Nokia 808 PureView

Nokia 808 PureView

User opinions and reviews

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  • 02 Aug 2013

AnonD-34934, 27 Jul 2013try MeeGo once.. U will be satisfied and will get the answe... morethank u Nokia n9 is meego OS, Am i right? but availablity is very less right now, may i know meego can support all major apps

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PFH
    • 02 Aug 2013

    AnonD-34934, 27 Jul 2013try MeeGo once.. U will be satisfied and will get the answe... morethank u Nokia n9 is meego OS, Am i right? but availablity is very less right now, may i know meego can support all major apps

      • D
      • AnonD-2665
      • rAg
      • 02 Aug 2013

      AnonD-34934, 02 Aug 2013Gitty if possible get me download link for The One CFW v4.2... moreI tried it before, it doesn't open with my tata docomo but it opens if I use my another sim ie. Idea! So check if ur operator has banned it ! U can use another sim as I did !

        • c
        • chiraj
        • iwp
        • 02 Aug 2013

        my 808 phone is made in china... not finlend or hungery... so it is original...? plezzzzz help me...

          • D
          • AnonD-34934
          • utY
          • 02 Aug 2013

          AnonD-2665, 01 Aug 2013hi ! R u still using belle delight ? Or got the one now ?Gitty if possible get me download link for The One CFW v4.2
          when ever i open the download link it ends in failure..
          can u get me direct download page.. i mean in a click download.

            • D
            • AnonD-34934
            • utY
            • 02 Aug 2013

            no gitty. Using huellif v3.1.1. I feel this is perfect for my use. Also mohican is really worthy.

              • D
              • AnonD-2665
              • rA2
              • 01 Aug 2013

              AnonD-34934, 01 Aug 2013No more info can be obtained from google...;)... chance les... morehi ! R u still using belle delight ? Or got the one now ?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • tUX
                • 01 Aug 2013

                nokia 808 is the best mobile

                  • D
                  • AnonD-91246
                  • rKA
                  • 01 Aug 2013

                  hmmmmm....thanks for your reply guys. One is better in something than other. But i think 808 has much better camera than 1020. I will continue with it. :)

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • mjP
                    • 01 Aug 2013

                    AnonD-91246, 31 Jul 2013hi Carol, how are you ? I've come here after long time. So,... moreyes, the sensor is smaller but still bigger than 1/2.3(the most common used dimension for pocket cameras) and 1/3(most smartphones) so there is no doubt you can't go wrong with either choice you make. Is it as good as 808? from the first samples I've seen the iq is still better on 808 but the differences are small and for many 808 users(including me) there is no reason for updating if we speak only about the camera. I wanted but I expected a little more, still 1020 it is the first choice available(I guess you could still find new 808s although hard or second hand ones) when it comes to photos/video. Anyway, if you didn't make up your mind yet, take a look first at the guys from dpreviw:

                    and soon they will review it as a camera the same way they did with 808


                    Maybe you could draw better conclusions then, over here are more subjective opinions(I susbscribe to that:)) in saying 808 still holds the crown:) but for sure I wouldn't be disapointed in carrying an 1020 arround...

                      • D
                      • AnonD-34934
                      • utY
                      • 01 Aug 2013

                      AnonD-77434, 01 Aug 2013Look, I posted it in gsmarena and 808 page several times, b... moreNo more info can be obtained from google...;)... chance less... shows that Ziad is back to page... Am i right Friend??

                        • D
                        • AnonD-162764
                        • 6Qa
                        • 01 Aug 2013

                        daily popularity of 808 is rising day by day after availability of 1020. :D i think people are comparing both devices. :D

                          • D
                          • AnonD-77434
                          • rtQ
                          • 01 Aug 2013

                          AnonD-91246, 31 Jul 2013answer my question buddies....! :(Look, I posted it in gsmarena and 808 page several times, but no problem to share it again with you

1- Nokia 808 PV has 1/1.2" FSI CMOS which is bigger than lumia 1020 1/1.5" BSI CMOS sensor.


2- Nokia 808 PV has ND filter and ISO 50 level to reduce the highlights, Lumia 1020 hasn't

3- Nokia 808 PV has the biggest focal length ever (8.02 mm) which gives you the best depth of field more than Lumia 1020 (6.6 mm) only...Lumia still bigger than N8 (6.0 mm) and all other phones out there for sure


4- Nokia 808 has bigger pixel size

-- 38-34 full resolution is 1.4 um like Xperia Z, Iphone 5, S3-4

                          -- 8 MP pureview mode is 3.07 um (very big for phone)


-- 5 MP pureview mode is 3.91 um (amazing for phone)


                          - 2 MP pureview mode is 4.89 um (biggest pixel ever in any smartphone)

This big pixels gives you such pure and clear when zooming 100% you will see zero noise (depending on zoom levels also till you reach the max zoom so you will get the real resolution)

                          5- Nokia 808 Pureview handles over 1 Billion pixel per secend during 1080P video recording and that's 16x powerful than any phone ever (read the white paper)

                          6- Nokia 808 producing it's images at 300 dpi. (amazing for sure, N8 also)

Now coming to lumia 1020...the best smartphone camera out there right now:

                          1- Lumia 1020 has smaller pixel size 1.12 um due to the samller sensor size


2- Lumia 1020 producing images in 72 dpi only...another reason for making the pixel smaller than 808 pureview's one ( talked with juha alakarhu on twitter about pixel size and he told me that they simulated the 1.4 um but the results was worst than 1.12 um

                          3- Lumia 1020 has no ND filter.

