Nokia C6
- s
- sydney
- t7C
- 23 Aug 2010
comicks, 21 Aug 2010this phone is great . i bought about two weeks! likes.. ... morehi comicks! thanks for posting this. it's helpful. i just have one question though. what do u mean by poor gaming? i love stuffing my phone with games. so does it have anything to do with availability of games for this phone, or is it really with the quality of games available? thanks!
- v
- vicKEe
- s8a
- 23 Aug 2010
Anvar, 22 Aug 2010Hello everyone. I was wondering about how to get one if i'm... morehi frndz
c6 is nokia n97 mini little bro. VerY nice phone .c6 is totally like a n97 mini .but mini is 8gb.c6 is 200 mb.but nice buY only c6 yaar dont waste money .and buy wireless headphone and enjoy music and mini yaar
- J
- Jessur
- utV
- 23 Aug 2010
plz anyone help me to choose a mobile.....
featurs:-cam 5MP,bluetooth,Wifi,Software support(Y messngr,skype etc),price underRS:17000
- N
- Nikhil
- ttv
- 23 Aug 2010
is it slow? does it hang?
- e
- eeshan
- vGU
- 23 Aug 2010
wtf yar....i went today to nokia priority dealer in pachim vihar as they hav started samsung sony blackberry cellphone too ...i wnt to ask them is C6 launched or not he said in a month launch ho jaega....and abt X6 8gb jo nokia site par bhi launch ho gaya hai...he said no wo bhi nahi hai market yarr.....i mean im abt to buy X6 or c6 cellphone cz parnts said only nokia...and if it happn like ths thn wat i wd doo..bhes ki same prblm wth some f u guys..???????
- a
- apoorv
- 2S{
- 23 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 19 Aug 2010The Price in Chennai is 16,990 hie...are u sure about the price?? is is available der??
- a
- ashok kumar
- s8Y
- 23 Aug 2010
could any1 plz tel me whn ths c6 ll b launched in chennai n plz tel me the price of ths phone am eagerly waitin to buy ths phone
- r
- r 3 b 3 l
- Mty
- 23 Aug 2010
AKshay, 23 Aug 2010dude i m confusd . i hv to buy a mob so whch 1 shud i go $ ... moreI believe there is an appreciable price difference between the two. However, if thats not an issue, its c6 definitely. The e5 has nothing over it.
Auto vs fixed focus
About 3x the screen resolution
Front facing camera
Touch screen support
A much larger keyboard
A brighter led flash
Video recording at 30fps as opposed to 15fps.
- H
- Harbey
- mEH
- 23 Aug 2010
Hi everybody,Please can someone tell me how i can get the screen to this C6 phone.?I have one but the screen has spoiled.I like the phone cos i am really enjoying it but i need the can i order for a new screen.?
- A
- AKshay
- utt
- 23 Aug 2010
Nitish, 21 Aug 2010@mukit Plz chek ur data .... e5 is the only 1 with 256mb r... moredude i m confusd . i hv to buy a mob so whch 1 shud i go $ nokia c6 or e5
- d
- dfa
- LB9
- 23 Aug 2010
sassygirl, yes, this phone can to use skype!
- s
- slk
- Y71
- 23 Aug 2010
Anvar, 22 Aug 2010Hello everyone. I was wondering about how to get one if i'm... morebuy it from are reliable
- k
- kareem
- fXB
- 22 Aug 2010
Guys plz,stop that android-symbian fan war,its something relative,symbian is the best choice for me,becuase
1.there are no java handlers on android:which means there is no free internet browsing
2.i know that android is such an open source for developers ,but u cant compare the number of the apps of nokia to android
3.u cant hack ur android phone,which means:no cooked softwares,no 12month log,no camera silencing,no faster gallery,no better camera quality middle east nokia is the absolute best choice,every two meters there is a nokia center
5.i know that android is a way better than symbian but after 5 years i will think of it becuase i dont want a very strong os without the specs. Above
6.also u should compare maemo/meago with android os,thats gonna b fare
- N
- Nitish
- 2@x
- 22 Aug 2010
Android 3 is slated to release b4 the yr end .... symbian 3 and android 3 are both updated versions and more importantly will (atleast initially) exist in handsets in the same price range
Ppl using smartphones for the first time should try out android ... But ppl used to symbian should think twice b4 using android ....i had quite a lot of trouble getting used to spica myself ...
Well, untill there's a capable android below the higher mid range ... symbian is the best u'll get in this price range.... and if symbian 3 trickles down to this range ... there'd be nothing like it ;)
- A
- Anvar
- qLv
- 22 Aug 2010
Hello everyone. I was wondering about how to get one if i'm living in USA. I jost immigrated to here, and I really want the phone. I'm afraid of all these online orders because you don't really know what you're paying for. Can anyone help me out? What I'd really appreciate is your reply to my email, please, if it is ok with you, you could not even imagine how much help would that be. Thans again.
- M
- Mukit
- uNV
- 22 Aug 2010
Nitish, 21 Aug 2010When we said symbian is StRoNgEr or more PoWeRfUl ... we di... moreHey pal, why can't we compare android 2.2 with symbian 3??? We compare things in the current state. Android 2.2 has released for sometimes and symbian 3 is gonna release very soon. So it's normal we'll compare s^3 and android 2.2. It's not true that we don't know much about it. Symbian 3'll b open source Os like android. So it's obvious that s^3'll have more apps available like android......... I'm not protesting against android. People have their own choice. And people always relay on the thing that can depend on. We r using symbian for a long time and we depend on it totally..........
- 7
- 70E
- Khs
- 22 Aug 2010
im sick of ppl here.did google pay u 2say those things?how much?u guys keep talkin like android phones r da best in da planet.diz is c6 forum.just go bring ur a*ses 2android forum if u want 2talk bout dat...
- D
- D_x6
- s8H
- 21 Aug 2010
Nitish, 21 Aug 2010When we said symbian is StRoNgEr or more PoWeRfUl ... we di... moreIf u r a not a user of symbian rel 5 u its better to keep can u say android 2.2 beats symbian rel 5.u r commenting like in air having no proof,not a symbian user
- S
- Sripatiyadav
- TL5
- 21 Aug 2010
Its price is approx. Rs 13500/- in india..
- c
- comicks
- t7L
- 21 Aug 2010
this phone is great . i bought about two weeks!
-accurate gps/ ready to use satellite offline or online..
-nice web browsing wap or wifi
-qwerty kewboard easy to use
-nice performance
-5mp camera good!
-video performance nice
-facebook skype tweeter super great
-elegant design
-office ready
-and many more
-poor gaming
-2days then charge
-average speaker but better to some 5000ish model but not the xm5800
total = buy it :D great the best
it's like cheaper n97 haha