Nokia E65
- A
- Ayman Ismail
- nCb
- 05 May 2009
The E65 is not that good mobile. it has alot of problems
- The material of the mobile's face do not live long and u need to change the face at lease 2 times a year
- The phone need to be restarted many times.
- the resolution of the camera is so bad
- no flash in the camera is so silly
- No radio also is something not nice at all.
- ?
- Anonymous
- NaD
- 05 May 2009
Anonymous, 30 Apr 2009I "had" an e65, I used it to play some music through the lo... moreI Have a E65 Nokia the fone is working but if I reveived a call the person what call me can hear a word, but i can hear.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Apr 2009
I "had" an e65, I used it to play some music through the loudspeaker and the thing died shortly after. I am not sure if it was coincidence or not (I doubt it) but it wouldn't charge, wouldn't start up, the battery just got really hot.
Moved onto much better!
- F
- Fumani Maringa
- p$K
- 30 Apr 2009
de prblm is dat de hav got less megapixel nd it doesnt hav a flash light
- t
- toni
- 04U
- 29 Apr 2009
don`t buy this phone, trust me!!.after 2 weeks i have a lot of problems keypad light,slow working, restarting etc.
- ?
- Anonymous
- MuQ
- 29 Apr 2009
hey i have an E65 it was rainned on and now the damn thing has refuse to light up its not working!!!!!!
Any suggestions any one???
- ?
- Anonymous
- MuQ
- 29 Apr 2009
im having isssues with my nokia e65 it was rained on and now the damn thing has reused to light up, its not working any suggestions?
- F
- Fumani Maringa
- p$K
- 28 Apr 2009
purple, 28 Apr 2009..hi,actually,i really want to buy this phone but what make... morei also luv dis fone bt de prblm is dat it doesn't hav a flash on it's camera nd also it's megapixels are to small
- ?
- Anonymous
- p$K
- 28 Apr 2009
purple, 28 Apr 2009..hi,actually,i really want to buy this phone but what make... morei also luv dis fone bt de prblm is dat it doesn't hav a flash on it's camera nd also it's megapixels are to small
- C
- Chinese_Boi
- uSV
- 28 Apr 2009
When i got my E65, i knew it would be a good phone that suits me. the specs and funtions are so cool, plus the style is elegant. i love my E65. =)
- p
- purple
- uSR
- 28 Apr 2009
..hi,actually,i really want to buy this phone but what makes it a drawback is because it doesn't have a flash on its camera...but,its nice...
- C
- Comida
- i%G
- 27 Apr 2009
I love the E65. Ive had it for 2 years now and it has never needed any servicing. The key lights work all the time. The camera is easy to use, I dont think that i want to upgrade ever as the E65 is just so functional.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2SR
- 26 Apr 2009
I cant install java programs (.jar and .jad files) on my nokia E65. What may be the reason?
- ?
- Anonymous
- ny7
- 24 Apr 2009
Nokia E65 is the best phone ever! NOKIA rulzz!
- B
- Bryan
- whB
- 23 Apr 2009
i got my e65 for just about a month now, i am experiencin a problem on call/inng. i don't do much calls but i am always receivin calls. but then when somebody's callin me it's just automatically hang ups. and when i am on a conversation or call it will end the call automatically for no reason. before i suspect that it could be only just my network provider, but when i tried to insert the simcard to my spare old mobile, its workin good, my calls doenst hang ups or end. so i then said to myself, it's the E65 that has somethin to do with the problem i am experiencin. anyone outthere that is experinencin teh same problem. i don't know how to call this problem, it could be a DROP CALL. a call and it ends, and it's very agreviatin on the part of my caller not me, because they thought i am hangin up and canceling their calls/conversations. i'm tired of it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uW5
- 22 Apr 2009
daman, 13 Apr 2009hi m daman plz send me a information abut wifi how can i us... morehi dear u can use wifi its called free intrenet service by ur hard points like mecdonalds kfc and airports when u open wlan then it will search networks and the it searchs completed then u can starts web browzing much faster as compare gprs
- s
- sahil sum49
- 2S$
- 21 Apr 2009
Kodi, 16 Mar 2009E65 is very fragile!!! don't let it fall. If you ever used ... morehey buddy N80 just agree wid ya ...its a very solid cell...
- ?
- Anonymous
- PU2
- 15 Apr 2009
how to download word,excel and powerpoint?
- H
- vGC
- 14 Apr 2009
daman, 13 Apr 2009hi m daman plz send me a information abut wifi how can i us... moreDear Daman,
This is Ravi from Hotspots RTL Ltd, once open the fall site and find u r nearest hotspot then come to hotspot Store they will Explain everything u want...
- d
- daman
- vGR
- 13 Apr 2009
hi m daman plz send me a information abut wifi how can i use it? and what are the benifits of wifi? why we use wifi plz send me wifi information to my e mail id plz my id is plz