Nokia C7
- ?
- Anonymous
- wrj
- 07 Nov 2010
Qwhaat, 07 Nov 2010just push the sim card until it's a bit exposed then you ca... morehey, thank u ^_^
- Q
- Qwhaat
- 07 Nov 2010
Mammoeth, 07 Nov 2010guys, can't take out my SIM card from this phone. would u... morejust push the sim card until it's a bit exposed then you can pull it out.
- N
- Nino
- pq%
- 07 Nov 2010
No auto-focus? What the ... were Nokia thinking off?!
The stupidest phone ever!
- M
- Mammoeth
- wrj
- 07 Nov 2010
guys, can't take out my SIM card from this phone.
would u guys like to help me please ? ^_^
that would be nice :)
- S
- SE G900 users
- uZ9
- 07 Nov 2010
Ketan, 05 Nov 2010Here is my review as promised
1} Feel and build- Great i... moreketan dude, i have questions for you. if the answer is what im looking for, i definitely gonna ditch X6 and buy this phone.
1)if i want to play mp4 videos, should i convert its size to 360x640 first?
2)do you think that the camera without auto-focus is completely fine and acceptable?
3)can we watch mp4 movies? let's say 1gb size movies?
4)what do you think the phone lacking of?
thanks for your review of this phone btw.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@v
- 07 Nov 2010
ya plz tell me wat price is dis fone 4?? i'm waiting since he last 5 months for a new fone...
- J
- Jose
- vGj
- 07 Nov 2010
Hi All,
Pls confirm this Display is CBD or AMOLED?
- S
- Shaan
- utv
- 07 Nov 2010
Neo, 07 Nov 2010Finally got C7 yesterday for 16.8 k
And its great :)From where did u got for 16.8k...
elsewhere it's 19k???
Pls tell
- K
- Ketan
- 07 Nov 2010
Engineer Man, 07 Nov 2010I apologise in my previous posts I should have mentioned th... moreThe only problem I'm having right now with my c7 is sensor stops working if phone gets locked while playing nfs shift. The car doesn't turn after that. Using ovi maps in online mode (v3.06) and it works like charm.
- N
- Neo
- 2@j
- 07 Nov 2010
Finally got C7 yesterday for 16.8 k
And its great :)
- G
- Gio
- 4cb
- 07 Nov 2010
Guy the loudspeaker test here is not real... I have tested it already 10 times in different sounds and it gets an average voice 70+ music 70+ and ringing 80+ trust me...
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 07 Nov 2010
I apologise in my previous posts I should have mentioned that the issues being caused are very likeley to be faulty hardware so far.
It now doesn't seem as much as a soft fault as they some though it was. BUT their are some C7 owners which say that OVI MAPS could be causing restarts.
Also finally with wha I found out a day or too ago, it seems possible that some people also think the REMAIL CLIENT is alsao causing crashing or freezing like OVI MAPS.
I forget where I came across the MAIL CLIENT issue. But try googling it or try the allaboutsmbian reply comments below. See if was there or not.
Anyway I hope I have tried to give you some help & ideas but that's only thanks to other people respecting their efforts to solve the issues. The community can do a lot together.
I hope I get my C7 very soon. I have waited for 7 days now. I ordered it last sat on Vodaphone 300 £25 contract very good. I really can't wait for it to arrive.
I know this sounds bad but this information from you & other members of the community is really prompting fellow buyers to digg into the issues before they buy & it's really proving fruitfully helpful.
Thanks for reading my posts. That's why I am here to try & help out along with everyone els wherever & whatever I can do, where I can & give good unbiased & positive buying advice & support for anything technically speaking.
Cheerio :)
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 06 Nov 2010
Malc. I've just read one VERY interesting post indeed. Someone who was experincing all the problems wasu sing his OLD SIM. Are you using the new SIM card that came with the C7. The fault hardware is still not ruled out, as some have gotton a replacement & not experienced the problem again.
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 06 Nov 2010
It seems highly likely from one or two posts on nokia discussions group that OVI Maps is causing C7's to restart.
Even when connected in mass storage mode, some are restarting without intervention. Looks like it takes hours before they will switch on again.
