Nokia E63
- A
- Ayman Fikry
- NhE
- 12 Mar 2009
How can I fined downlodable programes for E63
- S
- Sumit
- vGT
- 12 Mar 2009
Can I download gtalk or google messenger in this phone? if yes then how?
- s
- sha
- ibj
- 12 Mar 2009
hey. what is the difference between e63 and e71???
- h
- hi
- 43%
- 12 Mar 2009
does this fone work with 3g speed for tmobile? i jus bought it from and does it play youtube videos?
- f
- freed
- wHR
- 12 Mar 2009
Brian, 12 Mar 2009yes. The phone can read pdf doc with it build in pdf software.thx Brian..
- B
- Brian
- P$9
- 12 Mar 2009
freed, 11 Mar 2009hello guys, i just want to know.. this phone can read a... moreyes. The phone can read pdf doc with it build in pdf software.
- f
- freed
- wHR
- 11 Mar 2009
hello guys,
i just want to know..
this phone can read a pdf files?
anyway sorry for my bad english..
- R
- Rumba Gumba
- 2mA
- 11 Mar 2009
Sunny, 10 Mar 2009Hi Can someone tell me where to download games from?Yeah you can from
- H
- HB
- uNW
- 10 Mar 2009
hi pr,
yes u can download windows live messenger on ur machine it is just same as we use on our pc
just go to menu
then to downloads
then click applications
then click option and click refresh list
after refreshing go down u will see windows live icon
click on it, it will starts downloading automatically
after downloading enjoy ur chat with your loved one.
hi yuan g,
yes this problem has been encountered theres some plicking of screen resolution when u moving your cursor up and down in contacts this is normal practice no need to worry about
take care all
- B
- B'Rulezz
- uNW
- 10 Mar 2009
yes u can download MSN LIVE MESSENGER on this Machine And ENjoy SAme as U Doing On your PC..Just Go to DOwnlOad Option..>>THen To Applications..>>Then Click Option..>>WindoW Appears Search Refresh LIst and Then CLick..>>its WIll Take HArdly 4 Second To RefresH..>>THen Go DOwn U WIll FInd Windows LIve Folder..>>Click On Will Start Downloading When Finish ENjoy Ur Chat WIth ur Loved Ones
yEs This Problem Has bEen ENcountered there Is Some PLicking Prob in Screen WHen Moving COurser Up and DOwn In COntacts..this Is nOt A V Much Big Prob..Just IGnore It Enjoy MAChine THat U Have..
Take Care ALL
- ?
- Anonymous
- iq{
- 10 Mar 2009
Sunny, 10 Mar 2009Hi Can someone tell me where to download games from?plm nice
- N
- New User
- v0q
- 10 Mar 2009
Yuan G, 13 Jan 2009Hi! I'm surious what is wrong with my unit. I bought it 2 w... moreI have the same problem with my E63! I just bought it two days ago and I have encountered that same flickering problem with my LCD. I don't know if that's normal, but I don't think it is. I'm going to see what's up with it tomorrow after work. Please let me know what you were able to do regarding the issue..
- A
- Andrisu
- 10 Mar 2009
Is it possible to instil GPS fot this phone?
- S
- Sunny
- vGa
- 10 Mar 2009
Hi Can someone tell me where to download games from?
- P
- PR
- kbe
- 10 Mar 2009
Cant some told me if this phone have the windowslive msn application because the N series have the logo and application to use the msn chat sou thats its mine main question to buy this phone thanks!
- A
- Adnan
- PSe
- 10 Mar 2009
ND, 09 Mar 2009In this phone what is light sensor light meant for. What is... moreIn the e71, I think it turns on the backlight behind the keyboard when it is dark
- s
- sassy girl
- jJk
- 09 Mar 2009
the best phone i ever had. this made me content. it has everything i need. supports all the applications i want. sound quality is superb. not to mention the battery life...its the BEST! using the right SD card, it works perfectly, no issues (like hanging) at all. its back panel is kinda scratch proof too! i would probably be using this phone until another of the same kind arrives. i would highly recommend it to everyone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mty
- 09 Mar 2009
Anonymous, 09 Mar 2009not too much difference. E71 is made more of metal and prob... moretrist
- K
- KItch
- ut6
- 09 Mar 2009
Ashwani , 09 Mar 2009Hi the Wi-fi feature is the best feature in this phone to c... moreHey Ashwani. your answer about the IP ADRESS AND WIFI settings was very appropriate.So next time when I will buy E71 plz help me at that time.It would be easy for me if you give me your email id. Mine is thankx
- A
- Ashwani
- vGH
- 09 Mar 2009
Hi the Wi-fi feature is the best feature in this phone to connect with Wi-Fi u need to be in the area where wi-fi router is being installed and must be switched on. the password which is being asked while connecting is the same password which is given by user at the time of securing your wi-fi network. You just need to input that password and u have to configure IP in the phone same as the IP u give in Computer or u can choose automatic configure or obtain IP. I think ur problem could be solve in this way. Good luck