Nokia C7
- z
- zubairi10
- L2Q
- 27 Apr 2011
normally excellent phone but in dork condition display go to low due to ambient light sensor automatically Nokia should make this optional use
- D
- AnonD-1393
- j%4
- 27 Apr 2011
AnonD-2572, 27 Apr 2011Setting your display brightness up may eat up battery life ... moreIt'd be better to not use a white or bright theme or background for an OLED display.
It's true that they consume less electricity when showing dark or black colors, because pixels emit little light or no light at all, but when showing very bright or white colors they consume 2-3 times more than an LCD.
No wonder most of nokia's preloaded background pictures are taken at night or at sunset.
- D
- AnonD-2572
- nCY
- 27 Apr 2011
HIMANSHU08, 27 Apr 2011does nokia c7 suppourt fring vide calling and skype video c... moreFring is, as far as I know, the only app supporting video calls over 3G on the C7. I've tried it and my results are mixed, the video is ok but sometimes choppy over 3G, seems a little better over wifi. I've uninstalled mine though, cos it has an irritating habit of wanting to log on as soon as I've rebooted my phone, which I couldnt seem to fix.
- G
- Glen
- tR3
- 27 Apr 2011
AnonD-4587, 27 Apr 2011Hi, I'm a C7 user since Jan, and the only problem I have is... moreYes even on my handset there is dust inside the screen... asked to nokia care they said they wil hav to send it to HQ which wil take 10 days so preferred keepin it the way it is til there is any news abt the new tint free displays....wil get both the work done together
- a
- andrei300
- 9xG
- 27 Apr 2011
BelaCom, 26 Apr 2011I'll be buying either nokia C7 or N8 next week. C7 is 50,00... morehi questions...jst buy d rocks...i'm in Nigeria 2..bought mine 4 60k abwt 2mths ago!..i luv ths phone pal...nd 1 more thing...its not a phone u just si..wiv the next guy...its totaly uncommon!.
- a
- andrei300
- 9xG
- 27 Apr 2011
BelaCom, 26 Apr 2011I'll be buying either nokia C7 or N8 next week. C7 is 50,00... morehi questions...jst buy d rocks...i'm in Nigeria 2..bought mine 4 60k abwt 2mths ago!..i luv ths phone pal...nd 1 more thing...its not a phone u just si..wiv the next guy...its totaly uncommon!.
- D
- AnonD-2572
- nCY
- 27 Apr 2011
john c7, 27 Apr 2011glad to hear from you dude...its been a long time. LOL.
... moreSetting your display brightness up may eat up battery life faster. You can install Battery monitor and see what takes up most of ur battery life, for me its the display and browsing. I use a light (White) theme, and set my brightness to minimum. If i'm using a dark theme or am outdoors most of the time, i set it to no more than 50%. My C7 hasnt died within a day yet, even today when i spent more than two hours on Angry Birds Rio LOL. I guess ur using lightctrl, the extra brightness might be whats using up the battery.
Like eddman said, I would expect performance and UI improvements with Anna,and possibly increased battery efficiency too and lets hope skype gets the portrait qwerty too,btw, if you want a portrait qwerty in most apps, try the SlideIT app (I'm using the s60v5 version), but personally i find the C7's screen a little narrow for a proper portrait qwerty. I hope the Anna update brings a better designed keyboard. Btw..whose idea was Anna for the update? :)
- n
- naimu
- utN
- 27 Apr 2011
AnonD-4587, 27 Apr 2011Hi, I'm a C7 user since Jan, and the only problem I have is... morenaaa...i have it since dec2010
- G
- Glen
- tR3
- 27 Apr 2011
AnonD-4587, 27 Apr 2011Hi, I'm a C7 user since Jan, and the only problem I have is... moreYes even on my handset there is dust inside the screen... asked to nokia care they said they wil hav to send it to HQ which wil take 10 days so preferred keepin it the way it is til there is any news abt the new tint free displays....wil get both the work done together
- D
- AnonD-4587
- nD@
- 27 Apr 2011
Hi, I'm a C7 user since Jan, and the only problem I have is the dust under the screen......are you facing this kind of problem and what did you do????pls answer!!
- H
- TR9
- 27 Apr 2011
does nokia c7 suppourt fring vide calling and skype video calling?
how is its quality of video calling.?
is the video calling through skype and fring free?
- r
- rpl
- t7R
- 27 Apr 2011
BelaCom, 26 Apr 2011I'll be buying either nokia C7 or N8 next week. C7 is 50,00... moreIf you have the money go for the N8 I think the accessories of N8 plus the additional features is worth the extra bucks you have to spend.
- R
- Rab
- JEt
- 27 Apr 2011
john c7, 27 Apr 2011glad to hear from you dude...its been a long time. LOL.
... morewhat is happening with you is strange.
my c7 even after a heavy gaming period & internet browsing or GPS navigation through ovi maps i need to recharge it every 24 hrs to 36 hrs.
- D
- AnonD-1393
- n4d
- 27 Apr 2011
@john c7 and Maverick75
There are rumors that Anna update (PR2.0) improves the battery life by 25%. Hope it's true.
@john c7
It'd be better to set the display at no more than 50%. Makes a lot of difference regarding battery life.
- D
- AnonD-4644
- vbT
- 27 Apr 2011
AnonD-4462, 27 Apr 2011Sorry it took so long to reply. Bought it brand new.thats great deen,where r u from? where did u buy it from? a local dealer or a nokia priority shop? please reply asap,thanx
- D
- AnonD-4462
- fsx
- 27 Apr 2011
Don, 21 Apr 2011Deen u got ur C7 repaired or bought a new one?I bought it!
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
- l
- lal
- uta
- 27 Apr 2011
it gets heated up so as we could cook an omlet......very upset about it.
- j
- john c7
- sxu
- 27 Apr 2011
AnonD-2572, 27 Apr 2011Hi John, Yes, very much here!! :)
I've read about a few... moreglad to hear from you dude...its been a long time. LOL.
Anyway, I think we're having the same experience regarding the battery life of our C7s. I charged mine fully yesterday (same time) and now, after a few hours of gaming, messaging, a bit of wifi usage..i have 2 bars left (20%)(ps: my display is at 75%)
Another thing, I've tried downloading swype on a 5530 and it supports swype portrait come our symbian^3 units doesn't have this yet? One of the things I'm looking forward to on the release of Anna is the portrait qwerty, but If portrait swype comes first, I wouldn't be more excited about Anna. LOL.
About the TV out..I've tried using a 5800 cable, and it is awesome even with a 32-inch TV, but still we have to admit HDMI is really better.
- j
- john c7
- sxu
- 27 Apr 2011
Glen, 27 Apr 2011Hi John, Thats exactly wats happenin with my C7 it was be... moreThanks for the reply bro..I think symbian Anna will be released around mid-May or June. Let's just keep our fingers crossed on this one.