Nokia E71
- k
- kiko
- 04M
- 06 Jun 2009
I just got one of theese it's perfect:)
- d
- danbappa
- ftT
- 06 Jun 2009
how do i save more email on my mail box cos it appears to be like i only save 20.
- A
- mc9
- 05 Jun 2009
the best free web page for e71 software is:
- j
- joefish
- R0u
- 05 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 05 Jun 2009hy ,
make sure that you don't have twice the contact in yo... morethank you!!
- j
- joefish
- R0u
- 05 Jun 2009
grandesoba, 05 Jun 2009Probably you have this name/number entry twice in your adre... morethank you!
- a
- audemars
- 3Ia
- 05 Jun 2009
hey guys
i have a problem
I updated my phones software and when it finished, and restarted, it kept asking for the lock code, which i hadn't turned on in the first place, and the default one doesn't work eighter.
what the hell is wrong with it... did enyone else experience this problem?
- E
- Erick Rosas
- Y9K
- 05 Jun 2009
Question, i got this phone since a few months, its great, but every time i go to maps, the fone freezes and i hate it, i download everything, update and nokia maps twice, and still, i have to take the battery off all the times because i can even use it, if i want to use the maps i have to use google maps, any helo to erickrosasrojas--@--- gmail . com please
- e
- esmond
- 05 Jun 2009
I just got the phone and there was this problem.
I couldn't open my contact list. When i open it, it says "There was an error. Please try again.". Anyone know why?
And my MSN also got problem. When i click it, it didnt open.
I had already tried to restart the phone, take the sim card out etc.
- M
- Manny
- fuL
- 05 Jun 2009
I just got my E71. Its a wonderful experience. It made all my friends running to get one. Buy one, u will enjoy it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCK
- 05 Jun 2009
joefish, 04 Jun 2009when someone calls who is in my address book, why doesn't i... morehy ,
make sure that you don't have twice the contact in your phone
- d
- deepak kapoor
- wiS
- 05 Jun 2009
i have e71 its an amazing phone . its a best phone for internet browsing and best to use 3G.
- g
- grandesoba
- 05 Jun 2009
joefish, 04 Jun 2009when someone calls who is in my address book, why doesn't i... moreProbably you have this name/number entry twice in your adress book. Delete one and in the next time this person call you the name will be showed up.
- v
- vichinsehgal
- vG7
- 05 Jun 2009
Rohan, 05 Jun 2009I had a Nokia E63 which I used for one week and then exchan... moredear rohan ,
any nokia phones back up can easily be restored on different devices
u will not have a problem doing it
the moment u upload the same store all contacts on the memory card.
then reset ur phone by *#7370# after the reset is done copy the numbers in the phone and format the memory card this should clean the dirty back up if any
mind u im only talking about contacts
- A
- Amanda
- w6n
- 05 Jun 2009
Just wondering if i can use themes from my old phone (nokia 5300) on the nokia E71????
- R
- Rohan
- PU8
- 05 Jun 2009
I had a Nokia E63 which I used for one week and then exchanged for an E71. I had backed up my data from the E63 in my Laptop. I lost some data from the e63 and forgot to restore it before I exchanged it for the e71.
I was wondering if I can use the e63 back up on my e71. I have lost over 150 of my contacts and am trying to get them back.
An early response will be really appreciated.
- d
- desserted
- 0Cp
- 05 Jun 2009
I've had my e71 for 10 months and I haven't regretted purchasing it, ever. Great build quality. simple to use. very good productivity suite. useful (though not perfect) applications like business card scanner and gps. non-proprietary audio port. Qwerty keyboard is click solid after heavy usage. No dust issues, though I live in the desert. Amazing battery life. Very receptive wi-fi.
but, the camera is rubbish, utter crap. The music player is a bit too quiet. Playing most videos takes a great deal of converting. The keys are unreadable when lighting isn't ideal. I live in an area where English isn't the first language, so the keys feature English characters labeled in dark blue - utterly indecipherable except in good lighting.
Still, a great piece of kit. I still haven't seen anything released of late that makes me envious.
- L
- Lynn
- 4hC
- 05 Jun 2009
I was really enthusiastic about this phone, and loved it.... except it has barely any volume. I had trouble hearing my calls (and the ringer) even when turned all the way up. A bluetooth headset didn't improve the problem much either. With regret I returned it.
- P
- Pavel
- p5v
- 04 Jun 2009
This is the best phone at the moment in every parameter.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 5Au
- 04 Jun 2009
Vinay T, 04 Jun 2009Lulu,
What I saw is a very narrow gap between the screen a... moreVinay T,
how can i do that LOL? are there other ways to prevent it? that is the only problem that i am concern about...
- j
- joefish
- R0u
- 04 Jun 2009
Alaa casper, 01 Jun 2009Can anybody tell me how can i copy my contact from my old p... moreno. you do not have to do them one-by-one. Find the Mark option, then choose Mark them all, then save to phone memory. go to phone memory, check All, save to SIM. Then to display, and show only SIM