Nokia G22

Nokia G22

User opinions and reviews

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  • C
  • Carol
  • 3td
  • 22 Mar 2023

Sin, 22 Mar 2023Microsoft rained windows completely There even worse than... moreI just told you i run windows 11 on an 9 years old PC, if that's not legacy, well... As i've said, i am done talking software and hardware with you, you do not want to learn...

    • S
    • Sin
    • 8v{
    • 22 Mar 2023

    Carol, 21 Mar 2023Yet another proof that you give people advices on what they... moreMicrosoft rained windows completely
    There even worse than Google

    I think in all honesty I always disliked windows OS as it's always had software problems issues technical difficulty with trying get something or another too work or security or updates breaking crap or restrictions

    It's the least refined os ever it gets Franklined on too devices and is lacking features optimisation is something Microsoft don't understand the meaning of

    It's Microsoft fault for making not putting desktop windows on phones with Intel atom CPU

    It's unfortunate situation and turn of events for mobile windows OS for phone was a thing

    I actually wanted too buy a Nokia Lumia 930 but windows mobile is deal breaker

    It's software developers at fault all they had too do was support legacy os forever and hardware manufacturers keep making them
    It's cheaper also and elo friendly because it use existing equipment
    And mean a device live a lot longer life

    All software developers do is prove
    they don't care at all by not supporting legacy hardware & software

      • S
      • Sin
      • 8v{
      • 22 Mar 2023

      Carol, 21 Mar 2023Just because you advise people what to buy, based on cpu an... moreI just use commonly used emulators like Andy os
      It's a real stock android emulator

      My advice is based of real would experience and in-depth testing not your a topical computer benchmarks only

      I do understand how hardware works which part has which function and can make good estates

        • S
        • Sin
        • 8v{
        • 22 Mar 2023

        Carol, 21 Mar 2023It is actually very clean, and thos apps can be uninstalled... moreReal blootware is hmd global Nokia brand phones
        U can't even unstall FB lite from Nokia c01 plus
        Also the Nokia app has ads

        I don't like ads or blootware but Nokia has both now
        They software is horrible

        But other Chinese brands don't even install crapware in the first place
        I don't care less about Samsung OneUI

          • C
          • Carol
          • 3td
          • 21 Mar 2023

          Sin, 21 Mar 2023It isn't ok Why should software be too much for the ... moreYet another proof that you give people advices on what they should buy but have no understanding of the hardware.
          I run full blown windows 11 (TPM deactivated) on a more then 8 years old PC with Core™ i3-4160, a cheap 256 SanDisk SSD and 16GB RAM, without any problem, and it is actually faster then windows 7 was on the same maschine....
          Android is maybe RAM hog for the fact that it really does noit do that much, but windows? The system might need more RAM this days, but in comparison to android, is on another level of what it can do and the Graphics it comes with, there is no comparison. Also no comparison to any other OS, be it linux or MAC. Windows can do from enterprise, to home, everyhing that's possible to be done on a PC. None other can do Enterprise level, but only partialy, and mostly very problematic and unstable. You literally cannot blame Microsoft for evolvinng and Windows for developing further. If you need a good PC avoid intel celeron and Pentium, search for an icore, and you'll be fine.

            • C
            • Carol
            • 3td
            • 21 Mar 2023

            Sin, 21 Mar 2023If there was anyone who understands hardware it be me I hav... moreJust because you advise people what to buy, based on cpu and ram or that you learned how to run virtual android on a pc does not mean that you understand the binaries behind them.
            Sorry, but i still think you need to learn what everything does and how, and what does it need to do. Such information is hard to find outside professional schools but still "findeble".

              • C
              • Carol
              • 3td
              • 21 Mar 2023

              Sin, 21 Mar 2023Well not anymore clean os But hmd global changed so too h... moreIt is actually very clean, and thos apps can be uninstalled. That might be bloatware, but the real bloatware is when you use samsung and cannot unsinatll anything that's pre-installed without adb. And that's a lot...

