Nokia E62
- a
- alireza
- TuG
- 01 Aug 2007
is great:: office... and easy to use...antivirus is installed easy and effective...screeeeeen is perfect..battttteery is power too...if u r manager or engineer who hate camera ...this is a good choice
- A
- Arthur
- 28 Jul 2007
and to answer your question, it supports miniSD
- A
- Arthur
- 28 Jul 2007
By far one of the best PDA phones out there. I got this phone from my work and it does everything a blackberry can, and better. Integrating with your exisiting blackberry server is easy, the user interface is friendly and easy to navigate along, and the reception/voice/speakerphone is great. The only con i can give for this phone is that you occasionally need to power the phone (once every 3 weeks) as it runs out of memory and does not know how to end some of the unused applications(this also because of the S60 coding). Also the side of the phone is somewhat akward as sometimes i have trouble holding the phone for long durations of talk. Other then those 2 small problems, this phone is awesome and good for ppl that want a full functional pda phone at a very good price. I recommend
- R
- Raman
- 2@j
- 22 Jul 2007
Does the phone use Mini or Micro SD cards?
Here it says MiniSD and on it says microSD.
- M
- Mohit
- 2@a
- 14 Jul 2007
A Great phone , good it doesnt have a camera. Am using this after having used Sony P990 which was a piece of junk. This phone does everything .
- W
- Walish
- jLB
- 07 Jul 2007
I wanna buy either Nokia E62 or E61i. In my country 3G n wifi r not available. So this 2 r useless 4 me. But i heard E61i is speedy n slimmy compare 2 E62. E62 has joystick which break down shortly. N d sound quality of E61i is better than E62. I'm not confident about those information. So people help me 2 decide via emailing or write here. Money also a factor 2 me cause i m a student. here my email address:
- m
- manz
- Ihq
- 27 Jun 2007
GODDAMN, i thought it might be a good fone, u kno, a business phone, no wifi, can u even view or type documents (probly can) shudnt of called it e62 tho, rofl
- t
- talib
- n$e
- 25 Jun 2007
is there any way that you can unlock wifi on this phone???
- A
- Ankur Kumar
- U2e
- 25 Jun 2007
just bought one, I was hoping if anyone could help me with the additional functions of this phone, can we load a software radio ?
- a
- almany
- n7S
- 09 Jun 2007
ohh gosh this phone is sucks ,we admitted that it ain't got cam cuz most of the bussines men dosen't need a cam but hell why it ain't got WI-FI it's very important for smart phones ,,,i think E61i way better than this bad one
- G
- Giancarlo
- PdD
- 03 Jun 2007
It´s possible to connect an USB keybord or USB memory with a USB/Mini USB adapter to the cell phone?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Fv4
- 30 May 2007
R.K.Mishra - This a business phone. Some work places are not allowed to have a camera due to security reasons eg taking photos of clasified documents.
- a
- andongis
- whA
- 28 May 2007
Does it come w/a stylus? Ty
- d
- dante
- SHq
- 24 May 2007
can any1 tell me why e61 is louder than e62 in playback the music!!!!
- L
- Latish
- P@8
- 21 May 2007
very good!
- R
- R.K.Mishra
- 2S{
- 20 May 2007
This phone does not have a camera, does not have a FM radio. How can Nokia expect it to become popular. In fact apart from a Camera and a FM Radio, some thing more is now required for a preimium segment phone e.g. option to accepet calls only from a selective list of 25 numbers or a rejection list of numbers which will not be accepeted.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pkg
- 15 May 2007
the pistures from E61 and E62 are switched!
- ?
- Anonymous
- kxD
- 15 May 2007
still waiting for software updates
- ?
- Anonymous
- kxD
- 14 May 2007
that last question is dumb it s not the phpne it s the memory card that holds the songs
- s
- shane
- Q8c
- 05 May 2007
how many MP3's does this phone hold?