Nokia 808 PureView

Nokia 808 PureView

User opinions and reviews

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  • E
  • ElThor
  • 7{x
  • 30 Oct 2012

of course carol is a payed agent from nokia to spread lies that blab blab blab symbian is died alot ago its not worth

go to samsung its better or htc or lg

i hope nokia lumia 920 runs well and i support nokia abadoning symbian that ediot system

    • C
    • Carol
    • L7e
    • 29 Oct 2012

    PMRisOVER, 29 Oct 2012Wow!You sure comment a lot.Are you getting paid ? Seems lik... moreNope, i just love technology and sometimes i cannot keep my self from commenting. I just accused Nokia for being chaotic, not doing what they should have done. How am i defending them? It is true, i like their innovations and quality, compared to others. I also am into symbian... Maybe that's why i'm always here on nokia forums when i'm in lust for what others have to say.

      • P
      • PMRisOVER
      • PS6
      • 29 Oct 2012

      Carol, 25 Oct 2012Don't you have anything better to do but showing your frus... moreWow!You sure comment a lot.Are you getting paid ? Seems like you defend aNokia A LOT!

        • s
        • sssss
        • ut}
        • 29 Oct 2012

        alla the spec.. are fine.but should come with android......

          • C
          • CAROL
          • L7e
          • 29 Oct 2012

          Nuwan, 29 Oct 2012 Dear Carol, Totally agreed...! High specs sheet is ... moreYes, Symbian browser suck's. But, the problem with flash is adobe, they didn't develop this player for Symbian... they abandoned android, so i can say that they will not make it for Symbian. We still have flash 4. it is better then nothing:). Opera is also not so good, i would prefer Mozilla, but this guys suck big time cause they had no interest in Symbian. Even now is still not to late for developers to start supporting Symbian by developing apps for it. There are so many Symbian phones in this world that even only 30% of them could feed this money hungry developers up. Symbian can take life just by being feed with apps. Then maybe Nokia will start to put some money in Symbian developing and a healthy ecosystem will revive. It is not much but... as i was saying some time ago on this forum or on n8 forum. Symbian apps are harder to develop... so it is easy to make money with android then to work to much for symbian. This is the world we leave in, everybody thinks about money, but at the end, it is just a mobile system:). We can leave with or without it.

            • N
            • Nuwan
            • tes
            • 29 Oct 2012

            Carol, 29 Oct 2012There are allot of problems here. Unfortunately, as far as ... more
            Dear Carol,

            Totally agreed...!

            High specs sheet is something people are fascinated with these days... So let's give them that, but with Symbian... Then when they can use this high power system for several days battery life they will surely begin to think 'What the f.... did we stick with battery sucking Android....??'

            Anyway, I personally think Symbian must improve the Web browser (a lot actually) or else, let Opera do the development and include the Opera mini with full flash support (hopefully Flash player 11) by default abandoning the default browser..

            Gallery also could have been improved more... (Where the hell this option button has gone in FP2??)

            And little bit versatile drop down notification bar instead current one and some default animation effects would complete the job and yes, as you said with a different name...!

            Symbian will be alive again......

            But even I think it's just a dream now... Even though I would have very much liked that dream to be come true...

            I'm a loyal Symbian fan up to it's end...

              • z
              • zouz
              • gyK
              • 29 Oct 2012

              hey there, to all whom out there thinking of buying the nokia 808, well i bought one a couple of weeks ago, and here's my experience,,
              it's bulky,
              the screen resolution is low compared to you know who
              the operating system is a bit outdated compared to you know who
              the nokia store is poor compared to you know who
              but you know what, when i hold the phone in my hand, i just love it, i adore the camera, i feel i purchased a special piece of hardware that i will keep with my untill who knows when,, i had iphone 4 for 1 year, i now have the galaxy s3 and the ipad3 but this nokia just feels so special, and beleive when i tell you in some aspects better than those iphones and androids, i just kept wondering why nokia didn't put a higher screen resolution, why the abandoned their symbian os as i saw after the last update that it doesn't stand too far from android and ios..
              well inspite of this i love it, the camera is miracle to be put on a phone, so yes buy it and you will be happy, but you should have an android or ios device next to if you like apps and games,,,that's it :)

                • C
                • Carol
                • L7e
                • 29 Oct 2012

                Anonymous, 29 Oct 2012Agree with you. If Nokia gives the mature and stable Sy... moreThere are allot of problems here. Unfortunately, as far as i've heard, Symbian does not support dual-core cpu's, also does not support bigger resolution then 640/480. That is why all Symbian phones have low powered hardware. Yes, n8 could have 512 RAM, 1300 mhz cpu, and 2000 mA battery, but... if Nokia would have done this, they couldn't make a big difference in the next to come Symbian phones, no? I think this is the biggest problem on Symbian. Nokia had no idea that n8 would get such a bad publicity and Symbian would go down (good conspiracy from other companies, they did a good job destroying n8 reputation) So they made the N8! A very good multimedia gadget with low specks and still facing with pride everything was on the market, back then. In this way they could have had room for the next to come symbian phones. BUT again... dual core came along and Symbian was behind... Symbian was hit from all directions, and started to fall after a very bad management from Nokia. And when that happened, Nokia started to think on other systems that could face the market, this was a very bad idea! Instead of investing in symbian and do something about the small issues it still has, nokia got scared and started to abandon it, they started to abandon the only selling system... you know what that meant right? Yes, Nokia drop down like a dead fly with a system that it is still selling even though does not support dual-core bla bla bla and was abandoned. More work on symbian 2 years ago could have bring nokia right up in 2012, but now is to late. Let's hope that Symbian, being in maintenance mode, will be brought back to life with a kick as* dual-core cpu (more is really unneeded) powerd by a 2500 mA battery and then we will see again the power of Symbian with low specks destroying everything that surrounds it>:). Also, maybe need another name, cause the flock of sheep's is fixed! Symbian is no good, beeee, symbeee is beee no good beee. You know what i mean! But then again, this is only my conspiracy:)

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • IWT
                  • 29 Oct 2012

                  Dear friends,

                  i see many people who're still wondering whether to buy this or not... In fact i was in the same category few weeks ago so i think my experience would help you all at least a bit..