                • C
                • Carol
                • 3td
                • 21 Mar 2023

                swaraj, 21 Mar 2023Windows being heavy is justifiable. It's much more cap... moreThis ^

                  • S
                  • Sin
                  • 0Rf
                  • 21 Mar 2023

                  swaraj, 21 Mar 2023Windows being heavy is justifiable. It's much more cap... moreIt isn't ok
                  Why should software be too much for the hardware too cope with it

                  All Microsoft does is this makes unnecessary heavy os and breaks everything they touch
                  Too be heavyer then android insanity
                  As if android Isn't android bad enough

                  Let's just mess up the laptops and pc also
                  As if they wasn't already slow enough
                  Technology isn't even getting faster it's actually getting slower thanks too poor software optimization making device's feel real sluggish

                  Using budget phone affects people in bad ways I think they make you miserable

                  Linux well is it any good?
                  I don't think my laptop compatible with Linux

                    • S
                    • Sin
                    • 0Rf
                    • 21 Mar 2023

                    Carol, 20 Mar 2023You again have no idea what you are talking about, sorry bu... moreIf there was anyone who understands hardware it be me I have too give advice on building pcs finding good phones etc

                    I can actually simulation results of each system and test this as I run virtual android machines on laptops or pcs

                    Not having much money means you have learn spend wisely
                    Generally OEMs are not know for making good systems

                      • S
                      • Sin
                      • 0Rf
                      • 21 Mar 2023

                      Carol, 20 Mar 2023What zhe are you talking anout? Nokia does not have clean o... moreWell not anymore clean os
                      But hmd global changed so too has Google and Android it's getting worse with ever new version

                      But Nokia is putting crap like Amazon FB lite Netflix along other stuff per-installed blootware
                      On there latest phones os

                      Hotwav & umidigi & some generic phones actually have clean os on them but Nokia not anymore

                        • s
                        • swaraj
                        • Hkt
                        • 21 Mar 2023

                        Sin, 20 Mar 2023On the topic of laptops and pcs Windows is even heavyer t... moreWindows being heavy is justifiable. It's much more capable and has a big set of components attached to it. So you cant complain. Beside your laptop igpu has no ram of It's own and uses main ram space . If a laptop is having problem with windows , install bodhi linux or elementary os or lubuntu or something

                          • C
                          • Carol
                          • 3td
                          • 20 Mar 2023

                          Sin, 20 Mar 2023On the topic of laptops and pcs Windows is even heavyer t... moreYou again have no idea what you are talking about, sorry but you need to take some serious hardware/software courses, i am done writing to you about the matter. You seem to not asimilate information, and keep on repet the same thing over and over again. I try to tell you something, but all you seem to understand, is what you want to tell me, sorry but i am confident that in this criteria, i know more then enough to be able to disagree. Anyway, my assumption is that, the most problem with you and your family, is not only the lack of understanding of hardware, it is also the lack of understanding the software. Combine both with a budget phone, and there you have a person that complains about everything, but does not want to also learn anything.
                          I do not use budget phones, cause i do not want to wait for tasks, but if i buy one, i know i would need to wait, because well, that is why it is a budget phone. But even so, i bet you, that if i buy budget phones, no matter wich one, it will work better when i use it, then when you use it...just saying.

                            • C
                            • Carol
                            • 3td
                            • 20 Mar 2023

                            Sin, 20 Mar 2023I don't think you ever used a modern budget Nokia phon... moreWhat zhe are you talking anout? Nokia does not have clean ok? Wgatever man...

                              • S
                              • Sin
                              • 0Rf
                              • 20 Mar 2023

                              Carol, 19 Mar 2023I do not find the RAM count to be poor, 4GB is more then en... moreOn the topic of laptops and pcs
                              Windows is even heavyer then even android and more hungry for ram and the os needs a absolutely ridiculous amount of space for boot drive

                              Microsoft turns windows OS too crap and clearly don't care about optimisation at all needing 8gb ram practical bare minimum

                              Am really not sure what big companies problem is
                              It's total joke there not supporting older hardware and software versions

                              A windows laptop with 4gb ram can barely even boot up and just a few Google Chrome tabs be too much

                              Harddrives are completely obsolete and a harddrive will completely cripple anything that trys too run off it

                              Storage speed determine performance more than any other spec

                              What am trying too explain is because of modern software being so damn heavy hardware standards for something too function properly are way higher than they used too be

                                • S
                                • Sin
                                • 8v{
                                • 20 Mar 2023

                                Carol, 19 Mar 2023I do not find the RAM count to be poor, 4GB is more then en... moreI don't think you ever used a modern budget Nokia phone before with up-to-date os

                                Hmd global puts crappy single channel ram in there phones I checked with app then hmd global slows there phones down with endless updates filled up with crappy blootware apps it's no wonder they have problems

