Nokia C7
- g
- ginnupotter
- 9Jj
- 23 Nov 2010
Hi Friends,
I have been using a C7 for last 20 days. Bought it for 19000/- from Nokia Priority in East Delhi.
I was really confused between Samsung Wave S8500 and Nokia C7. I am glad I chose Nokia. In my last 20 days of use phone did hang twice and restarted 3-4 times, but overall I am very satisfied with the experience. The screen looks absolutely brilliant indoors and touch responsivity is quite good. Ovi App Store may not be as extensive as Android market, but it has all that you might need to use the phone.
I’ll simply list the good and slightly bad things about the phone:
1. Screen Resolution is great. Don’t go with the specs, its more than good enough
2. Available Applications: Swype, VOIP Clients, Fring, Panorama etc.
3. Video Camera quality
4. Touch sensitivity
5. Leather case that comes with the phone
6. Lifetime Navigation license and GPS
1. Still Camera Quality when indoor or in low light
2. Bad supplied headset and very short data cable.
3. No USG OTG or TV-Out Cable bundled
4. Internet Browser needs tweaking to make it more user friendly
All-in-all it’s a great phone. As for my comparison with Samsung Wave, well Screen and UI would only amuse for few days, after that I need functionality and Nokia covers every possible one.
- n
- ndy
- t}6
- 23 Nov 2010
m planing to buy c7.should i wait 4 some time so that i cme to know if any problem in fon or i just buy it????? tell me any gud banda if any....
- s
- sagar campli
- ut9
- 23 Nov 2010
hey guys i bot nokia c7.. m wonderin if it can be upgraded to meego?? could u plz help..
and one demerit abt dis phone rit now is its hanging very often.. ppl who wanna buy it wait fa some days.. other den dat its a awesome phone.. worth fa every penny u pay..
- p
- philm
- TkJ
- 23 Nov 2010
I am on my second c7 and on day 3 and seems ok so far..i ignore any things people say on forums till i find any faults myself but freezing and restarting are true..This is ok but gone light on filling it up with mp3/vid but thats unfair its 2010 smarphone and should work..Heres touching wood fingers crossed it 26 mile round trip to get it changed.
- D
- David891
- 3T9
- 22 Nov 2010
Engineer Man, did you receive your phone already?
Cause I'm looking forward for your speaker review, as I'm maybe going to buy the N8 and the speaker of it is the same as C7 according to Ketan.
- 0
- 0v0
- Let
- 22 Nov 2010
Aasim, 20 Nov 2010Hi Friends my handset i got a new C7 from Nokia and within ... moreDont panic my friend. The N8 & C7 have some software issues. Nokia is working on producing super firmware to overcome these errors.
Symbian 3 is great, so just be patient. besides we all know that, when you buy the first release, there will be always software issues. it is always better to wait for 2-3rd release as all the software issues will be corrected.
- p
- prashant
- Hkr
- 22 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 21 Nov 2010hey dude from where u got c7 for 17500..
Please tell me
... moreits impossile,,,,,,,,,dat u will get the all over india,,,,,,because its DP is 18998,,,,,,,,,got it dude
- a
- azm
- IWa
- 22 Nov 2010
Vinz, 19 Nov 2010I Love this mobile.. its faster than the earlier version no... morehi Vinz
whta the memory available in the C:drive?
- a
- azm
- IWa
- 22 Nov 2010
SAGAR, 21 Nov 2010Hi friends i'm having 6300. and want to buy new phone. I've... morehi Sagar
its good for u to wait n then buy C7 in the next 4-6months.
... by then surely there'll firmware update so your phone would more stable n smooth
..the price also will be cheaper
...from various C7 forums u'll know whats the problem arised and discussed/solved and you'll know how to handle/manage your phone better
x6 is a good phone but everybody is moving to symbian 3...C7 is having a new technologies
and u shouldn't miss the boat...survey both phone in the shop surely u'll feel the diff..
- E
- Eugene Suarez
- 21 Nov 2010
Raj, 19 Nov 2010Hi Friend's,i already bought Brand New Zitron Set of NOKIA ... morehahaha you got fooled, battery is ofcourse removeable only secured by the way with a screw, card slot is available next to the sim slot.
- c
- c7
- 2@4
- 21 Nov 2010
what is cost of this phone?
For 17500 where can i get c7
help me ?
- a
- angel
- vj1
- 21 Nov 2010
SAGAR, 21 Nov 2010Hi friends i'm having 6300. and want to buy new phone. I've... morehi SAGAR.i recommend nokia c7 bcoz c7 is faster and superb music player. c7 slimer. nice in hand and metal battery cover,AMOLED capacitive screen and multitouch.
- S
- tUs
- 21 Nov 2010
Hi friends i'm having 6300. and want to buy new phone. I've confused between x6 and c7. C7 have bigger screen , more ram , more processer power and 8 m.p symbian ^3 OS .
I hav budget abt 14-15k . So i can buy X6 16GB now or i have to wait For C7 price reduction abt 4-6 months. Currently it is 17.5k.
what should i do ? I havnt used these cells before so dont know their performance.Reply.
- S
- Sayni
- 9De
- 21 Nov 2010
Its cöol really.. Go for it
- a
- amoled lover
- uti
- 21 Nov 2010
how is battery back up when
we use the phone continuosly on edge or gprs ?
how is cam quality in picture and video ?
how is handset audio quality as well as ear phone on music ?
how are videos running on this phone ?
- d
- dennis
- s8Y
- 21 Nov 2010
i bought nokia c7 last month,very gud phone having 8mp camer bt its fixed focus..its main advantage is video,it takes hd videos.8gb inbuilt and can be expand up 32gb.very gud affordable price..totally its awasome fone...hats off to nokia
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@j
- 21 Nov 2010
subrata, 19 Nov 2010r u mad bought it on17500 and i got it cheap because my unc... morehey dude from where u got c7 for 17500..
Please tell me
- H
- Harsha
- 2@j
- 21 Nov 2010
feedback please
Howz the Phone (C7)
- a
- ara mina
- vj1
- 21 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 20 Nov 2010i domt know why people compare c7 with n8. n8 is far better... moresome people compare c7 to n8.. bcoz n8 its great but cant afford of some people.
- r
- regarding to AMIT
- vj1
- 21 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 20 Nov 2010hey Amit .... is this your very first smartphone..if your a... moreAMIT is not a smartphone user. he used fake china phone thats why always lag,hang and off. cheer for him........ nice......