Nokia 808 PureView
- D
- AnonD-181129
- Nv9
- 30 Oct 2013
IMPORTANT!! for all symbian lovers and users sign up at to have a chance for symbian os not to be forgotten and be a leader just like android. Plzz rate so that everybody could see the posting.
- C
- Carol
- J5L
- 30 Oct 2013
AnonD-77434, 28 Oct 2013Hi my friends How are you all, miss you so much, sorry f... moreHey Ziad, nice to see some words from you. Good luck with your plans. And to all of you: have a nice day:).
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0}$
- 29 Oct 2013
Made in china?, 27 Oct 2013My nokia 808 wont start anymore, only nokia logo comes to s... moreMy 808 is just fine...
Even with CFW.
BTW = still best cam-phone by far
- D
- AnonD-77434
- fk6
- 28 Oct 2013
Hi my friends
How are you all, miss you so much, sorry for missing me this long know the work and how the life goes here...any way How is your creativity going with 808 Pureview?? :)
I found this quick and important comparison from the between the King 808 and The princess Lumia 1020...both are great, but look how Nokia 808 produce clear image and has the ability to solve more details with less noise...Enjoy
(dpreview is the best professional site globally has every thing about the photography)
Wish me luck cause you may hear good news soon about me, love you all :D
Keep Pureviewing ;)
- r
- rainman
- TX}
- 27 Oct 2013
Made in china?, 27 Oct 2013My nokia 808 wont start anymore, only nokia logo comes to s... moreThat way you get the phone launched?
- M
- Made in china?
- mWX
- 27 Oct 2013
My nokia 808 wont start anymore, only nokia logo comes to screen when power on and then goes black. This is my first failed nokia phone. Sending it to warranty fix..
- P
- mWX
- 25 Oct 2013
rokib, 20 Oct 2013808 should have all software in nokia store. I've lost pdf ... moreLook for smartoffice program in nokiastore, it has best pdf reader for symbian.
- o
- orbee
- mqS
- 24 Oct 2013
R., 19 Oct 2013I suggest to flash with nokia original suite, or with phoen... more thanks H
- j
- josephjoychristopher
- D63
- 23 Oct 2013
friends, i have raised a query on technical problem related to nokia belle os that we can send multiple files from gallery by marking and send via bluetooth. i want to knw whether every one is facing the same issue and in music player many songs the seek bar option coming in music player
- D
- AnonD-181710
- 6Qb
- 23 Oct 2013
The best phone anyone could buy.
The best mobile OS ever.
This phone's a small DSLR.
It has the real soul of Nokia.
- h
- hitesh
- U$4
- 23 Oct 2013
Hello all
I m from 808 showing os as nokia belle feature pack 1.ho
W to download delight pack ? Please give a to z process for download. Thanks a lot in advance
- D
- AnonD-46089
- rAf
- 21 Oct 2013
AnonD-156047, 21 Oct 2013please download delight v1.2 and extract it on your desktop... moreThanks a billian for your clear description, Mr.Sam. I'll do it.
- i
- ifty
- 6Q0
- 21 Oct 2013
why have you not provided th video chat via skype or like as other chats ???
- D
- AnonD-156047
- vG5
- 21 Oct 2013
please download delight v1.2 and extract it on your desktop, install phoenix, make a new folder as RM-807 in C:\Program Files (x86)\Nokia\Phoenix\Products and move the extracted contents of delight from your desktop to this folder. open phoenix,connect your 808 click file>open product, type rm-807 in the search box and then select it. below the menu bar there must be a "no connection" box, click it and select you phone, the click firmware>update firmware, then click [...] box placed aside of product code, select 059m7q4 click ok. then click options, you will see a field in red color with .fpsx extension select it and click delete, then click ok and the refurbish, then let the magic happen, do not press anything on the phone it will restart couple of time.
helpful blog post
- D
- AnonD-46089
- 7j}
- 21 Oct 2013
Dear Friends,,,,
I want to cross the boundaries and install Delight v1.1 on my Nokia-808.
I have downloaded Delight_808_v1.1.exe ( 141mb file)
What other files should I still download?
Please help me out friends,,, and also clearly state the installation process step by step in 5 or 6 lines.
Thanks and regards in advance.
- r
- rokib
- uNV
- 20 Oct 2013
808 should have all software in nokia store. I've lost pdf reader and could not found it anywhere. could anyone help me.
- D
- AnonD-34934
- utY
- 20 Oct 2013
hi ziad.. How r u.
as the link u provided makes sure that 808 is still undisputed king of camera phones..
- D
- AnonD-77434
- fvy
- 20 Oct 2013
Manish, 20 Oct 2013Does image size of 808 reduced when it transfered to pc?No...Nothing change about the quality of the photos or videos...just use class 10 SD card for best video performance :)
- D
- AnonD-77434
- fvy
- 20 Oct 2013
The King will be the King forever...Nokia 808 officially has no match...must see article :)
- M
- Manish
- K6j
- 20 Oct 2013
Does image size of 808 reduced when it transfered to pc?