                                Who wants a blootware riddon phone seriously without any free storage because updates filled it up

                                Maybe this one be smooth but unlike other brands Nokia does not have clean os anyone it is a unpleasant experience

                                  • C
                                  • Carol
                                  • 3td
                                  • 19 Mar 2023

                                  Sin, 18 Mar 2023The CPU is the least of problems here with this phone The ... moreI do not find the RAM count to be poor, 4GB is more then enough for a budget phone. But about RAM i told you more then once that you are not right. RAM is very important, but not the way you think. Their is even more important the frequency of the RAM module, and can the cpu work with it or is throttling it's performance. Most Mobile manufactures install though, only RAM with frequencys that are supported by the cpu. As i have more then once said, i have never had a phone that run out on RAM on me. A person must be installing like 1000 apps, and heavy apps that all run in the background to be able to keep the 4gb RAM bussy, and even so, it might still have a bit of space left. Their are laptops with full blown windows os installed, with 4 gb ram, so nope, RAM count is not the problem. If the phone laggs, that's 99% because of the GPU rendering. If the device is way to slow that would be 70% the CPU to blame, and 30% would be of course, the most bottleneked component in any device to blame: the Storage, that plays a big role in performance, but well not a great one if the cpu and gpu are lame.
                                  So let's put it this way: a system with an icore 7 12 generation (integrated intel graphics) and 4 GB RAM would still be even if storage runs on HDD fast enough to be used on a dayily basics, even with poorliy selected components that wont let the cpu shine. However, In comparison with a system runnunig intel celeron (newest edition), intel integrated graphics, with 16 GB RAM plus SSD drive, guess who will win? Of course that icore7 system will still crush the celeron in a lot of tasks. I hope i made it more clear this time. RAM count is very important, but way more important are RAM speeds. Anyway, RAM is rarerly to blame in a device with basic CPU, especially when we talk 4gb and up.

                                    • S
                                    • Sin
                                    • 0Rf
                                    • 18 Mar 2023

                                    Carol, 16 Mar 2023Yeah, the T606 is basic, no cpu for gaming and whatnut, it ... moreThe CPU is the least of problems here with this phone
                                    The mediatek p60 only just slightly be then it

                                    Not good either but usability is ok

                                    The limited resources ram is main issue with this phone I think there be issues ram capacity software not designed for low end phones like android and Google Chrome Also a ram hog nearly every android app has high requirements for ram

                                    Gaming performance isn't the worry here I don't know for sure if this phone be sluggish in basic usage or not it might lag often
                                    This phone has blootware apps then on top of that has too run future android versions Google isn't doing any manufacturer any good by not supporting legacy android versions

                                    It make a good androidgo phone I think
                                    but full Android on this way too heavy

                                    This is clearly a budget phone it' meets the standards what I expect for a £99 phone
                                    It's unlikely but possible be reduced too this price
                                    However the Nokia g10 & g11 both where sub £100 in the UK when on sale

                                    One big adventure this over the Nokia g10 I had actually reviewed
                                    The Nokia g22 has fast ufs storage instead of crappy emmc storage like in the Nokia g10 that could possibly be a lifesaver for this Nokia g22 phone

                                    Storage speed is very underrated spec for performance so it's possible the ufs storage could carry it and make up for it's other poor specs

                                      • C
                                      • Carol
                                      • skK
                                      • 16 Mar 2023

                                      Sin, 16 Mar 2023Idk it's unlikely looking online https://nanoreview.... moreYeah, the T606 is basic, no cpu for gaming and whatnut, it is tough understandable. The phone is good rounded for 200 euros. Will also get some price cuts from time to time, most probably, that being the time to buy it if you do not need to play heavy games 24 hours a day.

                                        • C
                                        • Carol
                                        • skK
                                        • 16 Mar 2023

                                        Sin, 16 Mar 2023Am going have too look into this more But got rough idea ... moreDon't remember what the fuss was. Well i also never cared about devices that had chinese CPUs to much in the past. I still do not see them getting better. And not talking only chinese, googles tensor, not quite impresive and exynos from samsung, is well, pretty bad in comparison. Apple managed to do some stable CPUs, but well, those work only on apple devices, on android they might as well be as fast as a snail. For now, nothing surpasses Qualcomm, which makes sense, they have loads of experience, i mean they realy know what they are doing. So i am really annoyed that they did not use tge 480, hack they should not even bother to make it run 5g cause nobody cares, well not my family at least...