Nokia C7
- D
- AnonD-23327
- 3x8
- 08 Oct 2011
at last symbian belle is coming for c7 on 26 october but still phone is not fast like 701....
- s
- saeed butt
- 3Y2
- 07 Oct 2011
can we make vidio call on skype yahoo in this nokia c7 phone?
- e
- emex
- ftV
- 07 Oct 2011
just got this mobile and did the update,this mobile totally rocks.....
- j
- json
- 9x1
- 07 Oct 2011
sanjaysyk, 04 Oct 2011The first time you hold the C7 in your hand, you will notic... morei like your post .. you have describe all the phone has... i have unlimited application on ma phone ... i prefer it than my iphone... for now it is the best
- A
- Ajith
- 7ty
- 07 Oct 2011
Fantastic Phone nd amaziNg Clarityy
- v
- vj
- t}N
- 07 Oct 2011
awesome set i m just using this
- R
- Rouf Deli
- HxY
- 07 Oct 2011
Very Nice phone...I hope to buy this phone
- d
- dhanasekaran
- 07 Oct 2011
rate is too high . and improve the speed of downloading
- B
- Balu
- 07 Oct 2011
It has been very nice mobile
- D
- AnonD-24230
- f0E
- 07 Oct 2011
Sampras, 06 Oct 2011I live in Nigeria, West Africa and I just but my C7. Great ... morewhere did u buy ur phone 4rm. im also luking 4 d phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- u7m
- 07 Oct 2011
after upgrade to anna, my ovi store can't open and loading non stop, then i download nokia store beta, it work properly n have new interface. U can download from symbianfan or nokia beta lab.
- f
- fzl
- u7m
- 06 Oct 2011
Anonymous, 06 Oct 2011any 1 know how to use C7 as modem or wireless modem?download joikuspot premium from for free. U can turns mobile phone to a secure mobile WLAN hotspot. That means your nokia C7 become wireless modem that share internet connection to other device.
- ?
- Anonymous
- u7m
- 06 Oct 2011
any 1 know how to use C7 as modem or wireless modem?
- D
- DocX
- ftV
- 06 Oct 2011
As the testimony goes: I just got my C7, upgraded to anna; lovely phone, solid build, sleek and surprisingly very responsive despite the processor.
Main issue for everyone is the battery life, the greatest antagonist of that is the always-on nature of most applications ( did i hear anyone say whatsapp? ) and that can easily be remedied by killing the connectivity when not needed ( settings=connectivity=settings=data use in home country=WLAN only )
Of course WLAN scanning should be off.
This greatly saves the battery life especially at night ( when the phone can go 10hrs and still not drop a bar of battery )
black themes, power saver mode etc are also useful.
I hope have been of help.
Waiting for belle the beautiful
- M
- Murty KVS
- N9W
- 06 Oct 2011
I purchased C7 one month back and I am using in 3g and battery of my phone is lasting within 18 hours on stand by mode. Any one can help for this, please let me know
- S
- Sampras
- N9@
- 06 Oct 2011
I live in Nigeria, West Africa and I just but my C7. Great phone made in Korea, came wit 1300mAH battery but it drains fast. Update to anna nd i've got no purple tint issues on my phone
- j
- jomon
- 2@r
- 06 Oct 2011
which one is the best, E6 or C7 ??
- j
- junaid
- rAZ
- 06 Oct 2011
very interesting mobile wonderfull
- D
- AnonD-24840
- NZw
- 06 Oct 2011
Just load it with games from and you'll enjoy this phone.
- D
- AnonD-23327
- 3Y9
- 06 Oct 2011
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2011u may watch youtube to know difference btwn anna n belle. c... morestill man i mean display of c7 is very bad in day light but 701 is using clear black tecnology so screen is wow even in day and the battery is better too...