Nokia E62
- m
- magoo
- 4kZ
- 17 Jan 2008
Overall the phone is satisfactory, but the OS is slowwww... what was Nokia thinking? Did they not notice that the thing crawls? I press a button and I have to wait and wait...
I hope Nokia has a fix that this problem
- S
- Sohail
- PSe
- 14 Jan 2008
Am using E62 for about a fortnight now.It is slow while opening applications and responding to commands-not VERY slow but-just slow.Rest it is great.IF you regard a blazing speed as a must then E62 is not for you.IF you consider FUNCTIONALITY -E62 is exactly the choice.After all a PDA cum Cellophone is OK if it lets you read , edit, and compose Dcuments and spread sheets-receive E mails-and listen and watch videos .Voice is ok.IF speed/cam/videocam is your option-go for N Series.
- a
- anand
- 14 Jan 2008
I have got nokia E62(mocca- blackinsh brown colour) in 9500INR with original bill+warranty. So far, i am hugely satisfied with this robust and sturdy phone. Obviously there are a couple of issues like less RAM, lack of camera and Wi-Fi. But considering the price tag it is worth every penny spent. First of all, 16 million super sharp display is a treat and the outstanding battery life. As far as camera is concerned you will get a sony cybershot of 7.2 MP in 11000INR(Indian rupees equivalent to 200 USD). So, its not fair to complain abt camera, moreover for data security reasons many places prohibit use of camera phones. For an average business user like me, it serves me very well, excellent calender, read and edit office documents(though seldom used) and excellent e-mail connectivity having wide array of options(blackberry connect, POP, SMTP. Cheerz.
- h
- hellosuny
- 2S{
- 13 Dec 2007
Sound quality is FAIR with speaker and Poor with Provided Mono Earphone.
However, in a business phone, the media player is somewhat better than expected and serves the purpose of keeping you singalong your favourite numbers.
- S
- Snehjit
- 2Zj
- 12 Dec 2007
Please advive if we can load theblacberry enterprise on thsi handset
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pa{
- 10 Dec 2007
I need to install something to use with the E62, for PIN-To-PIN communication.
what i can do???
like blackberry messenger or like it.
- M
- Mark
- vGu
- 09 Dec 2007
I heard that joystick for navigation is not user friendly, any comments on it
- ?
- Anonymous
- 05 Dec 2007
hey can anyone tell me how is the sound quality of this cellphone..
both on the loudspeaker and the earphones....
- S
- Symbian Galaxy
- U2a
- 01 Dec 2007
If you guys have any problem with this cool phone and also want to get applications like stopwatch, timer or many more... then please log on to
Nothing outside of that :)
- a
- anyta
- 0Cb
- 30 Nov 2007
i like this phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- waV
- 29 Nov 2007
U can try using a o2 mini headset with e62
It works fine.
- A
- A. Saechang
- GaQ
- 26 Nov 2007
I recently had to return the phone because it froze on me. It is not a good phone when it comes to SPEED...very slow, even when checking text message.
The keyboard is very easy to use. It's also a huge phone. Mainly for business use.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Qt5
- 14 Nov 2007
I disagree with the assertion that one can "just" download applications for the phone to turn it into a functional business one. Most business people do not want to fiddle with a myriad of wacky and flaky add-ons, $15-50 each, only so that they can somehow fix the ones built into the phone. Add-ons are good for non essential frills and fun, not for the core functions.
What is required of a business smartphone is that the *basics just work*.
As it was explained below, the basics of this phone are simply deficient in many ways.
Furthermore, dismissing these complaints as coming from a "blackberry lover" without actually addressing their substance is the very essence of an irrational attachment to a brand or a product and in itself sign of an indefensible bias. Business people do not normally engage in "fanboyism", as being irrational about your business tool solves nothing when it does not do the job and costs you time and money instead - so you just get another one.
Blackberry is by no means perfect and it has a long list of its own issues, but it does the business essentials well and that is why it has become the de-facto standard in North American businesses. The very reason I did try the E62 was the anathema of "loving" of the Blackberry: I tried to explore the alternatives to escape the limitations of the Blackberry platform. Unfortunately the priorities of business use are such that the important things which work well take precedence over the problems which affect the less important parts of the system. In the E62 the fun parts work (like the web browser and games and fun add-on apps) but the business/phone essentials *do not*. It is the exact opposite with the Blackberry but which is also a much more restrictive (and expensive) platform.
