Nokia C3 (2010)
- l
- lilchi
- fuv
- 05 Sep 2013
is one of the best phones Nokia ever invented but that not enough to compete with the general market
- z
- zeya
- 7XY
- 03 Sep 2013
y the nokea c3 has no ebook
- A
- Andy
- mHY
- 03 Sep 2013
I bought a C3-00 secondhand on Amazon, after my MDA Vario (aka HTC Wizard) drowned at sea. I've always thought Nokia phones were well made, and well thought out, but then I'd never actually owned one.
It ate a big chunk of my PAYG phone credit while it was supposed to be using Wifi. Googling how to make it stop revealed a lot of people with the same problem and a lot of half assed solutions that sometimes work, but maybe not reliably.
Today I realised someone had sent me a txt, yesterday, and I never knew. I've never owned a phone that didn't have a little flashing LED to tell me I'd had a txt - until now.
It hadn't even occurred to me to check it had one. What sort of idiot would design a phone that didn't?
So, one of the main features I bought it for - Wifi - is totally useless to me because I can't use it without risking wiping out my phone credit when it decides to use GPRS/EDGE instead. Also, it can't show youtube clips. Presumably it could once, but now it can't. Again, googling revealed some solutions but none of them actually worked. The phone's software is probably just too old.
Okay, I thought, never mind, all I really need it for is txt messages and maybe the occasional call - like if my car breaks down, or the building catches fire (I'm not a big phone user). So now, I've found it's not even good for txting because I don't know when I've had a txt unless I turn it on and look.
When I finally did realise I'd had a txt, I tried to save the number as a new entry in my address book. How hard could that be? It was totally counterintuitive. Here I am looking at a txt with the phone number on it, and I know who it's from. Obviously, what I want to do is add that number as a new contact and fill in the name.
After several minutes of cursing Nokia, I figured out I had to quit the message, go to the contacts list, add a new contact (where step one asked me for the number!), go back to the message, then add the number there to the contact, by searching for it in the contacts list again.
Unbelievably bad. Really, really, poorly though out. I thought it couldn't be as bad as Windows Mobile 6. It isn't. It's a lot worse.
Oh, and the Ovi app store is a joke. There's almost nothing of any use in there and it's impossible to find anything. Menu options like just showing free apps don't work, and there's effectively no way to filter results or sort them in any meaningful way, like by rating.
Positive points? Well, the battery seems to last well. That's partly because there's almost nothing I can usefully do with it though. It would last even longer if I could figure out how to turn the display off when I've finished using it, rather than having to just let it turn itself off when it gets bored.
What? I should have read the manual? It's a phone. I've used phones before. If it was designed well, they wouldn't even need to print a manual. If I need to read it to work out how to do such basic things, they'be completely failed in their design...
They've completely failed in their design.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 5F%
- 02 Sep 2013
frank , 30 Aug 2013can nokia c3 suport wats appof course
- T
- Tornado
- 5F%
- 02 Sep 2013
I"m currently using the Nokia C3, and i tell you what, theres no phone that can beat it...its user friendly and if there was a girl named C3 i woould marry
- m
- master
- sSP
- 01 Sep 2013
is this sumbian phone shows ram
- ?
- Anonymous
- fjU
- 31 Aug 2013
I get nokia c3 over 3 month! I cannot wait anymore. Blackberry see my not again! Farewell and bye blackberry.
- B
- Boki
- 0V%
- 31 Aug 2013
frank , 30 Aug 2013can nokia c3 suport wats appYes
- B
- Bole
- 0V%
- 31 Aug 2013
frank , 30 Aug 2013can nokia c3 suport wats appYes :)
- T
- Tony
- Xuq
- 30 Aug 2013
frank , 30 Aug 2013can nokia c3 suport wats appYes Nokia C3 supports wat app
- f
- frank
- Sbc
- 30 Aug 2013
can nokia c3 suport wats app
- S
- Salman
- nTR
- 29 Aug 2013
Can anyone tell me. We can used Net call mean Mobile Dailer for international calling.
- A
- Ady
- 7jV
- 27 Aug 2013
I have been using c3 since 2 months and experience failures. It plays MP4 video but no videos.
It has no shortcut on qwerty keyboard like my earlier Samsung chat. Chat is lot better then c3...
- s
- shani
- KIg
- 27 Aug 2013
its a great cel
- v
- vineeth
- 7t8
- 26 Aug 2013
Raja, 15 Aug 2013Awesome yaarAverage phone . Not compare to other phones
- E
- Ebrahim Motawea
- T0s
- 24 Aug 2013
i have a message it's not delete or read , what should i do to solve that problem ???
- s
- scarletpadi
- fuv
- 24 Aug 2013
some of my app is not working becouse i flash my phone
- s
- scarletpadi
- fuv
- 24 Aug 2013
some of my app is not working ecouse i flash my phone
- Y
- Yung-p
- N9@
- 24 Aug 2013
Mehn... If in any java phone from nokia then i must heil nokia C3-00... It wondrous.. I use mine up till 2day and has more 2yrs now.. And ntn hapen to it.. The batery even last long ntn do it... Evrything in it work normal..... Infact if not for lact of minimizing apps. Like symbian and other smat4nes mehn i wouldnt have change mine... Plz go for C3-00 it awesome
- B
- Blackmallam
- fsV
- 22 Aug 2013
Al, 17 Aug 2013CAn anyone tell me if Nokia C3 will work in the USA?My nokia c3 is facing extinction i want to buy asha 302