Nokia 8800

Nokia 8800

User opinions and reviews

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  • I
  • IndianCat
  • SwC
  • 17 May 2006

Great phone, just if you guys don't know it support also 3G technology..KOOL..

    • o
    • oatsman
    • S35
    • 17 May 2006

    Nokia 8800 is a nice looking handset but it's boring and out of date.

    Doesn't do much, easy to scratch and the buttons are too small, if you have little fingers or if your a lady then you may like the phone if your getting it based on looks.

    Nokia have brought a black version out, what a joke, nokia are laughing at the people buying there 8800, same but just in black.

    What next pink? Nokia are making easy money but just painting the handset.

    Battery and talktime is very poor, Wouldn't buy it if you paid me, nokia are ripping people off and the handset isn't worth it, not even worth £30.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • TR{
      • 17 May 2006

      After a year on the market, this is still the best looking & definately the most user friendly phone I have owned(I own more than 10 other phones including Samsung P300,Moto A1200, SE, & some other Chinese & Korean joint venture production phones. (Forget about my Vertu, it's not that nice although the sound quality & built is excellent).

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • pYE
        • 16 May 2006

        i have got this couple of days it is a very nice fone??? but memory is low??? d500 memory is bigger than this???

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • mnX
          • 16 May 2006

          Creature from t-mobile

            • .
            • ...
            • TKb
            • 16 May 2006

            Eventhough the function sucks but look how thin and small it is !!

              • C
              • C Me
              • mxI
              • 15 May 2006

              Creature; you are bit late coz its too late

                • C
                • Creature
                • mX9
                • 15 May 2006

                I have heard a rumours that there is to be a black 8800 released which i need immy life. does anyone know if this is true and if so when and where can i get one!!!!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • I67
                  • 14 May 2006

                  i ordered myself one and cant wait to get it i even went ahead and got my bluetooth adaptor for my pc i am excited even though I am more of motorola phone lover maybe this will win me over to Nokia's I was just a bit suprised at how simple the phone looks foe something that cost $1200 but oh well I hope its worth it..

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • PSw
                    • 14 May 2006

                    this phone is only for fashion, it looks good but the batttery sucks
                    it has less features than the other nokia phones even if it looks good.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • PAp
                      • 13 May 2006

                      I bought my Nokia 8800 a couple of weeks ago and this phone is excellent – A+. I’m 100% happy so far and all my mates are looking to get one too. Great looking, easy to use, and really well built. Girlfriend bought me a goldplated mobile phone cover for the Nokia 8800 from and it now looks super cool!

                      Alex, London

                        • d
                        • dad
                        • PVt
                        • 12 May 2006

                        wowwwww, this cell is fabolous,and sexy this cell is made for high class society no battery problem i luv this 8800.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mAM
                          • 11 May 2006

                          well..the screen isn't very scrath resistant as advertised, but the build quality is impressive, same is the box of the phone, battery - it lasts one day, good metal feeling into the hand, here in romania every one has one (the silver colour), never seen the black one, seen the gold one (terrible gipsy-like look), worth about maximum 400 euros to pay for one, not 650 as is now the price, i won't sell it because i like it. i;ll replace it only with the next 8 series or with a entry level vertu (if released as i read on one post in here).

                            • a
                            • arijeet
                            • P@Z
                            • 11 May 2006

                            classic handset i m just waiting for its price to go down but even though it beat all its category........its pride n prestiguos

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • p2b
                              • 10 May 2006


                              very veryyyy poor and important deficency

                                • C
                                • Costas
                                • T4J
                                • 10 May 2006

                                I got this phone last month. It's just a piece of art. And it's certainly not for everyone. But what I love most is reading the posts from those they hate it cause they can't reach it.

                                  • n
                                  • nokia 8800
                                  • Qu2
                                  • 10 May 2006

                                  This phone is wicked! Mine has no problem at all. Better than any other phones, indeed! Trully recommended for all!!!!

                                    • M
                                    • Mr Lesson Learned
                                    • mXJ
                                    • 10 May 2006

                                    This phone is truly a nightmare. I purchased two – one for my wife and one for myself being that we are guilty of foregoing content over style. Boy – what a mistake! Mine has been replaced 3 times and I have now given up completely on the 8800 and opted for something more reliable and stable (and free). My wife’s has been replaced twice and were it not for her higher tolerance levels for glitches in the firmware, would have been exchanged again by now. In total between us we have had FIVE 8800’s over the last 3 months

                                    We have experienced the following:
                                    • Phone ‘reboots’ itself without reason during calls and whilst creating texts
                                    • Sliding cover fails after about 2 months
                                    • Battery life is short and the level indicator has no bearing on reality

                                    When speaking to customer services having received my 3rd faulty phone I was advised by the representative that the 8800’s are indeed a nightmare and was advised to not bother replacing but exchanging for something else. Yes, that’s correct the service provided actually recommended a full refund over another 8800 replacement!

                                    The Nokia 8800 is a top end phone (price wise). It’s difficult to spend this kind of money on a functionally limited phone where style is the selling point unless, you want to go into the crazy realms of Vertu.

                                    I cannot believe Nokia have released a top end phone like this that is so compromised – did they actually test it do they have any quality control ?

                                    I recommend staying well clear of this phone. It may look cool and engineered but, it is far from a relaxing thing to own.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • SeF
                                      • 10 May 2006

                                      fu-k nokia better make iit cheaper.otherwise this will be left as a brick in middle east..i wish they were ;istining to me

                                        • V
                                        • Veee
                                        • 4wJ
                                        • 09 May 2006

                                        My boifreind has gat this fone..n now we are fighting to get me one......This phone is absolutely FAB and CLAASY!