Nokia 8850
- N
- Neil Cousins
- 08 Jan 2002
Can you tell me how much the NOKIA 8850 would cost sim free please.
- 8
- 8310
- 20 Dec 2001
it sux. old, crapy, problematic phone.
cheap, but not worth it. get 6510 or 8310 they r way better. fuck 8850 and its phone, 8850.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 11 Dec 2001
no beats functions,feelings beats logic
- r
- romanu
- 11 Dec 2001
timeless design,decent functions,the most beautiful phone in the world.i have this model for 2 full years,and i still love's like a mercedes-benz
- A
- Aus Finnland
- 09 Dec 2001
The best phone I ever had!
Design is wonderfull!
Those who say it sucks, go to your self!
PostSckriptum: Sivuston ylläpitäjillä on erittäin paljon asiavirheitä monien puhelimien tiedossa. Und das war alles!
- 8
- 8850
- 07 Dec 2001
8850 still kicks 8310 big time in terms of style and design. love it forever!
- T
- Tomislav
- 02 Dec 2001
This is the most beautiful phone that Nokia has ever made. Simply the best!
- D
- Dery Ernanda
- 26 Nov 2001
I think this is the best design from Nokia, combining style with quality in materials but don't expect too much in feature or technology !!! you will disappointed as soon as after you buy it!
is there lower price from Nokia?? bad price for this 8850 !
- s
- stonehaven
- 20 Nov 2001
I think that this phone has a great design
the quality is good and to keep it more or les exclusive the price is ok!!!!
- O
- Omer
- 19 Nov 2001
This phone hav games but U hav written it doesn't hav games so plz correct it.
- t
- t.m
- 27 Oct 2001
Cumpar 8850 ofer 280$ urgent
- s
- siphokazi
- 21 Oct 2001
i think this is the best nokia of them is so genuane, it also attracts. i just like everything within it. i wish i could have it right now.
- A
- AlexT
- 03 Oct 2001
I happen to have one of these marvellous phones. As I said it looks splendid but it hurts me to say, it's all that's got! And at this money, from the first day I bought it I only get dissapointed with it.
Do not buy it and save your money for the future phones (like Sendo), not like other stupids!
- d
- dodgy dick
- 01 Oct 2001
I love this phone its very pretty. i think you are very pretty as well luv dodgy dick
- M
- Miranda
- 16 Sep 2001
What exactly do you people mean when saying this phone is of bad quality? It's one of the sturdiest models there is, and one you are not too likely to have to take prepaired. Another thing: You sad morons cry because "it has no new technology in it". Umm, how about waking up, this phone is more than two years old already! It was one of the most advanced models when it was first released! But by all means, please go and get some more "reasonable" model like Ericsson A2618s (hahahaaa), I (and many others) am quite happy with my 8850 the best thing being not every poor idiot has the same.
- I
- Ian
- 23 Aug 2001
High price, bad quality. Would never buy it again (and have already sold it)
- R
- Robert
- 23 Aug 2001
Have purchased a 8850 two years ago. Good looking and that's it. Maybe nice to have but all in all its overpaid and the quality is not as good the quality of an older Ericsson (f.e. 788e) also the features are not up to date
- X
- XShadow
- 21 Aug 2001
I don't get it. Why does Nokia overprice it's phones so much? This phone doesn't have any new technology in it. It just tears your pocket apart...
- B
- 16 Aug 2001
this is the best phone out of NOKIA so far.... so classy and light in weight.... thumbs up for nokia !!! but now that it is quite a while, what phone will replace 8850?
- S
- Smelly Chips
- 30 Jul 2001
this phone stinks! it smells of rotten eggs mixed with rotten bananas and grapes!