Nokia 808 PureView

Nokia 808 PureView

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • tUX
  • 25 Jul 2013

when will nokia release stable firmware for 808 pureview

    • D
    • AnonD-34934
    • utY
    • 25 Jul 2013

    well said MdN and Carol...:):):):)

      • C
      • Carol
      • L7e
      • 24 Jul 2013

      AnonD-168319, 24 Jul 2013Why in the hell would anyone want a phone these days that's... moreThe question is: Why the hell should people chose a phone just cause it's popular and has apps. The other question is: why the hell should i have what everybody has? I never had what everybody had. When i had symbian, people did not know what that big thing is. Now, i have symbian and people still don't know what that small thing is;). Sad is that i'm always up front and people are always lagging behind with their trend. Now, let me answer your question: Cause there is still no other system out there to give me what Symbian did and does. The only system that could stand up against Symbian was MeeGo Hartman, and that's gone to. Now, with all the hope wp will get the real Nokia stamp on it i wait for the update that's gonna make it Symbian. If not, still i will be forced to buy one, cause other brands are as lame as a plastic disposable cup.

        • R
        • RICHI
        • PvE
        • 24 Jul 2013

        MdN, 24 Jul 2013Are you sure about that? Google is developing Chrome OS bec... morecomo que android no tiene future estas loco?

          • M
          • MdN
          • 6tS
          • 24 Jul 2013

          AnonD-168319, 24 Jul 2013Why in the hell would anyone want a phone these days that's... moreAre you sure about that? Google is developing Chrome OS because there's not much future in Android. It's so badly coded it needs 4 cores for something others do with two. Also, 95% of Android paid apps are illegally downloaded = no money for Google. Ad revenues are falling too. You can buy a quad-core 13MP Chinese Android for 200 Euro (free shipping) so the market will go upside down soon too, or move on to something else. Any OS will last 10 years, no matter how popular it is. 100 million people around the world still use Symbian because nothing suits THEIR needs better, no matter how hard they are being told they "need" something else. Finally, Symbian is the only OS that doesn't spy on you, user friendly, battery efficient, you don't need an infinite data plan just for "other" (unknown traffic) and looks better than any other OS. Fully customizable too, good Symbian themes have 1100-1400 icons while top Android icon packs have maybe 700-800. And so on, and so on.

            • D
            • AnonD-34934
            • utY
            • 24 Jul 2013

            cozmo, 24 Jul 2013let me tell you why some one would! i bought this fine dev... morehave nice time with 808 cozmo. It is such a wonderful device.. I feel it to be unique as my previous device N9.:). 808 also does wonders in many area as u said. Functions smooth and silky. I expect that nokia won't let 808 down.. But not sure:(

              • c
              • cozmo
              • TjQ
              • 24 Jul 2013

              AnonD-168319, 24 Jul 2013Why in the hell would anyone want a phone these days that's... morelet me tell you why some one would!
              i bought this fine device few weeks back,knowing that its the last nokia runing that OS,but let me tell you it just feels great both hardware and software wise!

              when i got it out of the box,i got the latest update belle pak 2 plus other 19 diffrent updates.
              the device feels and run great..and it did not hang once since i turn that things on,not even once.

              its a great camera too,and it does not feel like its been a year since it came out,all important apps was found and downloaded with ease.

              i can go on and on..the last thing i would say do your self a favor and try one and find out for your self!

              happy 808 new owner.

                • D
                • AnonD-34934
                • utY
                • 24 Jul 2013

                AnonD-168319, 24 Jul 2013Why in the hell would anyone want a phone these days that's... moreif android is going to rule the world in 5 years and if u r considering abt the main three os in the market.. Then for what hell u came to this page..:P:P:P:P:P. Try something else.. If i ask u to justify 'why u criticise symbian' obviously u will come out with three or four points.. BUt that will be with respect to hardware and apps.. Other than that can u say anything.. That too app department provides us the basics.. SO no worries for symbian user..

                Even take into reality. My friend got a samsung galaxy S duos as birthday gift from his father this year. But he was using 5800 till that evening.. after two weeks he is once again back to 5800 saying that this old machine still satisfies me rather than new. He feels that build and battery is not good in samsung. Inspite of having good hardware it fails to attract an old nokia user.. Have u ever used 5800 if not try to get ur hand on it. The real XPRESSMUSIC.:):)

                  • D
                  • AnonD-168319
                  • 4Yn
                  • 24 Jul 2013

                  Why in the hell would anyone want a phone these days that's not one of the three main OS's? And really, Android, since that's going to take over the market completely in the next 5 years...?

                    • D
                    • AnonD-168319
                    • 4Yn
                    • 24 Jul 2013

                    Why in the hell would anyone want a phone these days that's not one of the three main OS's? And really, Android, since that's going to take over the market completely in the next 5 years...?

                      • D
                      • AnonD-34934
                      • utY
                      • 23 Jul 2013

                      AAS reviews some basic diff between 808 and 1020 snaps


                        • D
                        • AnonD-162764
                        • fBh
                        • 23 Jul 2013

                        Anonymous, 22 Jul 2013Can anyone tell me what sizes in MB the pictures comes out ... morego for nokia 808.. It is better if compare with camera of 808 and 1020. If you really need a camera phone with long battery backup then go for 808

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • GQa
                          • 23 Jul 2013

                          best mobile nokia

                          lumia 1020 is copy 808

                            • D
                            • AnonD-34934
                            • utY
                            • 23 Jul 2013

                            Guys Look at this...

                              • M
                              • MdN
                              • 60P
                              • 23 Jul 2013

                              The first 808 vs 1020 comparison is here!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • t1$
                                • 22 Jul 2013

                                Can anyone tell me what sizes in MB the pictures comes out in different resolutions? After a lot of searching i finally found a store which has 20 Nokia 808 and i don't think they are gonna sell out soon, not in a month. I'm also waiting for Nokia Lumia 1020 however i hate WP8 and Microsoft. Should i wait or go for this phone? By th way it umis available here in 18k brand new here in India.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-75470
                                  • YT8
                                  • 22 Jul 2013

                                  Carol, 21 Jul 2013:). Sorry my friend, but Symbian is more expensive then WP.... moreThanks a lot my frnd for trying to correct my knowledge but sadly I was correct. What about nokia lumia 920 cost compared to nokia n8 and lumia 1020 cost compared to nokia 808.
                                  Here is breif sales report of symbian phones from nokia
                                  Q4-2008- 15 million
                                  Q4-2009- 20 million ( up by 5 million or 33%)
                                  Q4-2010- 28 million ( up by 8 million or 40%)
                                  Q1-2011- 24 million (down by 4 million or 14 %) this was the quarter of begining of 'Elop's effect'
                                  Q4-2011- 18 million at least.
                                  So anyone with little mathematical knowledge calculate weather symbian sales was declining or increasing, yes there was a downward slope but totally due to Elop's effect.
                                  All above data is not made by me at home. These are nokia's official sales report.
                                  Have any questions or doubt just check out the link below...


                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-167592
                                    • s%R
                                    • 22 Jul 2013

                                    Shut up and take my moneyyy