                  I previously used an n8 do first i really thought is this really worth to go for 808 without going for a dedicated camera and android combo..

                  I choose 808 and now don't regret a bit about it..

                  Why i don't regret..?

                  1) 808 camera is super awesome even compared to good old n8

                  2) i can get very creative photos with many customizable settings

                  3) phone is very fasy defenitely faster than n8. I don't experience any lag even compared to latest android devices

                  4) fp2 key board is super cool, it intelligently pick the word i didn't even type...!

                  5) despite if the brick size the phone fits to my hand perfectly, in fact i love to hold this beauty all the time

                  6) battery life is unbelievable

                  7) screen colors and brightness is at peak (gsmarena rates this phone has the brightest screen ever made (iPhone 5 second and sgs3 third)

                  8) shutter speed from 1/2400 to 2.7 s which is remarkable fot a mobility phone, most importantly we can smaryly control that

                  9) still this is very portable, you can carry it anywhere and capture all the moments anytime

                  10) phone is rock solid, i don't have to tell that since this is from nokia

                    • C
                    • Carol
                    • L7e
                    • 29 Oct 2012

                    vineethsp, 28 Oct 2012i completely agree with you... Symbian is such a stable OS ... moreYou know how people are! We, the people, think in mass. Some of us prefer to think more then they hear, some don't. So the part who do not like to think to much, is the part who thinks that everything that flies can be eaten:). So, if they heard that symbian is not good, also iphone is extremely good and samsung is declared the best plastic in the world (what a joke) that's it, no use needed, if others say and like, we like harey!!! For them, it is clearly that iOS is the only smart system and others are something like a copy. i mean: COME ON! It is everywhere. In every new movie, it is very clear that it is better then others:)) ... good manipulation, no? And it works quite well.

                      • C
                      • Carol
                      • L7e
                      • 29 Oct 2012

                      rahulrods, 27 Oct 2012Very well said.Completely agree with you.i have samsung gal... more:). Yes N8 has a crazy battery life, i talk like more then 4 hours every day play on internet or play on it more then 2 hours and i still get 30 hours, i don't know if it's only me, but my battery kicks a*s:)

                        • 8
                        • 808 user
                        • vx7
                        • 29 Oct 2012

                        jalmy, 27 Oct 2012does this phone support skype video chating? anyone knowsyes it does. just download the app from the nokia store.

                          • A
                          • Anonymous
                          • iwt
                          • 29 Oct 2012

                          Carol, 26 Oct 2012I just stop you there and ask you. If you never used a Noki... moreAgree with you.

                          If Nokia gives the mature and stable Symbian a chance, and put 1,5 GB processor, 2 cores, 1 GB RAM, 2100 mAh battery, then Symbian phones will be faster than other phones, and their battery life will probably last 5 days or more (with a single charge). That's true and it's amazing.. Can you imagine that ?!

                          Belle FP2 is far far far from Outdated. In fact it's a very capable and User Friendly. It's a highly competitive OS. So Why Symbian has to be thrown away when it's good !

                            • A
                            • Anonymous
                            • iwt
                            • 29 Oct 2012

                            AnonD-31200, 24 Oct 2012I'm a camera lover, using N8 n planning to buy 808pv. I don... moreMe too. I'm planning to get 808. I love it, It's a great phone !

                              • b
                              • bigbite87
                              • uSP
                              • 29 Oct 2012

                              monica, 28 Oct 2012ok. and how is the camera performance in low light conditio... moreyou have to play around with the settings of your camera.. So far i'm very satisfied with every picture i take, no noise or whatsoever even when i zoom.. You really got to learn to use it and test it.. All of my friends were impressed as far as the camera of my 808 is concerned...

                                • j
                                • jb
                                • BPQ
                                • 29 Oct 2012

                                i realy need an answer. Why should i buy 808? I have an n8 for about 1 year and i enjoy it. With opera mini v12 internet is good.i don`t understand why i can't see videos on internet in one site and in others i do with i am thinking of an dslr and keeping my n8 or to buy only an 808.this is my question:is it realy so good or not?i am thinking at canon eos 600d.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • gxJ
                                  • 28 Oct 2012

                                  jalmy, 27 Oct 2012does this phone support skype video chating? anyone knowsnope.but fring works excellent with a for It

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • gxJ
                                    • 28 Oct 2012

                                    jalmy, 27 Oct 2012does this phone support skype video chating? anyone knowsnope.but fring works excellent with a for It

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • uv4
                                      • 28 Oct 2012

                                      Anonymous, 27 Oct 2012I little confused to buy xperia acro s or pureview . Plz an... moreSony is better

                                        • v
                                        • vineethsp
                                        • uvm
                                        • 28 Oct 2012

                                        Carol, 26 Oct 2012I just stop you there and ask you. If you never used a Noki... morei completely agree with you... Symbian is such a stable OS that no other MOS can be compared with it... Nokia is being foolish for not supporting it these days...
                                        Am using galaxy note which slows down after couple of apps are used... Battery drains out very soon too.. On the other hand.. Symbian phones are stable and have longer battery life... I wonder why people abuse symbian when they are completely ignorant about it...