Nokia C3 (2010)
- H
- H
- PSd
- 02 Oct 2010
Bought C3 today. But it is taking tooo much time in charging ... anyone facing the same ??????
- s
- simon
- 2ZY
- 02 Oct 2010
R@MIT, 02 Oct 2010can ny one help me how to del multiple msg or the setting h... morethere is no option for not storing the sent msg
- s
- simon
- 2ZY
- 02 Oct 2010
i am using this phone facing some problem in it when i play videos it automatically switch off 2.when i send massege it automatically saved in sent box and ther is no option is there that we dont want to save sent massege u hv to delete every time whwnver u send massege 3. there is one conversation box in which it saves masseges which are stored in inbox if u delete any conversation then inbox massage will also deleted why to waste memory in conversation box
- R
- utX
- 02 Oct 2010
can ny one help me how to del multiple msg or the setting how to change the stteing for not storing the sent msgs.!!!!!!!!!!
- P
- Praveen
- YT1
- 02 Oct 2010
it is very good device with the great price good performance
- ?
- Anonymous
- vbM
- 02 Oct 2010
need a nokia c3 with dual sim facility
- R
- Rajnikant
- 2@e
- 02 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010when will nokia decrease its price below 5.5k ?Nov 10
- M
- Mobile GurU
- u4j
- 02 Oct 2010
this is not for those who are raplica type ok mR 5.5 k
- S
- fmx
- 02 Oct 2010
very nice phone but abit axpensive with less features
- s
- sarath
- utk
- 02 Oct 2010
6500rs is very high cost..
- l
- latera
- t7y
- 02 Oct 2010
Its wifi sucks! it chooses a wifi network. its a big difference fr iphone's wifi where in fact iphone is faaaaaar better. it's keypads are very very uncomfoRtable to type!
- k
- kareem
- 2Tw
- 02 Oct 2010
i gave this phone as a gift to my wife and she likes it alot...good price and great phone...great work nokia
- K
- Krish
- PF0
- 02 Oct 2010
3G is an upcomming Networking. And in this present scenario launching a Good Phone like C3 without 3G is a negative symptom.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nix
- 02 Oct 2010
I just ordered the phone. can't wait to get it. My current phone fell in the lake, but it still works. Keyboard is just totally messed up, and charging it is a pain!
- ?
- Anonymous
- tZu
- 02 Oct 2010
Note: 55 Internal Storage, 64 MB RAM, 128 MB ROM
Device hard reset: *£7370£
- ?
- Anonymous
- tZu
- 02 Oct 2010
it is not a powerful feature phone. it is very basic phone with QWERTY keypad. but good if it had Dual Sim option.
- ?
- Anonymous
- utu
- 02 Oct 2010
when will nokia decrease its price below 5.5k ?
- s
- sukumar
- utN
- 02 Oct 2010
its very good featured phone so can i buy this.yes i think .....
- ?
- Anonymous
- R8p
- 02 Oct 2010
for the price great phone bit slow to go throuh menu and hard to set up more adance apps but calls clear but a good buy
- ?
- Anonymous
- t74
- 02 Oct 2010
Sri, 02 Oct 2010Hi is it Dual SIM Mobile or is it one SIMit's a single sim phone