Nokia C7

Nokia C7

User opinions and reviews

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  • b
  • bala
  • v{N
  • 28 May 2011

Which s better? Nokia c7 or Nokia c6-01 ?

    • s
    • sunny
    • uvH
    • 28 May 2011

    rubbish phone as I have to give it for rectification due to mic problem in new phone....

      • B
      • Ben
      • vcB
      • 28 May 2011

      shabby, 26 May 2011bad, bad, very bad phone is c7I think you have not really used it? This phone is simply best smartphone in the market. I have been using it for 4 months. No error/problem

        • s
        • saddam
        • U@2
        • 28 May 2011

        c7 model is very.i also use this set but i have a problem when i call any other person.that situation my sound is go to other time slowly and one time fastly.i dont know what is this.but i have no problem.

          • p
          • prachi
          • utx
          • 28 May 2011

          Would anyone be kind enough to let me know if I should go for a Nokia C7 or a Samsung Wave II... I am really confused coz i have been a nokia loyal but I like the wave too... Somebody help me please...

            • S
            • Shazzi
            • PUM
            • 27 May 2011

            AnonD-7579, 27 May 2011i think you are allergic to nokia devices........ there is ... moreI am hundred percent agree with u.
            How and from where one can find such a fantastic n cost friendly phone.
            Hats off to nokia c7.

              • f
              • famim
              • P%%
              • 27 May 2011

              anoop, 26 May 2011pros moderately good design. Extremely goof HD videos ... moreplz response my problem & ans my question , my problem i when browse internet hangs my Nokia c 7, even i when talk same problem.

                • D
                • AnonD-9493
                • sS5
                • 27 May 2011

                Is symbian anna work on the nokia c7??????

                  • D
                  • AnonD-4462
                  • fsx
                  • 27 May 2011

                  bala, 27 May 2011Dear users, I have been asking the below qn., more than ... moreYes, the home screen is customizable. Virtually everything on it can be removed and replace with something else. But the Time and Profile widget on the main homescreen refused to be removed when i tried it.

                  Maybe someone else knows how to do it.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-4462
                    • fsx
                    • 27 May 2011

                    AnonD-3135, 27 May 2011Dear bro, I think you are obsessed to nokia, anyways i don... moreAs much as i hate getting in on these type of arguments, i have to say something.

                    @reviewscot: In the last sentence of your last post you said you never liked Nokia but you bought the C7 because of your budget. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that the reason you bought the C7 was because you felt it was the best phone you could get at that price. If so, why complain now? If the phone you have isn't performing like phones twice its price, don't blame the phone, blame your budget.

                    On a personal note, i've had my C7 for over a month now and i believe without a shadow of a doubt that it is absolutely THE BEST PHONE IN IT'S PRICE RANGE. It totally wipes the floor with every phone currently available in its price range. It grinds them into dust, blows them away... and so on.

                    I've never been a nokia lover. In fact for a long time i was probably a nokia hater. I have no illusions about symbian. But i have to give credit where credit is due. C7 IS THE BEST PHONE IN ITS PRICE RANGE, PERIOD.

                    (I also believe the C7 is in a lot of ways just as good, if not better, than most top smart phones. But I wont go into that right now.)

                      • b
                      • bala
                      • v{N
                      • 27 May 2011

                      Dear users,

                      I have been asking the below qn., more than 3 times in forum bt cudn't find any response :-) no idea y..could any1 pl respond?

                      is the home screen customizable? i.e. clock,calender,profile in the home screen can be removed/hidden?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • PUa
                        • 27 May 2011

                        john.phil, 27 May 2011hello please do help problem is everytime i take pict... moreit's ur camera setting, go to setting-save location info-no

                          • j
                          • john.phil
                          • wYL
                          • 27 May 2011

                          hello please do help problem is everytime i take picture my c7 always trying to connect to internet...can you help me about this..thank you

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PUa
                            • 27 May 2011

                            Manish, 27 May 2011Dear Maverick75, It's really nice, but I'm unable to pla... moreFYI C7 can play mp3&4, avi & flv format

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • PUa
                              • 27 May 2011

                              AnonD-3135, 27 May 2011Dear bro, I think you are obsessed to nokia, anyways i don... moresolution to ur problem=go make a loan
                              there...that wasn't hard, was it?

                                • n
                                • navz
                                • 7q5
                                • 27 May 2011

                                i ve c7 but when i am surfing the net wit my c7,its gets warm. .so can u suggest me wat should i hv to do?

                                  • P
                                  • Pattom
                                  • vGq
                                  • 27 May 2011

                                  I had been using this phone for last 5 months and so far its really gr8. 3 home screens with custimizable apps icons... and good device design.. its real fun to use this.. Used GPS + Google maps combination during lot of crucial situations. Cons - Battery backup poor but can save it since there is power saver option. The camera quality is also a bit of a concern since the technology is fixed focus instead of auto focus. Overall my experience is terrific with nokia apps like ovi store and social network widgets in this cute phone.

                                    • R
                                    • Rab
                                    • Sr{
                                    • 27 May 2011

                                    AnonD-3135, 27 May 2011It is good phone but has many problems as one start using i... morehi,

                                    i dont know what phone ur using or what software but what you mention in points 3, 4 & 5 are wrong.
                                    as for nokia care help is outstanding (Lebanon) and whatever the problem is your phone always backed 100%, no loss of info & max repair take 3 working days.
                                    as for ovi apps are enough to have some fun, this is a business phone not a game console.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-3135
                                      • 2SP
                                      • 27 May 2011

                                      AnonD-7579, 27 May 2011i think you are allergic to nokia devices........ there is ... moreDear bro,
                                      I think you are obsessed to nokia, anyways i dont need daily update. Take android for instance when i boughtC7 it was Android 2.1, now recently it has got 3 updates, and apps there is no way to compare these two. I will be happy if there is a lifelong battery backup, but my previous Sony k790i gave me more than 48hr backup.
                                      And what about the other problems in features like calender, contacts, etc. You find them as standard even on cheap chinese phones and not C7!!
                                      And yes I never liked nokia, but had no choice because of my budget which i didnt wanna change.

                                        • M
                                        • Madd
                                        • PEn
                                        • 27 May 2011

                                        Hello guys.
                                        Sorts of comment I have read yet just to share that C7 is still the best among the rest and 1 have sets of it - 1 for wife and 2 myself using it for almost 6 months which I do not found any fault from this model.