Nokia E71
- d
- dyra
- 9Bf
- 22 Oct 2010
puja, 22 Oct 2010is call recording option available in nokia e71??try 2 install 3rd software party..
If u want secrect call recording without *beep* sounds, then u must try : dudu recording
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 22 Oct 2010
guys im very c0nfused.. wt sh0uld i buy e71 or e72.. y is it that e72 have so many negatve c0mments.. unlike e71 that have many postive c0mment.. can s0mb0dy tell wt are na mj0r dfference between the two?whch cp sh0uld i buy.. need s0me help guys tnx!
- p
- puja
- vIc
- 22 Oct 2010
is call recording option available in nokia e71??
- d
- dyra
- 9B3
- 22 Oct 2010
if u want 2 hack Ur E71, u must create ur certificate online.. And download freesigner.
And finally, Download HelloOx unsigned.
Just it.
For link, go to
Its indonesian, but at right widget side, u can get link to get Ur certificate ( register first at opda )
- i
- ideal
- 9C$
- 22 Oct 2010
dyra, 18 Oct 2010try hack ur e71 , and install fullkastor enable.
Itz mak... moredyra...
how to hack? will u teach me pls? mail me at : TQ.
- H
- Hockyechick33
- 22 Oct 2010
I have been using this phone for almost 2 years already, this is a very good phone. Its features are great especially the wifi (w/c is easy to use and very fast). It's also a strong phone, it fell more than 20x already and still in perfect condition. The only concern is the camera, the picture quality is not that great but since I'm not really into picture still I find this phone the best I've ever had.
- S
- Sherry
- uW5
- 21 Oct 2010
Nokia E71 is the best phone i've ever used.
Every thing is there, The only thing which i feel it should be there is double Sim connectivity..
- ?
- Anonymous
- wgI
- 21 Oct 2010
omg how dou update this phone...but well done nokia the e71 is great 4 everything
- d
- dyra
- 9B0
- 21 Oct 2010
what the hack, now the new e71 are cheaper than 5800xm...
But at first launch, the truth, 5800xm are more cheaper than e71..
- d
- dyra
- 9B0
- 21 Oct 2010
Edwin, 20 Oct 2010What is Misc?what misc ?
- E
- Edwin
- 20 Oct 2010
What is Misc?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxf
- 20 Oct 2010
In my opinion e71 better than e52. Please buy adaptor 3,5mm jack.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9Br
- 19 Oct 2010
mickoy, 19 Oct 2010does it have a wifi ??yes it does..
E71 has a wifi,hsdpa,bluetooth,irda,and more....
- a
- arif, bangladesh
- u4g
- 19 Oct 2010
Dear Mr. Vinay
There is a software named ion battery timer. I think it will be useful for me. But the problem is I can't access the pro version. Can you tell me how to get the pro version free? I mean is there any way to hack it? Though I got the full software but don't know how to hack it. If it is possible plz help me.
- m
- mickoy
- 4Av
- 19 Oct 2010
does it have a wifi ??
- d
- dyra
- 9Bn
- 18 Oct 2010
try hack ur e71 , and install fullkastor enable.
Itz making ur E71 as good and more good transitions effect animated than FP2.
As we know E71 are FP1.
- d
- dyra
- 9Bn
- 18 Oct 2010
Arpit patel, 18 Oct 2010Hey frienz,
thanx for replyin to my 5800 vs E71 confusion... moreHang are similar of OS Symbian. So no one symbian thats UNhang. Coz itz Operating System, as u know, itz installable app and many more software, thats very harm to get unpredictable crash (reboot or hang).
just get E52 4 simplicity but tough phone.
Just get E71 4 elegant and ease of use phone.
E52 are simplicity from E72, its all partially look like the same .
But E72 are not good as E71, E72 wins at HSUPA and Cameras, so as E52..
But remember E5x series are the 5x, thats represents the simple phone from E7x.
- d
- dyra
- 9Bn
- 18 Oct 2010
Arpit patel, 18 Oct 2010Hey frienz,
thanx for replyin to my 5800 vs E71 confusion... moreHang are similar of OS Symbian. So no one symbian thats UNhang. Coz itz Operating System, as u know, itz installable app and many more software, thats very harm to get unpredictable crash (reboot or hang).
just get E52 4 simplicity but tough phone.
Just get E71 4 elegant and ease of use phone.
E52 are simplicity from E72, its all partially look like the same .
But E72 are not good as E71, E72 wins at HSUPA and Cameras, so as E52..
But remember E5x series are the 5x, thats represents the simple phone from E7x.
- R
- Rocky
- t@x
- 18 Oct 2010
Arpit patel, 18 Oct 2010Hey frienz,
thanx for replyin to my 5800 vs E71 confusion... moreHi Arpit,
go for E71 and get the latest update, its fantastic ,great battery,crystal clear sound and everything great! using it since last 8 months.
- A
- Arpit patel
- s86
- 18 Oct 2010
Hey frienz,
thanx for replyin to my 5800 vs E71 confusion. after reading all comments and searching the net, i think i'll try for second-hand E52 instead of E71 seconds. The processor is better, batt power is better, 3.5 mm jack, else all is similar
but some of frenz here say that E52 hangs a lot, got probs with sms and contact mngmt, etc. but most of them get solved with soft update.
i also thought of E5, but there is no second-hand available as it just launched in india.
what do u guys say? E52 or E71? i m fine without Qwerty keypad, but i want best battery talktime, good music, 3.5G and wifi if possible.
thanx in advnce