Nokia C3 (2010)
- a
- ashish
- vIY
- 23 Sep 2010
guys this phone was supposed to be around 5200-5300, i am surprised why people are buying this phone @ 6500/- ?
- s
- shruthi
- ut@
- 23 Sep 2010
I'm planning to buy this nokia c3 pink mobile only for wifi.. My college campus is wifi enabled and i wanna be in touch with my yahoo messenger frnds even at college. Do u think my purpose of buying this phone for wifi will be fulfilled ? And Does this phone support viewing videos on youtube??? plz be frank in answering my questions..bcoz i dont wanna regret buying this phone in the future. I"ll be really thankful to u if u kindly reply to my question.plz do reply ASAP...Plz..plzz..plzzz
- m
- monty
- w4Y
- 23 Sep 2010
Give me the suggestion which is better mobile - Nokia C3 or Micromax Q75? pls suggest
- A
- Arjun
- 2WH
- 23 Sep 2010
Its just an ordinary qwerty phone with wifi should cost not more than 5500/- as expected.
Price like nokia but its like a chinese phone. Samsung qwerty or micromax q5 can be better option.
E63 is costly to compare, can go for Galaxy 3 or 5 android.
- s
- subash
- sSK
- 23 Sep 2010
great mobile i brought it on monday from nokia shoppe ghatkopar mumbai @7000 with 2gb card
- a
- afriman
- fsy
- 23 Sep 2010
pls wir can iget gud nokia blackberry style themes?
- R
- Rogido
- qbd
- 23 Sep 2010
$112? The price is only $90 in Canada with Rogers! In addition, if you activate it on prepaid, Rogers gives you a $30 credit. So, effectively, this only costs $60 in Canada.
- w
- wait..
- utk
- 23 Sep 2010
hey guys ...
dont buy this phone as world wide this is avail. at 112$ or 80 euro.....
its not worth buying this phone even at 6.5k....
nokia is playing monopoly....let them play...and we guys will wait as price would be down soon....
let it be available ni other shops otherthan NPD
- N
- Nani attuvassery
- IP5
- 23 Sep 2010
It is a very good phone from Nokia. It give us wi-fi at really affordable price. No other mobile model give us wifi as cheper as c3. But The phone has some against fact. Because it hasn't 3g. Duel camera , lack of flash,etc... Today 3g is must for every mobile. Hopping that nokia will upgrade this mobile to 3g, with no change in its price . Anyway c3 is a good phone.
- o
- oh my
- ubf
- 23 Sep 2010
--this phone is very useful and quite good looking, the qwerty pad is very easy and produces good keystrokes, i hope nokia will make other mid range qwerty phone, and sure to become a hit.
- y
- yarixen
- PZu
- 23 Sep 2010
This nokia is better
- j
- juliancine
- R9q
- 23 Sep 2010
the picture sucks!
the rest it's perfect!
- b
- bunmi
- N9@
- 23 Sep 2010
pls dont knw hw to operate the facilities on this phone, even after going tru the introduction. i would like to knw abt it also to knw how to subscribed for the monthly payment which was seen in the postal by mtn.
- a
- afriman
- ftV
- 23 Sep 2010
i bought the c3 dis afternoon and been testin it out ever since,i'm usin it 2 do my mini review rite now and i mst say i was fascinated wen i got hold of the yahoo msger,it was better than usin a pc and very time efficient ,even blackberry users wir askin me wen i got a bb. The qwerty keyboard is nice and easy,once u get the hang of it u wnt jst let it go. I was a former user of touchscreen qwerty sony ericsson p990i and c3 beat it hands down. The camera aint too shabby but u'll have 2 have a well lit room in other to see clear pictures. The c3's social networkin is jst too gud 2 be true:=to be contined
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pyx
- 22 Sep 2010
kuma, 22 Sep 2010nokia c3 work to skype plz tellNo it does't.
- k
- kuma
- 22 Sep 2010
nokia c3 work to skype plz tell
- G
- Gaurav Delhi
- Pyx
- 22 Sep 2010
bought it today from NPD south X. 6500rs. so far its wonderfull no problems as such regarding music battery display hang or anything. it works smooth. no USB cable or memory card with the phone.
c3 is really nice. no complaints
- a
- aaa
- wYD
- 22 Sep 2010
what is more better samsung s3650w or these phone i really need to find out plz leave your comments?????
- G
- Gem
- sym
- 22 Sep 2010
it is a superb mobile in this rate.. loved using it.. specially wifi.. n it looks great too.. but i have a minor prob..i m unable to mark multiple messages to delete or move them.. can anyone help me in this...?