Nokia C3 (2010)
- A
- Ash
- uwg
- 14 Mar 2011
i think, overheating battery
- I
- utv
- 14 Mar 2011
how to download nokia c3 themes
- N
- Nirjon
- 9xe
- 14 Mar 2011
Voice dialing is an importan feature today, but Nokia C3 have not this feature
- C
- Chip
- GFk
- 14 Mar 2011
I have a Nokia C3, and its now two months now.
I have sold my Samsung star for this phone.
This is way better and cheaper than Samsung.
User interface and screen quality (pixels and colors) are more vivid compared to Star.
Battery lasts for about 4-5 days in normal usage with messaging, minimal callas, and about average Wifi.
Messaging better. either chat or email or any other third party apps.
things/attributes wherein SStar is advantageous compared to C3:
Camera: SSTar has better camera.
Youtube: Has better video quality.
Else, C3 has advantage.
It looks formal and the interface really has the edge, compared to Sstar which looks like some China Phones here.
Use Snaptu/Nimbuzz/Ebuddy for better messaging and web browsing.
The only request i can wish for C3
1. ability to save composed messages
(can anyone teach me how to archive composed messages since only received messages can be saved)
2. Multiple alarm - hope this support multiple alarm.
3 Decent camera - good thing i have my point and shoot always with me
4 YouTube - better video quality please?
Generally. The best phone i purchased
- d
- 0U0
- 13 Mar 2011
chat application vanished after upgrading to the latest software version. Did anyone had the same issue? thanks.
- c
- coa96
- snM
- 13 Mar 2011
can i use youtube on c3???
- A
- Abhikool19
- 13 Mar 2011
Nice phone!!! I purchasd it on 6 Jan. & till nw i didn't ve ny prob.. Best thing is it's battry backup & evn music clarity is also gud.. But i'm facng using ovi store frm main menu.. Else evry thing is gud.. Go 4 it!!!
- N
- NasH
- fqx
- 13 Mar 2011
The phone is quite good with its specs and for its price.Am personally enjoying WIFI on the phone.With its full qwerty board,and some interesting other features.To conclude i would say to those who can't afford an expensive phone,C3 definitely will overcome your needs for internet
- M
- Manna
- t@G
- 13 Mar 2011
Using since 3 months just waste of money.
- S
- Sami
- uW5
- 13 Mar 2011
Joseph Anthony, 10 Mar 2011trust me i was the one that designed the look of this handsethi pal,I want to buy nokia c3.what u think about nokia c3?
- M
- Man Moo
- fwc
- 13 Mar 2011
Can you use WhatsApp on the NOKIA C3?
- D
- AnonD-1285
- fsV
- 13 Mar 2011
Wireless on Java. How did this ever work out. C3 is not good! AT ALL! DO NOT BUY! Or Buy and REGRET it.
- J
- Juliacutee
- UD}
- 13 Mar 2011
If you want cute and low priced phone, buy this. It is good. You can do anything you want here. The best feature for me is the internet. :) It is fast if your wifi connection is fast. Don't blame your c3 phone if your connection is slow. It is about your Wifi connection. It has many features. I swear you'll like it. :)
- j
- jaycee
- IWb
- 13 Mar 2011
its provide msn,ym,ovi alrdy in c3..
- y
- yc
- IWb
- 13 Mar 2011
phena, 10 Mar 2011i am planning to buy nokia c3 .. the wifi is free ??????
a... more-.- all wifi is free :)
yes..i using this phone and its good.the intnt is phone. is greatt..i have a pink one :))) buy it..its nicee phone with cheap $$
- e
- epul
- PS6
- 13 Mar 2011
who can tell what must i do.....
my c3 always hang...
- j
- josh
- ftV
- 13 Mar 2011
am so so disappointed what i thought is not what am seeing. The phone is such a mess God
- D
- AnonD-3698
- vwv
- 12 Mar 2011
Nokia C3 or X3, which one should I go for?
- S
- Subir Sarkar
- TL5
- 12 Mar 2011
Opera mini not working,ovi store not working from menu,does not work view full site it shows memory full etc are the problems in my set from the day I bou
- M
- uNV
- 12 Mar 2011
better phone in a lower price for nokia users.