Nokia E63
- F
- Filipino
- ji{
- 26 Feb 2009
this is a great phone. Im using it now to comment here. cant believe they can sell it this cheap. A great value for your money, good job nokia. Back to being a nokia user after 5 years
- p
- popoy
- P@1
- 26 Feb 2009
...i appreciate someones advise... hehe
..just want to ask if i can open different website w / this phone ? can i view youtube and friendster here??? or any static website... Thanks and have nice day.....
- j
- john
- P@1
- 26 Feb 2009
....i suggest that you go for E71....(n_n)
- s
- suryamshu
- pRK
- 25 Feb 2009
hi.i am a student,but i need a phone wihch would last me till the time i graduate(viz in about 3-4 yrs!!!)ive always been fascinated by qwerty keypads and high resolution cameras.
1)do you think the E63 is the best buy?
2)if not, which other phone do you think is appropriate?
also, i would love it if it were a value-for-money phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- GAd
- 25 Feb 2009
i just bought this phone a couple of weeks ago and i find it very slow especially when deleting messages. it also hangs frequently and i need to restart everytime. is this normal? do i need to upgrade the firmware of this phone or something? i would really appreciate help..
- ?
- Anonymous
- vbP
- 25 Feb 2009
apolo, 23 Feb 2009Wi-Fi 802.11b/g, VoIP over WLAN? what does it mean? is it f... moreit is nothing but u can make call via net.
- S
- Shashank
- utt
- 25 Feb 2009
Thanks Sanju, but still got same price here.
- (
- (+[___]::)PSP ADIK
- P@1
- 25 Feb 2009
....john is totally right...hehehe psp nalang kayo be an addict gamer and forget about being a phone afficionado...for everybodys info,, sony ericson has a model of phone that can accomodate (PSP GAMES)im not so sure if it is only a rumor or sumtin... but you can ask for someone's help,, specially the moderator or the owner of this site...T.C
(+[___]::)PSP ADIK
- (
- (+[___]::)PSP ADIK
- P@1
- 25 Feb 2009
...your absolutely right john...
- j
- john
- P@1
- 25 Feb 2009 know guys e63 is only good for sending email... but for downloading and other shebang,it is totally crap... samsung i325, and nokia e51 is 2x better than e63,, the only reason why people get confuse bout this phone ,is bcoz this is one of the latest model of nokia ...for business phone like Eseries E71 is 99.9% perfect...
- ?
- Anonymous
- jA{
- 24 Feb 2009
Anonymous, 22 Feb 2009Does the color of the case of E63 fade?Great!
- S
- Sanju
- 2@Y
- 24 Feb 2009
Shashank, 24 Feb 2009Gitanjali, from our Nokia person in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra... morethe price at mobile hotspot in Delhi is Rs 12550
- t
- vx4
- 24 Feb 2009
Hi Guys,
Good day,
I just need help on comparing the Viva and the Nokia E63. Its hard to choose.
- same can browse the internet(wifi,gprs)
- battery life ok
- got a full qwerty keyboard
- memory up to 8gb
- cheaper
- Screen sensitive keyboard
- memory up to 16gb
- expensive
badly need advice.
thanks in advance.
- t
- vx4
- 24 Feb 2009
Anas, 22 Feb 2009Is there a difference between e71 and e63 ?Hi the difference most probably is the pixel of the camera and the weigth. the e71 is slimer than e63.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jNi
- 24 Feb 2009
Anonymous, 22 Feb 2009Does the color of the case of E63 fade?buy this phone I mean it!
- ?
- Anonymous
- jyU
- 24 Feb 2009
Anonymous, 22 Feb 2009Does the color of the case of E63 fade?good phone
- V
- Vinus
- ut9
- 24 Feb 2009
hi i checked the price in bang lore it available for Rs is coming with 1 gb card.good to see the price drops.maybe another 6 months down the line its gonna drop still more.lets pray for that.i will own once price drops further.
- S
- Shashank
- utt
- 24 Feb 2009
Gitanjali, from our Nokia person in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra the price I found out was 14460Rs. Where did you get that price?
- f
- fmm
- vGk
- 24 Feb 2009
lonebing, 19 Feb 2009Unluckily, skyfire and teashark browsers did not work in my... moreI am facing the same problem. Even opera mini does not connect.
- A
- Anuj
- w43
- 24 Feb 2009
apolo, 23 Feb 2009Yes, the difference is the mega pixel of the camera. e63 on... moreHi Apolo, can you also tell whether E71 and E63 support blackberry connect...I need to connect my Lotus Domino Server for mailing.