Nokia 8850
- M
- Man Van Ngu
- 18 Aug 2002
logo Nokia 8890, 8850?
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- Anonymous
- 02 Aug 2002
8910 is uglier but smarter.Anyway I think this is by far the most beautiful cellular phone ever built.I had it for 2 years,now i have 6510 but i still love 8850
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- michael
- 22 Jul 2002
i bought an 8850 in winter 2001 and in a year and a half i had to repair this phone 3 times: signal, display, microphone. For a lot of money you get poor quality
- E
- Eak
- 21 Jul 2002
I need specification and price of 8850
- s
- sinbugs
- 17 Jul 2002
Who else wanna buy 8850 Gold cost RM 1200.
Contact me.
- A
- A.Nawab
- 13 Jul 2002
hi where we will be find the software for this model for upload the phone book entries and other like logo, tones thanks with regards
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- nusty
- 09 Jul 2002
i am using 8850 now but it haven't trick as can't composse music.i accept it lookong good so much if u don't mind about fucntion but i like it.let's buy it
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- jagmohan singh
- 08 Jul 2002
whts the price of this phone in india, i m waiting
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- Mr.A
- 01 Jul 2002
How about its price in Finland or Sweden ?
Could sombody reply me please. Thanks
- D
- DL
- 28 Jun 2002
I have just forked out £299.99 for one of these off line in the UK. In my opinion is the best £300 i could spend on a phone brand new phone. Be it that its 3 years old, but this piece of kit is timeless. In a few years time, i think i could sell it for double the price. Anyway, salute to NOKIA 8850. Geniune class.
- p
- pankaj khandelwal
- 25 May 2002
he is so good looking .please send me
catlog by my email add.& tell me price
- H
- Harry Kintama
- 14 Apr 2002
Nokia 8850 rocks! Though I live in the non-GSM United States, I've used the phone in my travels from Europe to Asia and has never failed me. The only reason why I bought it was because of the 8860, which is the TDMA version but battery life sucks big time. The 8850 is slightly smaller and uses all the same accessories except for the battery, which lasts much, much longer. I'm waiting either for a TDMA version of the 8850 here in the USA or the USA change to GSM. GSM RULES!
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- ahmad
- 05 Apr 2002
i think nokia are not better than ericsson becuase i have always had a nokia and it is rubish the vibrator is not good and the voice dilling its better for nokia not to even put one in becuase it never works!!!!! but ericsson it always does i just got a ericsson T39 and it is better than any nokia even the 8850 all nokia do is put games and cool messeging and poeple buy the phones anly for that. also found out that all nokia phones are the same like the 3310 and 3330 is thw wap and 8310 and the 8210 ll thats diffrent is the radio the couler of the screen and that is the same for all of them but ericsson dont really need to make there phones look wicked and flashy ericsson think about technology becuse a phone is to phone poeple not to walk around with a cool cover i agree style does count but thats why poeple but nokia.
- t
- tony
- 18 Mar 2002
I have spent a while reading all the opinions on this very special phone so i will take the time to share my opinion. Before i say anything i just want the readers to know that i am a mobile phone dealer and have had every mobile phone u can think of.
The Nokia 8850 is the most elegant, classy & beautiful looking phone in the world!!!! It has been out for more than 2 years and it is still the most expensive phone you can get!! U MIGHT ASK WHY? BUT THE PHONES ANSWERS THAT IT SELF!!! When it comes to features it isn't the top of the range simple because its 2 YEARS OLD!!! But very much still it isn't to far behind WHEN IT COMES TO NOKIA. Games aren't the issue, feel and quality are!! and the nokia 8850 surely gives you that. It is made from materials that make sure it is safe and secure at all times, and that is for sure a great feature. THE BUTTONS MIGHT BE A LITTLE TO SMALL FOR YOU BUT THERE ARE MADE FROM CROME!!!! THIS IS THE FINEST PHONE IN THE WORLD AND BELIEVE ME WHEN I TELL YOU NOTHING WILL EVER BET IT. ITS'S NO. 1
- O
- Ongodia Robert
- 11 Mar 2002
If you could put in a minute minder in to warn on the minutes spent on phone
- A
- Anthony
- 20 Feb 2002
an amazing phone. the most elegant phone in the market. great features like the auto slide cover. very expensive though. other than that a fine pleasure to have and to own.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 13 Feb 2002
not bad A!?
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- Anonymous
- 10 Feb 2002
does any1 want to swop there nokia 8850 for a nokia 8810. please reply to dis message, i will keep checkin on here. thank you!!!
- N
- Nikita
- 08 Feb 2002
8850 is very cool.I'd like one for free
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- hristin
- 15 Jan 2002
who is nokia 8850 ?