I'm sure it's the software. It doesn't seem like there are a lot of affected devices. Not many people have posted on discussions group. So we will have to see try uninstalling OVI Maps aswell as Email mailbox accoutns & email programs. Also maybe other apps like youttue which some people say aren't working.
You could try uninstalling Youtub app aswell. Just try uninstalling everything to try & eliminate the possibility of the issue being caused by an app. Itt could be a native S^3 issue with the actual firmware & not an app!
- E
- Engineer Man.
- n5Q
- 06 Nov 2010
Try taking the battery out for 10 mins. Then return battery.
I have heard of some wird strange issues for the C7. Some C7's do different things on different attempts.
One persons C7 freezes 5 secs after switch on. But the power button won't respons until it is taken home & plugged into the mains.
Malc.> See this link
On the Nokia discussions groups. There are a a fair few C7 owners with the same issues.
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 06 Nov 2010
If you can get the phone to behave & boot up for a while & get in control of the device. Try taking the phone back to the original condition you received it in. Therefore undo everything you have do thus far?
Also weirdly battery problem can also cause phone to switch off, but thats a hardware issue. But that is far different from software issue where it freezes, or won't even charge. Try charing it using USB if the normal mini din dc power outlet doesn't work?
Please report back directly to us on the things that you try. We might get it sorted without Nokia's help unless ofc we discover it to be a faulty device.
Thanks Malc
- m
- malc
- MQs
- 06 Nov 2010
Engineer Man, 06 Nov 2010Ok Malc I know this isn't possible in your case. But if you... moreThanks for that. The phone is a week old,and yes i have set up the google email on it.The problem seems to have got worse as the week went on,at first it froze but sorted itself out , that happened 4-5 times,after that when it froze i had to take the battery out to get it to switch on and reboot , but the last 3-4 times it has been difficult to get it to switch on and now its completely dead and wont do anything.My faith in nokia phones has been wrecked by this thing.
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 06 Nov 2010
Ok Malc I know this isn't possible in your case. But if your phone will not hard boot or charge even. Then you have right to return it or ask for a replacement or ask for a refund which is the best choice.
By Undoing any changes you have made - taking the phone back to the condition it was in prior to the freezing problem & now hte not turning on issue.
Also some people have had faulty N8's I wouldn't dismiss all these N8 problems as any different to the C7 since they are all running the same core hardware & the exact same OS.
It's possible the issues are the same exact issues maybe across handset models. Well I think you said you can't switch on the phone now or even charge it.
It's possible that a lot of handsets Nokia are making for some reason are faulty batch. I heard that with the N8 Grey black ther are reports of faulty handsets in this colour turnnig up, being returned for replacement.
Looks like it could be a Nokia design issue or just hte more likeley faulty components, faulty hardware. A fault batch of handsets. It's still early the picture is being drawn into which colours are affected more than others.
The C7 could also turn out to be in the very same alarming situation for Nokia. This is very dissapointing as I hope I don't get a faulty C7 or it will be going back. I hope the fault turns up after 14 days because that's all the time you need to conclude a faulty handset.
Some people may not have realized, determined or come across such faults until it is too late. But you should be able to return it if Nokia do not conclude that it is running the wrong incompatible apps or email client.
Clear issues for Noka to deal with. It's already proving too much that the handsets are in demand & people are still waiting for their upgrade. Now they have quite a mouthful of faulty handsets to deal with on top of that.
Malc I hope you get your fixed, or replaced or working again or get a completely fault free one. I'm sure there are a few people so far who are enjoying their problem free devices & I'm suer when they work they are awesome devices. But that isn't ok for the rest of the people!
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 06 Nov 2010
Hi Malc. Have you installed anything such as install third party symbian apps either built for S^1 or from the OVI Store or set up the S^3 email client.
I have heard that some people have crashing or freezing S^3 N8's & it is due to the process of setting up the email client which is causing the crashing.
Also there are loads of apps which have been built for S^1. They are not all guaranteed to be compatible with your phone. If your phone starts acting strangely like running slowly, I'd try uninstall any apps you have downloaded or installed & deleting the email account setting or just deleting your mailboxes.
- s
- san
- bC9
- 06 Nov 2010
Kartik, 06 Nov 2010What is its cost ? some people saying its 16.5 k and som... more16400