The phone is simply targetted at a diffrent audience: students and the like, not businessmen (although even students are likely to have problems with the "voice record" button mis-feature and only some serious amount of self-rationalizing-away will somehow allow you to ignore that major flaw as you are likely to fall victim of it rather frequently. That and erasing of a few dozens of useless recording clips a month.)
- M
- Maruf
- 31 Oct 2007
If you need Symbain 9.1 applications for your E62, go to the below website. They have the huge collections and all of them are for free:
- I
- Ichibakudan
- kDt
- 24 Oct 2007
E62 is a basic business phone. I Disagree with below comments saying that the phone is a phony business phone. With the newer symbian os, you can download a whole bunch of symbian business programs for it. It even even has a way better battery life than most blackberry and palm phones. It supplies you with all of the essentials you need for everyday business usage.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 24 Oct 2007
I understand. You are a blackberry user. This is not the first time, we got a non Nokia lover in Nokia User review page. Anyway, let me tell you one thing, may be blackberry is good in USA, because they have lots of services. But, outside the US they sucks.
- D
- Dissapointed E62 use
- Qt5
- 21 Oct 2007
This phone is a pretender.
The idea is to lure you into believing that the phone is a business phone, useful for some of us busy business people, a competition to Blackberry and the like.
In fact E62 a carefuly designed paper-thin facade of a business phone. Smoke and mirror illusion of functionality.
I could go on for hours about the things which are wrong with it, but let me mention most major problems:
- the phone OS is unusably slow in many circumstances requiring your reaction to many typical business circumstances
- basic functionality required in serious business use is utterly missing. Basic features such as an ability to sort contacts by company (or even to display company name) are missing.
- the contact list (and most other apps) become completely useless due to their slow response and lack of any useful information sorting capabilites when you exceed about 20-30 contacts, notes etc. I have 500+ contacts.
- in general, the applications offer so little configurability that it would appear that the "designers" decided that they know more about your business use then you do yourself and if you do not use the apps they "only true Nokia way" you WILL be punished.
- voice command button, which is also a voice record button (the thing right below the volume control buttons on the left side in the picture), is so easy to press by mistake in a miriad of circumstances that every user of the phone I know has most of the phone's memory filled with 60 seconds recordings of random snippets of conversations and background noise. There is no way to disable this feature.
- the voice dialler feature does not let you assign voice tags to names, rendering it UTTERLY USELESS to anyone with any sort of accent of speech impairment. Do not believe people telling you how "wonderful" it is. They have 15 contacts in their contact list and speak accent-free English.
- the voice dialler does not let you select the phone number to call amongst many numbers for a contact, you must assign a "default" or else one number will be chosen based on who Nokia "engineers" believe you should be calling.
- the word processing and spreadsheet application are essentially useless. Unable to open about 80% of Word documents (Invalid Fromat!) and slow beyond any practical use
- the included PDF reader can only open most basic of PDF files, preferably 1/2 page long, text only or else it simply crashes
Etc and so on. Just the tip of the iceberg.
In short it is a glittery bait-and-switch item, usability of which is restricted to people who would like to pretend they are businessmen but in fact are aspiring students or other individuals to whom "looks" are far more important then the actual operation of the thing.
The only reasonably good built-in software feature that is the web browser which is above average as far as smartphones go.
Disclaimer: the phone can be salvaged if you (or your corp) spend serious amount of money to essentially replace all of the built-in apps wholesale with something like the GoodLink package. But then what is the point? Just get a Blackberry.
- k
- kapil bansal
- U27
- 20 Oct 2007
hi frnds
m very fond of PDA phones
i wana high processing GPRS phone which can browse all html pages
pls ensure the mobile must be economical
can u suggest me any mobile which is fullfilling my requirements.
'll b very thnxfl 2 u 4 ur co operation for
the same
- ?
- Anonymous
- 46c
- 16 Oct 2007
Can you sync via blue tooth to mac?