21 Dec 2019

                          The phone is overpriced and has a lot of issues. A lot of people have audio jack, USB port, display issues.
                          I still use this phone and it doesn't charge properly, can't use otg and plugging earphone/headphone works for 5 seconds after which the phone starts to play sound from the speakers for some stupid reasons but this doesn't happen with every earphone/headphone.
                          Apart from hardware issues, the phone's bootloader can't be unlocked which is stupid, the above mentioned headphone problem.
                          At this price point this must be a premium phone but doesn't have any features of one. Updates are delayed because this a year old phone, has no face unlock, no oled display, no dedicated dac like LG phones, my point is for 400$ I got a shitty phone(with issues) with no special features and a company who doesn't listen to their own community.
                          To top this, phone has no official acessories or any nice 3rd party accessories(for eg I couldn't ever find one leather case for this phone).
                          The worst of all is that a lot of Nokia phones have the same usb issues which Nokia still hasn't addressed.

                            • j
                            • jack
                            • kDv
                            • 18 Dec 2019

                            Im using this phone since 1 years and it's very good. I have no problem with it. OS good, good updates, good grip yes it feels good and solid. I like copper finish mine is black with bit of copper. It look classy and even now with a good price it's recommended. Free tip from me download app Accu Batter it helps maintain battery health!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • B0@
                              • 17 Dec 2019

                              I really don't know what these Indians are talking about below, the phone is fine. Its a midrange phone , so you get midrange specs and its nearly 2 years ago that this phone got out.

                              The OS is fine 9.0 has some bugs with the gestures but nothing groundbreaking (tho sometimes when i unlock the screen its unresponsive and i have to lock it and then unlock it to fix the problem ) the battery usage is identical to 8.1, at first some people had complains of big drain but not anymore. The 10.0 should be out soon and it looks promising.

                              The camera is mediocre but its definitely miles ahead of some low-mid end phones - in low light quality cuts short with a lot of noise. In video capture mode it zooms in a bit too much for me but, eh. The image stabilization is not good either a lot of blur is present if moving fast.

                              The speakers are mediocre at best. They are loud enough for quiet environment.

                              The screen is alright, but all colours especially the blacks are washed out looking in comparison to a Samsung screen for example.

                              Build quality, without a case it has this strange feeling of fragilness and its a bit slippery because of its back coating but overall is really good.

                              Battery on average for me is around 6 to 8 hours of screen time with brightness around 50 to 90% for the majority of time. Which gives me a healthy daily usability.

                              I had the phone since Its release and overall im pleased with it. But i wouldn't recommend it to anyone still as it has a new version out and there is no point unless you get it for real cheap.

                                • J
                                • Juwel
                                • 6p}
                                • 16 Dec 2019

                                It's a good phone but has 3 big downside to me: 1) The minimum brightness is too bright especially noticeable at night time; 2) No inbuilt FM Radio and 3) Still no option to unlock the bootloader and root.

                                  • S
                                  • Somit boro
                                  • rJx
                                  • 14 Dec 2019

                                  Asif, 13 Dec 2019How to downgrade softwareNice phone

                                    • A
                                    • Asif
                                    • rKg
                                    • 13 Dec 2019

                                    PD2, 08 Dec 2019Don't upgrade this phone to Android 9. Keep it to Androi... moreHow to downgrade software

                                      • S
                                      • Sonu
                                      • Dk9
                                      • 10 Dec 2019

                                      PD2, 08 Dec 2019Don't upgrade this phone to Android 9. Keep it to Androi... moreIt is possible.i want to also downgrade my nokia 7 plus 9 pie to 8 oreo. I like to 8.1 oreo.
                                      I contact nokia service center .but they are saying . Downgrade is not possible.

                                        • P
                                        • PD2
                                        • m2A
                                        • 08 Dec 2019

                                        Don't upgrade this phone to Android 9.

                                        Keep it to Android 8.

                                        Only problems after upgrade to 9.
                                        Very good phone if you leave to android 8.
                                        I have reverted back to 8 and now phone is working much better.

                                        Waiting for verdict on Android 10 for Nokia 7plus before moving from Android 8 again.