Nokia C3 (2010)
- p
- pig shit
- Qh0
- 09 Nov 2010
This phone is excellent very good from nokia. I had a BB b4 but sold it for this best decision I've made.
- A
- Anand Ikona
- vIb
- 08 Nov 2010
Great Review of the C3 here:
- f
- farbror Frej
- m}G
- 08 Nov 2010
Srikiran, 08 Nov 2010The main disadvantage of this fone is Multitasking is not p... more"The main disadvantage of this fone is Multitasking is not possible".
The flipside is that one get a more stable crashfree system, that also consumes less batteryjuice. With my previous E72-phone (before it got stolen) I was fairly often busy closing down unwanted apps running in the background. It became a reoccuring task in itself. Sometimes I miss the multitasking option though - you for cant do a simple thing like run the stopwatch, and simultaneously run else.
- ?
- Anonymous
- thg
- 08 Nov 2010
yes it could be great if it's 3G but i prefer 2G coz it's battery last longer than 3G.. And why 3G? it doesn't have secondary camera..
SYNC your device to Nokia Ovi Suite to backup your contacts messages etc online..
- ?
- Anonymous
- thg
- 08 Nov 2010
dpk, 08 Nov 2010hey i have bought this phone 3 days ago and iam facing prob... moreIf i were you i'll reset my wifi router or check it's system settings..
- G
- Girugamesh
- thg
- 08 Nov 2010
STEPS to UPDATE firmware in Nokia C3
1. Download the Nokia Software Updater in Nokia Website (Google it! or You may use Nokia Ovi Suite)
2. Install the Nokia Software Updater then connect your Nokia C3 using a USB cable (if you have one) or via bluetooth..
3. Make sure your phone had enough battery before you proceed.. And don't turn off your device until the updates was finish.. Just follow the instructions will be given to you..
Regarding MARKS option in messaging:
-There is a COPY/CUT/PASTE options! and also you can use CTRL+A to mark all texts.. CTRL+V (paste) CTRL+X (cut)
-It can delete messages at once! but you cannot mark several messages in the inbox.. use the conversation instead.
About the video codecs:
-You can refer to the appropriate video and audio codecs in the specification of this phone or perhaps use 3gp. It can play MP4/H.264/H.263/WMV format. It has Flash Lite 3.0, which enable you to watch on Youtube.
It doesn't hang up! darn it's S40 phone it doesn't hang up! UPDATE your firmware first! youtube works well.. if you find it slow check your internet provider..
This phone is way better than other phone with the same price range.. WIFI works perfectly and fast.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uts
- 08 Nov 2010
sumit, 08 Nov 2010i m using c3 mobile, it does supports some of d mp4 songs b... moremp4 is container, video/audio playback depends on codec used during video convertion. I think videos with xvid codec may not be supported on this phone.
- L
- Los berry.
- fuN
- 08 Nov 2010
Am planin on getin one,but i don't know how gud,how fast and if it is a ful symbian fone,also if it rejects applications or accept more.pls some one should reply me now.
- ?
- Anonymous
- v3$
- 08 Nov 2010
can i get themes for C3..
- k
- kashyap
- vbM
- 08 Nov 2010
vallabh, 08 Nov 2010ya its good cell but got problem regarding wifihey dude wat prblm does it gives .. abut wi-fi connection
- k
- kashyap
- vbM
- 08 Nov 2010
is this cell is multi-function plz reply????
- k
- kashyap
- vbM
- 08 Nov 2010
hey guys listen up its very very important regarding this cell... i haev taken this cell 2 days back .. nad have experience somethin silly about ovi store in mobile... " see that u do not close the ovi store application directly (means by pressing red button ) iof u want to close close u after it loads fully and then exit .. but do not close in between if u do so ur ovi store wil never work again until and unless u restore ur factory settings".... so please be careful i have to reset factry settings 2 times and also in that lost my 250 cellphone contacts...
- L
- Lucky
- 95H
- 08 Nov 2010
C3 hungs many times, and turn switch off when waching video.and other time also.
- S
- 2SE
- 08 Nov 2010
hi good evenig sir/friends,collogous
nokia c3-00 looking very nice pice one problem is not clear the camera so i want 3.2 mega p camera
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 08 Nov 2010
can anyone help me. i wanted to watch youtube or any other streaming but i don't have any idea on how to. thanks in advance. i'll wait for your answer.:)
- v
- vallabh
- Mfx
- 08 Nov 2010
ya its good cell but got problem regarding wifi
- T
- Taher
- vGy
- 08 Nov 2010
c3 would be great if it had 3g network and 3.2 mp camera
- d
- dpk
- vG6
- 08 Nov 2010
lyncezel, 08 Nov 2010i hate it when it hung up but i still love this phone coz i... morehey i have bought this phone 3 days ago and iam facing problem while using its wifi connection,,i have wifi at my home and when i connect my phone to it then it usually connects but when i open the browser or use internet then a message pops "network connection problem,try again later"
can anybody suggest what should i do???????????????????????????
reply please .............
- A
- uph
- 08 Nov 2010
plz can any1 tell me how to upgrade to download,frm where?,steps of install,procedure...plz
- k
- khushi
- 2S}
- 08 Nov 2010
i like it.but it have not blue colour.