Nokia C7
- j
- julia
- uNV
- 10 Sep 2012
hey guys, whats the headphone quality of c7? And are there good games available for c7? Have u guys updated c7 to belle?plz,..replay i want to buy this. C7 cost 28k, 701 costs 34k and n8 is 38k in my country. Im confused, which one would be best for me? I don't take much photo. But listen to music a lot and play games! Any suggestion?
- A
- Ashman
- 10 Sep 2012
sachinraje, 09 Sep 2012i'm thinking about to buy that one soooooooo plz friend's a... moreIt's a good phone really... with good features and durability. The battery is not the best, but not as poor as many of the Droids. You can consider this phone and chances are you will be more than satisfied with it... or you can go for more powerful ones like Nokia 701.
- s
- sachinraje
- s8F
- 09 Sep 2012
i'm thinking about to buy that one soooooooo plz friend's advice me about it and also i would like to know about his battery back up
i'm waiting .................
- A
- Ashman
- 09 Sep 2012
hey folks... while things are fine with this phone, I am really getting impatient now... waiting for Belle Refresh ... waiting for a little sizzle.
- N
- Nilesh
- upf
- 09 Sep 2012
It's amazing smartphone of nokia,everything is perfect.
- s
- shakaimhotep
- LKp
- 09 Sep 2012
I've had one for almost two years and I absolutely love it.
- M
- R1t
- 07 Sep 2012
I don't like it. The WIFI is a pain.
- a
- asempa
- N7A
- 06 Sep 2012
am so much in love with this phone and i really want one
- A
- Ashman
- 04 Sep 2012
Rajeev From Mumbai, 03 Sep 2012I don't listen to music from c7 but yes the UI has become m... moreIt's good to know people are getting the update... It's rather frustrating having to wait so long and still not get the update. I have a HongKong model... anyone received updates for their HongKong model?
- R
- Rajeev From Mumbai
- w41
- 03 Sep 2012
Ashman, 31 Aug 2012Anyone ... is the Dolby Mobile Enhancement there after the ... moreI don't listen to music from c7 but yes the UI has become much better and sounds quality seems to be sounding better then before also there one more new widget music small where the widget occupies on 1 1/2 horizontal lines inatead 3 horizontals lines on the home screen
- ?
- Anonymous
- HB8
- 02 Sep 2012
I buy nokia c7 only due to the fm transmeter. I love fm transmeter because if u have fm transmeter then u can dowanlod anything from computer and u can easyly play in your car.
- G
- GadgetLover
- Trj
- 02 Sep 2012
nnabazz, 01 Sep 2012Is this a better phone than 701?Not really, the 701 has a faster processor which will go even faster with the Belle FP2 update, both of which the C7 doesn't have. The C7 has a better screen though,and many other specs between the two are equal but on most other counts the 701 wins.
- n
- nnabazz
- ftV
- 01 Sep 2012
Is this a better phone than 701?
- A
- Ashman
- 7wj
- 01 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 31 Aug 2012i wanna buy this phone,,does anyone here recommend it? i a... moreI say the camera in this phone is ok... not the best, but not too bad. BUT ... if your interest is CAMERA, might as well go for PureView.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fvA
- 31 Aug 2012
santosh, 27 Aug 2012hai i m using this phone since 2 years.. It is a best phone... morei wanna buy this phone,,does anyone here recommend it?
i am most interested in the camera,,any advices?
- s
- saurabha26may
- w4c
- 31 Aug 2012
Ashman, 31 Aug 2012thanks saurabha26may for your positive comments. Well, I ha... moreI feel the best widget is Galary image viewer. It is really cool. You can select the images which you want to display in that and it displayes images in various size you can click to resize the image. If you select multiple images more than the displayed one then the images change once you flip from one home screen to the widget screen.
- A
- Ashman
- 31 Aug 2012
Anyone ... is the Dolby Mobile Enhancement there after the upgrade?
- A
- Ashman
- 31 Aug 2012
thanks saurabha26may for your positive comments. Well, I have not received the update... so I cannot comment on it. But I encourage users who have received this latest update to put a few words of experience here.
- s
- saurabha26may
- w4c
- 30 Aug 2012
silverfox, 27 Aug 2012Hello there, can anybody tell is it free to upgrade to symb... moreYou do not need a message. Just connect to PC and if the update is available in your region (which is mosly available) then it will ask you for the update. It will also ask you for the back up. Make sure you take the full back up and then it will show you warning about some apps will not work with new update or you will lose some apps. I didn't experience any lose of app for the apps which I have installed in my C7 but there could be few which may
- s
- saurabha26may
- w4c
- 30 Aug 2012
sandy, 27 Aug 2012this is a very poor phone of nokia c series,,,,,This phone was in market almost 2 years back. You are posting the status for now or two years back when this phone was at the top? Now a days any technology or electronic product becomes out-dated almost in a month. Never the less I am using this phone for almost 2 years now and I am still happy. Just upgraded to new updates and phone is working still as new. Look at the price point of the phone and compare it with the same price point I think this phone would still stand out first.