                          4- Lumia 1020 has no ISO 50, it starts from 100 and this will results more noise and highlights in the pictures.

5- Juha didn't tell me about the pixel size of the oversampled 5 MP...he just told me that the physical pixel size is 1.12 um, but I think it will be around 2.75 um or somthing like that, but obvious it will be smaller than Nokia 808's one


But Lumia 1020 also has some advantages over it's older brother the 808 PV :


1- Lumia 1020 have apreture F/ 2.2 bigger than 808 PV F/2.4, and bigger F-stop means bigger depth of field and better light catching

2- Lumia 1020 has the best OIS on any phone, it's the second generation and really it's impressive and awesome and very powerful and accurate more than Lumia 925-928-920

                          3- Lumia 1020 have Six lenses rather than 5 only for 808 pureview and 4 only for all the lumias except Lumia 925 (which has six also)

4- Lumia 1020 has better oversampling algorithms so the 5 MP should sharper than 808 (but that doesn't mean better or more details)

5- Lumia has faster shutter speed till 1/16000 faster than 808 PV which has shutter speed around 1/ 5000 - 6000 and the pictures is almost totally dark.

6- Lumia 1020 has Rich audio recording and two mics. like 808 PV...808 is stronger cause it can do like 320 mb bitrate/s CD quality beside WP OS still has mono only for video recording...(read the white paper of 808)


7- Lumia has mechanical shutter like 808 PV and N8 and that's help the Xenon flash and fast mode photos


So as you see both have amazing technology and Nokia only one can do that

but The final conclution:


-Nokia 808 is better in terms of clarity and pure photos with almost no has more zoom with 2MP PV mode up to 3.6 zoom so: day light photos, portraits, landscapes, night photos it will be more clear and producing more amount of details.

- Lumia 1020 will be better in low light, indoors, night portraits and photos, cause of the awesome OIS 2nd generation which gives the Lumia 1020 extra points here
(Nokia 808 pureview will be better in low light in terms of quality and clarity with details but it will need tripod, cause it will be very shaky at night and produce very shaked photos)

                          but you know, not every one will cary or use tripod when going to club or taking quick night photos

                          Lumia will be better also at videos cause they will be very sharp and stable due to OIS 2nd generation.
I hope that make it clear and gives you some nice information, Ohh...btw I'm saving right now to pick up one hot yellow Lumia 1020 :P
have a nice day...808 PV user ;)

                            • D
                            • AnonD-34934
                            • 2Tb
                            • 31 Jul 2013

                            AnonD-91246, 31 Jul 2013answer my question buddies....! :(have a look into this Harish


                              • D
                              • AnonD-91246
                              • rKq
                              • 31 Jul 2013

                              answer my question buddies....! :(

                                • D
                                • AnonD-34934
                                • 2Tb
                                • 31 Jul 2013

                                AnonD-77434, 31 Jul 2013Hi Siva, Rizwan and all dear friends Whats up my dear fr... moreFine Ziad.. Sure we all will be waiting!!!!!!!!
                                Take care Friend...

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-162764
                                  • 6Qb
                                  • 31 Jul 2013

                                  AnonD-77434, 31 Jul 2013Hi Siva, Rizwan and all dear friends Whats up my dear fr... morebe happy and safe dear and have a nice time. ALHAMDULILLAH we are doing well here. What about your area situation. May ALLAH help you ppl. And protect you from any bad situation.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-77434
                                    • fvy
                                    • 31 Jul 2013

                                    Hi Siva, Rizwan and all dear friends

                                    Whats up my dear friends, how are you :D

                                    I hope you all doing well and enjoying your 808, I'm sorry for being busy this days (hahaha fasting and beside our sad national situations beside I'm in a camp without any internet connection right now :P)

                                    I just replied you from the work...I'll back soon for this lovely page to share some important points about 808 pure view and how this AMAZING camera phone still one of it's kind in terms of over sampling technology , I really can't feel any serious reason to get the Lumia 1020 the long I use 808 Camera, however I missing some nice advantages of WP OS , beside I'm waiting for Xperia honami with it's 1/2.3" inch (I love Sony also)...confusing myself always O-o

                                    keep supporting the page with Carol and always be at your lovely friends ^-^

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-91246
                                      • rKq
                                      • 31 Jul 2013

                                      hi Carol, how are you ? I've come here after long time. So, nokia is now launching lumia 1020 41mp camera phone. Is it as good as 808? The difference between these two is the L1020 comes with a new 1/1.5-inch, 41-megapixel BSI sensor, which is smaller than the 808′s 1/1.2-inch, non- BSI offering of the same resolution. What difference will it make practically ?

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-162764
                                        • 6Qb
                                        • 31 Jul 2013

                                        Carol, 30 Jul 2013Belle refresh is for first generation s^3 devices. In fact,... morecan you please suggest me link for garmin for Nokia 808..