Nokia 808 PureView

Nokia 808 PureView

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 3Jd
  • 15 May 2012

Alin, 14 May 2012This phone has the biggest sensor created on earth, bigger ... morerofl did the guy actually post this

    • D
    • AnonD-25554
    • t1$
    • 15 May 2012

    i dont understand why people are complaining about this device as if nokia has put a gun to their forhead to buy this phone.if you dont like it dont buy it.go and buy galaxy s3 or htc one x,nobody is stoping you

      • n
      • neol
      • Xu6
      • 15 May 2012

      AnonD-40848, 14 May 2012Dear Haterz, if u dont know anything About the Symbian Bell... morenice interface fp1 but ugly 808 phone designed, width dimension should be 63mm+

        • S
        • Spooked
        • j6s
        • 15 May 2012

        Well I pre-ordered it about 2 weeks ago now, it needs to be released so I can change my phone.. I really don't want to have to get a iPhone 4gs

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • fuN
          • 14 May 2012

          I must confess that there is this temptation as regards s3 and even htc one series.but i still do have very strong faith and trust for nokia apologies pls.Nokia rocks nd Pureview a better view of the picture of the future.Love my N8.

            • D
            • AnonD-49846
            • Lxj
            • 14 May 2012

            Anonymous, 14 May 2012I'll reserve my judgement on this thing until i see a direc... moreThis phone has one of the biggest(if not the biggest) sensor used on a phone. Megapixel count aside, the amount of detail and lossless zoom you can get is simply amazing. There is a video floating around which demonstrates the amazing quality and abilities of this phone. No iphone 4s or galaxy or any phone can match the amount of detail and zoom that this phone has.

              • r
              • resident
              • 0p9
              • 14 May 2012

              Dont understand why it would have bracketing on the camera options, surely without a tripod its impossible!

                • D
                • AnonD-54781
                • ee3
                • 14 May 2012

                This phone seems to be i nice phone, but i have to have some hands on time with it to know for sure, i have been a nokia fan all my life, and never a problem with any of the nokia phones i have had in the past

                  • D
                  • AnonD-40848
                  • 3Yi
                  • 14 May 2012

                  Dear Haterz, if u dont know anything About the Symbian Belle FP1 Software, Then Plz Watch This:

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 39x
                    • 14 May 2012

                    jbpianist28, 14 May 2012JESUS CHRIST.... dont you read between the lines, wake up..... moreYou do realise this is a Smartphone and not just a camera? And people use these things for watching videos and all kinds of things which is where the word Smart comes from in Smartphone, and this thing is gonna look seriously pixelated making me chuckle when i see the word PureView.

                      • s
                      • smart one
                      • 3WP
                      • 14 May 2012

                      [deleted post]Yes... As you said... Symbian is so outdated, but still better than android...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 39x
                        • 14 May 2012

                        Alin, 14 May 2012This phone has the biggest sensor created on earth, bigger ... moreYou need proper practical like for like comparisons between other phones first, because most people just view images on a 19" monitor or maybe a big tv and print out at A4 at the most and this is the reality of nearly every camera, and if it is seriously better than other camera phones for this then yeah i'll admit it might be worth buying even though you are getting that creaky and almost dead Symbian Belle OS on there, but i honestly think Nokia have been struggling so much lately they just needed to grab some headlines, and a 41mp camera phone certainly does that, but if they really wanted people to take this thing serious it should have had a higher resolution screen to view what the camera did and have WP7 because Symbian is a dead OS now, or no saying Symbian is dead is a bit harsh so i'd call it the living dead OS.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • U{L
                          • 14 May 2012

                          Anonymous, 14 May 2012have you ever used belle.think before posting anything I have used Belle OS and doesn't seem great. Nokia needs to improve its OS standards or else its a waste launching such a good phone. Another OS, i would have definitely gone for it.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • DQn
                            • 14 May 2012

                            AnonD-51869, 14 May 2012exactly thats y i used my words'ready to triger files in c ... morefor n8,the whole 16gb internal memory is partitioned to C:, D: and E:.

                            -using SRAM(Static RAM) caching
                            -using EEPROM(Z:Drive)

                            as per windows if compared
                            - C:= Windows Folder
                            - D:= System Files

                              • D
                              • Denon87
                              • pvN
                              • 14 May 2012

                              AnonD-44031, 12 May 2012Dumb, or dump? But really, why won't you use it anymore? I... moreNobleScarlet. You know so well about Symbian OS.
                              I think you really should make a youtube video where you tell about these good differences between symbian and android. That would be good informative and helpfull for people. :)

                                • A
                                • Alin
                                • p$u
                                • 14 May 2012

                                Anonymous, 14 May 2012I'll reserve my judgement on this thing until i see a direc... moreThis phone has the biggest sensor created on earth, bigger than any DSLR!!!! Nokia developed this sensor specific for this phone!! DSLRs have big lenses to compensate the sensor size. Check some samples in the evening to see how great this camera is!

                                  • A
                                  • Andy
                                  • Hw$
                                  • 14 May 2012

                                  [deleted post]Yeah. That's sad but really true. All of my friends who are using Nokia's symbian envy my android or the iOS of others and they say it's a crappy stuff now with all these better OS in the market. A lot of people dreams of having an iPhone which is a good device, really but at the same time, they don't know that android phones have the biggest market share nowadays. Sony Ericsson, Samsung and LG are just few using android. That's why Nokia is now offering Windows phones because symbian is one incompetent OS now.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4$f
                                    • 14 May 2012

                                    Nokia just saved me a bunch of money. Now I don't have to spend $40,000 to get a 41MP camera.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-51869
                                      • vbM
                                      • 14 May 2012

                                      Anonymous, 14 May 2012Symbian OS stores "virtual memory" in C:. RAM !=C... moreexactly thats y i used my words'ready to triger files in c drive' 

for example
c drive = windows system folder whereas d drive=ddr ram inside your pc 
only difference here is phone uses z drive(rom)to store its OS whereas in pc its stored in windows folder

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • PU0
                                        • 14 May 2012

                                        At least this one has better storage then at&t one x lol, making it easier to snap more picture on the go!